Music Box - Pretty Little Freaks InterviewLisa: Hey there. Welcome to another great show of the Music Box. I'm your host, Lisa, and today we really have a show for you all. Joining us today is up and coming girl band, Pretty Little Freaks. They'll be stopping by for some Q& A but that's not all. We also have the world premiere of Kato's new video to his new single, “Hurt Me Bad” coming up later in the show. Make sure you don't miss it but now without further adieu, lets give it up for Pretty Little Freaks!!!!!!Lisa: Hey girls. You both look oh so lovely.Mia: Thanks, we do try to look our best when we have to
Jade: Thank you Lisa you look great as well. (Smiles)
Lisa: No, thank you Jade. (Smiles) Just a few years ago, you two were attending college, working in your parent's pub back home and performing there as well. Now you're traveling and performing in a variety of locations, making hit singles, and well on your way to becoming the next big girl band. How has the transition been for you?Mia: It’s been a really long road to be honest, I mean when you put it like that it seems like it’s been a pretty easy ride so far but we’ve worked hard for a really long time and it wasn’t until after college when I considered this as a possible career, we both studied fashion at college and wanted to go down that route initially. But we’ve spent the past couple of years falling in love with the art of music and we’ve somehow managed to get some sort of break, but we’ve definitely worked hard to get to where we are now.
Lisa: You both are from London, England. Do the people back at home support you?
Mia: Oh yeah! We’re totally just like The Beatles back home, nah we’ve got a little fanbase, nothing crazy or anything but we love going back home whenever we can.
Jade: There's definitely some amazing
Freaks we have that have been supporting us since Day one so we want to do everything we can to make sure we don't disappoint.
Lisa: For those who aren't familiar with Pretty Little Freaks, how would you describe your sound?Mia: I think it’s a mix of all kinds of music, I think pop-rock is the obvious genre that comes to mind but we like to change things up sometimes and because there’s two of us we’ve got different tastes and that sometimes comes across in our music.
Jade: It's really a blend of numerous genres. Pop-Rock, to me, is the base and then we extend it further with throwing in Electro or something similar to it. We're changing up styles all the time because of our own personal favorites.
Lisa: Who are your musical and non-musical influences? Mia: I’ve always preferred rock music; I love Joan Jett and Blondie.
Jade: I've always loved Joan Jett, Johnny Cash, they've just about written songs that I can relate to or just love because of it's pure genuineness.
Lisa: What inspires you to do what you do?Mia: I enjoy putting myself out there, writing things gives me perspective and helps me understand things around me a little better. Also I quite enjoy the lifestyle that comes with what we do, I’d be lying if I said it wasn’t one of the perks.
Jade: My passion for music. It really keeps me going when I feel like I want to quit or whatever and I realize how lucky I am to have even been given the chance to be making music that everyone can hear.
Lisa: What advice would you give to fellow bands?
Mia: Go your own way, it’s as simple as that. Obviously you should be willing to listen to input from other people but every decision that you make should be your own decision and something that you’re comfortable with.
Jade: Yes, definitely find your own niche and stick with it. Don't make yourself suitable for the industry, make them suitable for yourself.
Lisa: Before you guys made it big, you promoted your music through videos on YouTube. How do you go about promoting it now?Mia: I think it’s important to just keep your fans as updated as you can, sometimes you get side-tracked but they understand and if they enjoy your music then they’ll find it, that’s what I think anyway.
Lisa: You're signed to Chaos Records. What's it like having a label supporting you?Mia: It’s great to be signed to a label, it definitely helps to get your work out into the public consciousness more than before we got signed, I wouldn’t say that it’s essential to sign to a label though but it definitely does help.
Jade: Yeah, we really love our label but we managed to do some things without one but we're grateful for the opportunity to be signed by such legends.
Lisa: If Chaos Records hadn't have taken interest in you, do you think you would have been as successful without a label as you are now?
Mia: Yeah I think we would have, they’re not the only label out there for one and our debut E.P was released independently and sold a ridiculous amount, so yeah I think we would have been just as successful as we currently are.
Lisa: Your last single, “Little Heaven (Escape),” was a great track by you. What was it like working with Aaron Marks?Mia: I think Jade had a crush on him, she kept stuttering whenever she spoke to him, it was so cute.
Jade: I did not Mia! (Laughs) He was really nice and polite when we all got together and met and recording was fun because he's a really unique person who brings a lot to the studio. It was a very fun experience.
Lisa: For the last couple of months or so, you two have been pretty quiet. It wasn't until recently that you made a blog telling us you had been working on your killer debut album in your downtime. How has it been recording it versus recording your EP?Mia: It’s taken a lot more time recording this album compared to our E.P and that’s because there’s much more songs to record, it’s only natural for an album to take longer, it’s been stressful but I can’t wait to hit the road and tour in support of it.
Lisa: Tell us more about the album. Do you have a name picked out yet?Mia: I’ll do the drum roll, you tell em’ Jade!
Jade: It's calllllled....
Underneath The Blue Moonlight! (Laughs)
Lisa: Awesome name. Every album pretty much has a theme, what's yours?Mia: It’s just songs inspired by what we’ve felt at some point. There’s happy songs that appear on the album and there’s quite a few more sad ones too. It’s just a complete mix of all kinds of feelings.
Jade: It's basically a kind of 'getting to know us' record where there's tons of different emotions on the songs about us or someone or a boy or a stranger, just a wide variety of songs.
Lisa: Any hot collaborations on this album?Jade: We decided to not overshadow ourselves by letting everyone else come in on our record so we only have our one collaboration and that was with Mr. Aaron Marks.
Lisa: We have just two questions left. The first question comes from Nina and she ask, “Besides getting your debut album out, what else are you working on?”Mia: Most of my focus has been on the album for the best part of the year, we’ll get a little downtime for a week or two once the album has been released but I won’t be planning anything else anytime soon.
Jade: Really just the album and trying to get it out so our fans wouldn't abandon us. (Laughs)
Lisa: Our last question comes from an audience member.
Audience member: “Jade, you were a victim of bullying. What advice would you give those still struggling with it?”Jade: Yeah, well I think it's important to have someone or a group of people who are really there for you and can help you because my biggest helper has been my sister Mia, unfortunately not everyone has someone so I think it's best to just take one day at a time and not to let yourself get overwhelmed. It's hard to think about not getting so upset and angry but you will get become a better person and it'll always get better if you allow it to. I still get bullied till this day but I just know that you can't always listen to what someone says about you because they just wanna get you down and if you let them then you let them control you so have a lot of control and just have patience and faith. There's really no sure fire answer on how to deal with bullying because sadly, it's getting worse and bigger every year and I think if more people spoke out about it and could have confidence, the outcomes would be better.
Lisa: Thank you both for those great questions and thank you Pretty Little Freaks for stopping by the show today. We hope to have you back again someday. Its time for a quick break but up next we have the world premiere of Kato's new video to “Hurt Me Bad.” Don't touch that dial, we'll be right back.*commercial break*