SOPA (Stop Online Piracy Act) is the biggest controversy on the web right now. It gives the government the right to remove a site of the internet if a record label or film company finds pirated material on it. It basically gives these companies and the government the right to censor the internet. If this bill is passed sites like Youtube could be removed from the internet if a user uploads illegal material or break copyright laws. Which is a good +70% of Youtube users. Tomorrow Wikipedia will shutdown for 24hrs in protest of SOPA, but only its most visited version the English language one. Other sites like Google, Facebook, Twitter, and major online sites are planning a blackout if the bill is passed also.
Advocates for SOPA-
Big 4 record labels (Warner Music Group, Universial Music, EMI, Sony Music International)
All the major film studios
All major television netowrks
Some tech companies (Apple, Microsoft, Intel)
Music, film, and book publishers
All the major internet sites
Some tech companies
Many video game companies
Internet Hacker group "Anonymous"
Pretty much what it is
Wikipedia: SOPAThis is the U.S., Record Labels, and Film Studios, trying to control the internet. Giving them way too much power on what people can access. Also, not to long ago Spain passed a similar law.
Edited by user 13 years ago
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