Live Ustream SessionBilly and Dustyn lay together on a bed trying to get the camera into focus. They talk among themselves while trying to sort out the camera. Dustyn then calls Riley and Scott over as the viewer count rises. The four boys sit on the bed and smile at the camera. Scott produces a packet of jelly babies from the bedside cabinet and shares them with the others.Scott: Hello! How are you all?
Dustyn: Hey!
Riley: We're back for Ustream number 2!
Billy: Woo!
Dustyn: Oh and before you ask, Ozzie isn't here as he is busy with Eilidh tonight.
Scott: Doing what, Dust?
Dustyn: I dunno....I'm going to guess that they are decorating
Guys, 'Fired Up' is amazing!Riley: Awww thank you! Glad you're enjoying it
Billy: Thanks, we really appreciate that
Scott: So what are your fave tracks on the CD?
'Back To The Start' is my favourite! It is amazingRiley: That is one of our personal faves too!
Dustyn: I'm really proud of that song
I must say that 'Smile About It' is the best song on the whole album! :DBilly: Again another personal favourite of ours. Did you know it was written by our little Dustyn?
Dustyn: Stop calling me that
Billy: All the girls think it's cute
Dustyn: Yeah but I don't want to be referred to by my username on Twitter.
Why do you not follow your fans back on Twitter? :(Billy: It clogs up our timeline plus we have limits as to how many we can follow
Riley: It's hard enough trying to look through our mentions never mind our time lines. We do love you all though and try to reply to as many tweets as possible.
Dustyn: I try to follow back as much as I can because I'm nice unlike these 3.
Scott: Hey, I'm one of the nicest people in the world. I'd give Jesus a run for his money.
How does it feel to have 2 songs in the Top 20?Scott: It's absolutely fantastic. I remember we were all worried before the release of our first single as we thought we may flop because we weren't following the current dance/house trend but now here we are.
Riley: Also, a MASSIVE thank you to all who bought 'Smile About It'. It just missed the top 10 this week so get downloading and get it in there. It would mean so much to us.
Billy: Yeah, thanks to our Weekend Army for supporting us. You guys are fucking insane, you do anything for us, you send us the craziest of things, you harass us on Twitter but we love you.
Guys, where is this Ustream being broadcast from?Scott: We are in Billy & Dustyn's flat; in our little complex.
Dustyn: On our bed
Billy & Dust share a bed!? Are you trying to tell us something? O_OBilly: What's wrong with that!?
Dustyn: Yeah, I'm only 16 and living on my own is not really a good idea as I'm sort of clueless so I live with Billy.
Scott: Come to think of it though, why do you share a bed? You could easily buy two single beds or is it because you two get a little naughty at night?
Dustyn: What?
Billy: That is between me and Dustyn....haha
Which one of you guys are the laziest?Riley: Billy or Scott
Scott: Why us!!?
Riley: It takes Billy forever to get out of bed and Scott, you just take forever to do anything. I do my exercises, Oscar is quite active too. Dustyn just runs around hyper after drinking too much fizzy drinks.
Billy: Oh yeah Dustyn, you wrecked the place today. The sugar got to your brain again.
Dustyn: Sorry...
Have you guys ever done drugs?Scott: What a way to bring the mood down.....ha, well I haven't but I did accidentally take too much pills before because I read the label wrong and I felt a bit 'odd', that's about it though.
Billy: No, I'd never touch them. Although I do smoke and that's a drug...
Dustyn: I've got high a few times
Riley: Dustyn, you never fail to amaze us....
How are Oscar & Eilidh getting on?Riley: They are great together. I've never known him to act the way he does before.
Scott: She has definitely tamed him. Although he might still act wild now and then...
Billy are you and Mykky dating!?Billy: No. We are really close and do get along but.....no.
Dustyn: He doesn't date her, he dates me! Haha
Billy: Ha, oh yeah how dare you ask that question when you know fine well that me and Dustyn are in love....
Weekend, come to Japan!Scott: OK, we'll come tomorrow for some sushi and a day out.
Riley: That would be amazing! I love Japan. Boys, we should speak to management and see if they can get us some promo in Japan. Actually, have we released anything in Japan? That's the thing....
Billy: We haven't yet but I'm sure we will soon so...JAPAN, GET READY FOR US!!
When will Ghost Hunting With Weekend Pt2 be uploaded?Dustyn: Very soon. We've just had some difficulties with the video but we will get it to you ASAP.
Scott: Billy doesn't want it to be uploaded though because during Part 2, Oz was a naughty boy and pulled down Billy's trousers and underwear. You must be glad there are problems with the video, you don't want people seeing your butt do ya?
Billy: I don't mind. I'm just glad the camera didn't catch anything else....
Dustyn, do you have mental health problems or are you just plain slow!?Riley: Awww, harsh
Dustyn: Well, I do have a few problems but I just take it as it is. People say things sometimes and I just don't compute what they are actually meaning and stuff.
Scott: I wouldn't have answered them Dust, they were just plain rude!!
What are your biggest pet peeves that fans do?Dustyn: When they just come up and hug you without warning. I don't like being touched because of....well,...past experiences.
Riley: I don't mind anything really.
Scott: I hate when they throw things, like gifts. Soft things like teddy bears and stuff are ok but I got hit in the head with a book yesterday.
Billy: I hate it when people cry near us. It's not like we're Gods or anything just calm down!
Dustyn, how is Holly and the baby doing? :)Dustyn: Well Holly and I aren't the best of friends as you all know but I've visited her recently and she said that everything is fine.
Billy: You cheated on me with her!
If you had a time machine where would you go to?Billy: I'd go back to the 80's, I've always wanted to experience them.
Scott: I'd go to 1732 for no reason what so ever...
Riley: I'd travel to the 1950's, they seemed so cool
Dustyn: I'd go to the future to see how we do in the music industry and see what my child will be like.
Who is the funniest in the band?Riley: Scott & Dustyn are really funny. Dustyn is so sarcastic and Scott does the practical jokes and is just so random it is unreal, aren't you?
Scott: Pineapple.
Riley: See...
Scott: I must say that Dustyn makes me laugh so much without even trying. No offense Dust but it is because of the way you are slow to react to things, or the way you say things that you aren't supposed to. He lacks good social skills and just mentions taboo subjects in front of the most important and serious people. The funniest thing is that even he doesn't know he's doing it. I call him an unconscious comedian! He says things that ends up getting him into trouble and he can't understand why, so then he puts on his 'confused' face which makes it even funnier.
Dustyn: Yeah Scott I don't get why you laugh at me. Yesterday when Oscar's mum came to visit and she asked if her dress made her look chubby and I said yes, you started rolling on the floor. It wasn't even a joke, I was only answering a question....
Billy: I think all of us have our moments. I couldn't say who is the funniest.
Riley: Well thanks for all the questions, we had fun tonight. See you all soon!
Dustyn: Bye bye everyone, have a nice night!
Scott: We're going to let Billy and Dustyn have nice night of passionate f..
Billy: DON'T FINISH THAT SENTENCE!.....bye everyone!