SUZIE - Chaos Awards - June 23rd, 2012As Suzie's name is announced, automatically all lights inside the arena go black with a surprising pop in cheer heard in response, many fans are up and screaming showing love for the very controversial pop tart that Suzie is. Others are just watching closely as the camera shuffles around at different celebrities watching. Not too long after, a large black screen then slides down from the arena's ceiling with a very suspenseful instrumental accompanying this very eerie vibe. When the large screen finds it way to everyone's clear view.... a countdown pops up on the screen. Starting from five, the numbers go lower and lower with a heart rate monitor sound effect. First with "5" and proceeding downward the suspenseful and eerie tone continues on.
[Sounds Like|Start at 1:05]

After it reaches one, along with the instrumental still playing, a flatline like sound effect is heard and Suzie's signature "SuzieNation" banner is seen. Some fans go into a complete pop in cheer, and others stand their ready to judge and crack down on Suzie. With the surprising amount of people cheering once more.....Suzie is finally scene. A female figure is seen rising from the bottom of the stage finding her way right in center stage. People are cheering and Suzie just stands there looking stunning adoring a aromatic feathery dress that eventually breaks into a haulter top, with lengthy platform heels. Suzie 's looking directly into the crowd, the instrumental finally stops. And after looking at the crowd for a few music seconds, Suzie brings her mic up to her mouth
CHAOS, ARE YOU READY? After that is said out of no where, the the weird pounding that hits onto the empty track of Are You Ready begins to sound. The crowd began cheering as Suzie's back up dancers sprawl out onto the stage with smoke filling up the stage as the beginning of Are You Ready's throbbing wails throughout the arena.

When the dancers find there spots, all of them in a squatting position the unorthodox computer generated riffs sizzle throughout the track and arena as Suzie brings the mic up to her mouth once more, with the help of the playback of the track, Suzie confidently mutters out the quick paced and ace lyrics of the track
Heads back, stand up, I just want another glance of you
As our bodies touch, I just want another dance with you
And I just want another sip on this drink to forget about it all
Running head over heels to the dance floor, I'll dance until I fall
Up at the bar, I'll be drinking until there's a brawl
And I won't be leaving until I have to crawlWith her dancers breaking out into a full on dance routine, Suzie stands there flowing through the lyrics and by the time she gets to the third line, she joins in with her backup dancers as she throws her hands up and engages in a choreographed piece that doesn't require much dancing from the pop tart. Theavy chorus brings us to new heights as the the already swift upbeat pulsating picks two notches up in speed and becomes a dance floor crazed, and unrelenting harmony with each pulsating beat we already hear being layered to create a mixture of bizarre yet enjoyable ringing. Suzie then breaks into a highly choreographed dance piece for the chorus as the beat explodes throughout the award show arena. They do swift dance moves, Suzie keeping up amazingly even with large heals on as a long blonde locks follows her every move
As the rest of the world dreams, I'm living nocturnally
Before the end of this song, I'm gonna get it on
Feels like I could live like this for eternity
Tonight's the night, I'm taking over universally
Make you scream 911, emergency
Put your hands up, surrender to me
Are you ready? Are you ready? R-r-ready?
To come and step it up to me
Are you ready? Are you ready? R-r-ready?
Yeah, come and give it up to meThe mic is still at Suzie's mouth as she continues to dance throughout the chorus. The dancers then find their way back to center stage, where Suzie throws her arms up as the overwhelming chorus then slows down giving us a sizzling beat that brings the chorus way back down to where it started.

The beat then picks once more with the back and forth beats of the beginning and backing beat we are now familiar with. Suzie starts again, standing looking directly into the crowd looking cocky and confident as she throws her attitude into the over the top lyrics
And I can't help it, I'm such an addict
But the nightlife has everything I need
It's just like something scientific
My hunger for the bass is past skin deep
Trying to be optimistic
I want you to give me a treat
But all the talk is cheap and most guys in here are creeps
So are you ready to come and step it up to me?
You know no girl can compare, my beauty just can't be beat
If you're ready, then come and give it up to me
I'm a cold blooded bitch
So cold I make the ice in my drink freeze
Think I need a hot b-b-body
To heat me up, come and press it up on me
Let's go and flip the switch
Always get what I want, don't have to say please
If you think you're red hot enough for me
Then give it up, baby, let's just live it upSuzie then walks around the stage bringing out her inner sex cat as she apologetically lets loose with her confident oversexed lyrics. Her back up dancers all line up in a repetitive notion, about 8 in two seperate lines, with it's center open, Suzie struts through them murmuring I'm a cold blooded b-tch, So cold I make the ice in my drink freeze, Think I need a hot b-b-body, To heat me up, come and press it up on me, Let's go and, flip the switch, Always get what I want, don't have to say please, If you think you're red, hot enough for me, Then give it up, baby, let's just live it up! And out of no where the songs quickly slips back into the majestic chorus where both divas team up and go back and forth asking the listener, or the man on the dance floor if they are ready behind the incredibly catchy, pulsating and ringing chorus.
As the rest of the world dreams, I'm living nocturnally
Before the end of this song, I'm gonna get it on
Feels like I could live like this for eternity
Tonight's the night, I'm taking over universally
Make you scream 911, emergency
Put your hands up, surrender to me
Are you ready? Are you ready? R-r-ready?
To come and step it up to me
Are you ready? Are you ready? R-r-ready?
Yeah, come and give it up to meOnce again, Suzie then breaks into a 40 count dance routine for the chorus of the track. Her backup dancers who are all girls, wearing glittery shirts and short shorts. They dance into the bridge of the song that contains an echo-y drum breakdown that also features the ringing from the chorus and generated riffs from the beginning of the song followed by massive tenor drums booming throughout the bridge. They all continue to dance through the bridge. Suzie keeps up with the track with the mic still up to her mouth every time the words to the song come about.
So come and give it t-t-to me
Now, are you ready? Are you ready? R-r-ready?
Tell it to me, t-t-to me
Are you ready? Are you ready? R-r-ready?
Come over here and l-l-love me
Now, are you ready? Are you ready? R-r-ready?
Cause I'm ready to...
Suzie perfects every move lovely as the pounding beat continues throughout the track as she moves around the stage. The backing beat gets bigger and they continue to dance with the lights getting progressively brighter and moving around throughout the arena as they dance until the end of the song.
As the rest of the world dreams, I'm living nocturnally
Before the end of this song, I'm gonna get it on
Feels like I could live like this for eternity
Tonight's the night, I'm taking over universally
Make you scream 911, emergency
Put your hands up, surrender to me
Are you ready? Are you ready? R-r-ready?
To come and step it up to me
Are you ready? Are you ready? R-r-ready?
Yeah, come and give it up to meWhen the song ends, Suzie throws her hands in the air, fans begin cheering and automatically the song switches to a different song.
Suzie then moves up to center stage with her dancers, She has a serious look on her face and she stares dead into the eyes of the camera, she throws in a smile. People in the crowd start cheering as "Burn Away's" aggressive pounding beat is heard, Suzie's dancers all find their places and switch up the routine for the next song.
Judgers judge
Haters hate
In this fickle world
We make our own fate
The dirty looks and negativity
Have become too common
It’s no surprise to me
Judgers will judge
Haters will hate
In this fickle world
We make our own fateBright spotlights are panning around the arena as Suzie sings through Burn Away's brilliant production . Suzie's over confident, edgy vocals supported by backing track and some strong and confident delivery of the lines before, getting a bit more sexier each time she continues with the lines of the songs. The fans cheer and Suzie stands there with the mic in front of her face going through the lines with this evil sneering smile on her face

The song then breaks into a euphoric pop liftoff that sounds very futuristic as the beat blares through speakers in the arena, along with lilting synths . Suzie nasally syncing the chorus and the next verse standing center stage, throwing herself around in different dance moves with her backup dancers.
The haters wish I’d burn away
But I gotta to tell you that I’m here to stay
The haters wish I’d burn so fast
They thought this success wouldn’t last
I’ve proved you wrong
No matter what you’d say
There’s no chance
That I’ll ever burn away
I ain’t going nowhere
No matter what gets said
No matter how much hate comes my way
I ain’t hanging from a thread
Just say what you want
Do what you please
I ain’t going nowhere
You won’t bring me to my knees
The haters wish I’d burn away
But I gotta to tell you that I’m here to stay
The haters wish I’d burn so fast
They thought this success wouldn’t last
I’ve proved you wrong
No matter what you’d say
There’s no chance
That I’ll ever burn awayThe tracks unrelenting beat, breaks down for the next chorus once again, showing the futuristic, euphoric beat with Suzie dances along with her dancers, still maintaining that confident posture, elegance and look. The crowd starts cheering when it looks as if Suzie is walking off the stage. This lilting synths are building and male dancers finally walk out with Suzie for the dubstep break down that also gets crowd pop as they begin to dance Suzie moving around, gyrating and moving sexually as she screaming out Burn, burn, burn away| Don’t you realize, I’m here to stay| Burn, burn, burn away| Burn, burn, burn away|Don’t you realize, I’m here to stay| as she sings it sexily choreographed piece that could be quite the standout of her performance.
Burn, burn, burn away
Don’t you realize, I’m here to stay
Burn, burn, burn away
Burn, burn, burn away
Don’t you realize, I’m here to stayThe breakout sizzles across the track with Suzie still performing until the dub breakdown fades away as the synths take over, bringing us to the chorus as the tempo is cracked a bit higher this time. Suzie starts walking off the stage, the male dancers follow her and the females stay on the stage continuing to dance and keep the main stage occupied. All eyes are on Suzie as she walks up the aisle as she struts her way down with the male dancers dancing while their moving and Suzie strutting, soon after, the entire floor is filled with Suzie's dancers as she sings the last chorus that is blaring over the PA system
[Without the confetti]
The haters wish I’d burn away
But I gotta to tell you that I’m here to stay
The haters wish I’d burn so fast
They thought this success wouldn’t last
I’ve proved you wrong
No matter what you’d say
There’s no chance
That I’ll ever burn away
The final chrorus incorporates some euro rave synths that has many of her fans in the crowd throwing up their hands and dancing, taking pictures of Suzie who is extremely close to them now. Suzie has a big smile on her face and hurries back to center stage as the song rides out and comes to an glorious end with Suzie doing a final pose,
signalling the end of the performance
Suzie dancers all fall to the ground as the fans begin cheering
SetlistAre You Ready?
Burn Away