Erica hess

Nina sangria

Paul marks....interviewer to the stars.

The duke of winchester's swinging aft deck lounge. Where the interview takes place.
Erica and nina are sitting on a small couch,with paul sitting opposite of them in a recliner. A table with 3 martinis sit between them.
Erica:hiya paul! Whats shaking?
Paul:*arranging his notes* hi.
Nina:well...intoductions,love? I am nina and this lucious little thing is erica.
Erica:*waves* care for a drink,mark?
Paul: it's paul actually.
Nina: thus the need for introductions.
Paul: i was also warned not to eat or drink anything you two offer me. The last interviewer we sent got dosed with acid and now fronts a grateful dead tribute band.
Erica:eeeew... that wasnt us. That was karoliena.
Nina: relax,love. Nothing is going to happen to you.
Paul: perhaps. But i was warned not to let either of you out of my sight.
Nina:what if i have to pee? Do you want to watch,then?
Erica: i bet he does! Look at those beady little eyes!
Paul: i have no interest in watching you pee.
Erica: how about me?
Paul: NO! i have no interest in watching either of you pee!
Nina: *makes a disgusted face* ....poop?
Paul: what?! No! What the fuck is wrong with you?
Erica: nothing.we just want to make sure you arent some pervy paul,mark.
Paul: it's paul.
Erica whatever.
Nina:you more of a foot fetish sorta chap?
Erica: *hides her feet behind nina's legs and mouths the word "gross".*
Paul: no,can we get to the interview?
Erica: you into crush porn,michael?
Paul: paul...and no.
Paul: i dont even know what that is. The questions,please?
Erica:*rolls her eyes* let the baby have his way.
Nina: happy now,baby? Huh? * pokes paul in the tummy with her finger* huh? Baby ,happy now?
Paul: please stop that.
Erica: oooh,is baby gonna cry? Huh,baby? Cry..
Paul: STOP!
nina: big man,yellng at a couple girls.
Erica:booooo! Should nina and i get you a beer while you watch football and scratch your balls?
Paul:*sighs* its just a couple of questions. Please stop.
Nina: well,you did say "please".
Erica: ok ringo. What do you want to know?
Paul: it's pau......you know what,its not important.
Nina: impotent,love?
Paul: important!
Erica and nina: oh,ok.
Erica: go
Nina: on
Erica: with
Nina: your
Erica: bosoms! I mean questions.
Paul:* shakes head* ok,so what's new for the harlots?
Erica: sorry,but that is all the time we have today.* stands up to show paul out.*
Paul: what?! Come on,this is my first assignment!
Nina: aww really,love? Shame the harlots never answer questions.*also stand up to show paul out*
Paul:i cant believe this shit. *leaves the room*
Nina:*picks up martini* harlots 2,inteviewers zilch.
Erica:*picks up her martini and clinks glasses with nina*