Getting To Know … ALICIA LENA!!!
Recording or Performing Live?Oh, I of course love performing live but for me it has to be recording, I just love the process of creating new songs and watching them come alive in the studio, it’s really amazing when you listen to the finished version of your album for the very first time and you hear those songs that you’ve created.
Morning or Evening?I’m a fan of mornings, anyone who knows me knows that I like to always have something to do and waking up in the morning is something I’ve always loved with a beautiful blue sky shining through my apartment window, that to me is perfection.
What is your worst habit?I’m not too sure to be honest. I get told that I work way too hard sometimes but that’s not a bad thing (laughs). So I guess I’m a little restless which is apparently sometimes seen as a bad thing.
What is your favourite song of the moment?I have to say Cassie Valentine, Wrong One. It’s such a beautiful song, I’m a big fan of hers, I think she’s gonna be one of the greats, I think she’s already on the path towards greatness.
What is your favourite song of all time?Oh geez that’s tricky. I guess it would have to be something like, A Change Is Gonna Come by Sam Cooke. It’s just such a beautiful song, no matter how many times it gets covered there is no one that can outdo the original vocal.
What is your favourite musician/band?My favourite of all time would again be Sam Cooke or Otis Redding, it’s shaped the way I like to create music and definitely inspired my own work. My favourite modern musicians, I guess the list is endless, I think Hannah Beth is as close to a modern day Eva Cassidy as you’ll find. Such a beautiful voice and one of the sweetest people you’ll ever meet.
What is your favourite movie?Would it be wrong for me to say Bambi? (laughs)
What would be your perfect day?That would be impossible for me to describe, I think I’m too young to know what my perfect day would be, But I like to think I’m living it right now every day.
What is your best memory of your childhood?I guess that feeling of having absolutely no responsibilities. I loved that feeling of just being completely free, no bills to pay, no worries at all, just having fun with your friends. So yeah I guess that feeling of complete freedom.
Tell us something nobody else knows about you?Umm well I guess the biggest thing, although I think some people do know this about me, but I have serious commitment issues (laughs), I guess I bury myself in work because I don’t like the feeling of having to rely on someone else which I guess is why I stay single. Don’t feel sorry for me though because I’ve always been a pretty solitary person ever since I can remember, I’d like to fix that part of my life now though.
If you could date anyone in the music industry, who would it be?Oh my, Didn’t you read the last answer. (Laughs) I guess I’d like to hang out with Hayden, he’s pretty cool but then again, he’s a Merjos, they’re all cool (laughs).
What would be your 3 wishes?I wish I knew all of the answers, sadly I don’t. I sometimes wish I could fast-forward in time to see how my life turns out and I guess my final wish would be to leave the world knowing that I’ve made the most of this life.
Would you rather have worldwide success or true love?Can’t we have both? (laughs) I guess to be honest I’d say true love, I’ve never set out with that thought of having worldwide success or anything like that, my intentions as a musician have always been to hopefully create music that people can relate to and enjoy, if that brings success then so be it, but it’s not something I’ve searched for. So yeah I suppose true love would be preferable.
What do you think happens when we die?(laughs) Religion is always a tricky subject but I believe that what we do in this life affects what happens to us in the afterlife. It’s either eternal life or eternal damnation, but I guess we’ll never know but that’s what I believe.
What are your 5 life goals?1. To leave this life proud of what I’ve done and achieved
2. Have a family
3. Still be making music when I’m old
4. To live a long and healthy life
5. To be the best possible version of myself