Recording or Performing Live?Performing live is great, I like to hear that instant reaction from the audiences which is something you don’t get in a studio, I think recording is very boring and frustrating at times and unless you can somehow get 15,000 fans in the studio with you then it’ll not be the same and if that was to happen then I think there would be some health and safety issues … that and Amy would get trampled.
Morning or Evening?Well that’s an obvious one and I’ll tell you for why … Firstly who doesn’t love the feeling of waking up and then realizing that you get to live another day and secondly and definitely more importantly I prefer the morning because I look extremely sexy with bedhead hair. So yeah, I’d have to say that I prefer the morning rather than the evening, and not just because I’m afraid of the dark.
What is your worst habit?Worst habit? Are you insane? I’m perfect in every way imaginable, silly Culture Uncut people doubting my awesomeness, you guys need to take a long hard look at yourselves after that! ... For shame, Culture Uncut! ... For shame.
What is your favourite song of the moment?I dunno, maybe ‘Get Crazy’ by Layla, simply because she’s just too hot, I wish I could have my own mini Layla
What is your favourite song of all time?‘He’s A Pirate’ by Klaus Badelt, it’s always nice to pretend to be Jack Sparrow, you know? I mean it’s not as if I dress like a pirate and pretend that my bed is the Black Pearl or anything … I don’t, I swear!
What is your favourite musician/band?It’s gotta be ‘Barenaked Ladies’ simply because it’s the perfect band name to type into Google, the search results are quite remarkable and it’s always a good excuse if anyone checks out your search history, you can be all like “I was searching for tour dates from my favourite band! … what sort of sex addict do you think I am?”
What are your favourite movie?Star Wars, simply because it’s the one story that was created about my whole life … well that’s maybe a little too over exaggerated but my dad was part of an empire that also built a death star and he had breathing problems too, the similarities are quite spooky when you think about it.
What would be your perfect day?A Saturday!
What is your best memory of your childhood?Going on a journey with my friends, Chris, Teddy and Vern, It was labor day weekend and we went to find the body of a missing boy … Oh wait, Nope, that’s the plot of ‘Stand By Me’ … Sorry, next question?.
Tell us something nobody else knows about you?Ummm … something nobody else knows about me? … Ummm how about … I don’t like telling people things that other people don’t know about me.
If you could date anyone in the music industry, who would it be?Ideally someone with breasts but at this point I’ll take what I can get!
What would be your 3 wishes?1) To someday meet a blue genie dude with the voice of Robin Williams
2) To someday fight Robin Williams while dressed as a Dustin Hoffman in a pirate costume with a hook for a hand
3) To find out why most of my wishes involve Robin Williams
Would you rather have worldwide success or true love?I would rather have worldwide love! … I’m greedy like that.
What do you think happens when we die?We get to have beers with John Lennon, Jeff Buckley and Jim Morrison
What are your 5 life goals?I only have one, to continue to live until the day I die … Oh and also to someday learn how to take random getting to know you questions a little more seriously.