!!!Lightning Bolt!!!(by Jasper Mack)
!!!Lightning Bolt!!! is a new blog by freelancer and Culture Uncut contributer Jasper Mack. This week he is reviewing Pop Idol, Suzie’s new single, Burn Away. ‘Burn Away’ is Suzie’s first single from her untitled, and currently unscheduled sophomore album, of the two singles to be released this week, this is probably the one with the most publicity.
For those unaware Suzie is the latest in the bubble-gum pop revolution, taken to a dark almost cynical turn that at first look seems to be a satire of the industry as a whole...until you realize this is the genuine persona of a Swedish Pop Idol.
(Most might find the turn from arrogant diva, to proud sex symbol unbelievable, but the message is clear.)
The song itself has the same production values that can be expected of a billionaire’s daughter, in that it’s near flawless and manages to make a good showing of hiding the popster’s numerous faults. The thing is, this time around her faults are few and far between.
She consistently states, "In this fickle world, we make our own fate." which I am sure is a line written by co-writer Danny Allen, but that's besides the point, the lyrical element is better but still not hitting the mark of some of the higher flying female acts out there. Suzie attempts to portray herself as a sex symbol, and a semi-noble one at that, but with weak offerings like this, it's hard to see the actual weight/depth behind said claims.
Lyrically, it’s slim pickings, but with the actual music, it hits the mark with what it wants to be, but I can’t help but think that it could be more. It’s a dubstep party beat however, so you get what you paid for.
Pros:- Nice party material.
- Great production.
Cons:- Nothing new.
- No substance.
- Mediocre lyrics.
Final Verdict/tl;dr: OK track, nice production values. Not anything that I’d play near me mother.
5 - Part of a new musical revolution, I loved it and it might make my Top 10 of the year.
4 - Nice, solid effort. Gonna be something that I have no qualms about putting on repeat.
3 - Average, run of the mill. Nothing new at all.2 - Derivative and mildly insulting, but listenable.
1 - Complete and absolute shit. I hated this.
Three Dead Mice out of Five(OOC: Well, here’s the start of a new experiment for me. The biggest difference between my previous reviews and this one, is that I only write them, I don’t decide the score. Instead I hit my random number generator and let IT choose the score for me.
http://www.random.org/in...;format=html&rnd=newThere will not be an instance of two scores being the same in a row, if such a thing happens, I’ll re-do the generation.
If I happen to give your epic 10 page song RP a 1, it’s the character and generator, not me. This is all IC anyway. Hope you enjoy, and I’ll take suggestion of what to review, but that doesn’t mean flood me with stuff. One at a time please, and one song at a time. I’ll only be doing individual songs.
*Another note, because of this experiment. ECHO will be going on a creative hiatus so I can gather notes and stuff in my head about it, while I’m doing this. Thanks for reading kids, get back on the hump.)