There is the sound of a bass tuning and random crowd noise as the camera focuses on the members of Reported Failure onstage. Billie Beckett is shirtless wearing jeans and holding the microphone at his side. Matt Collins stands tall and slim in jeans and a white t-shirt with some sort of design on it. He is tuning his bass. Vin Peters is dressed in black leather pants and a ripped up black band shirt. His stage makeup of guyliner has gotten smudged with sweat. He's jumping up and down slowly in the background. Robert Edwards can be seen only slightly in the back getting water. KC James stands in the foreground close to Billie also wearing black pants and a band shirt.
Billie says some things to Vin who nods in agreement and then Billie puts the mic to his mouth and starts to talk: "This is going to be our last song." Billie paused and waited for the crowd to settle down a little bit. "Now earlier today something happened. In a pit on the main stage someone was stabbed to death." The crowd was silent now, listening intently to Billie. He continued, "Now we dont want this to happen. Its our responsibility as concert goers and concert players to make sure this doesn't happen. He was just like all of you. He just wanted to see his favorite band play. And here's what I'm gonna say and I want everyone to hear it and know it: No one brings a fucking weapon to a Reported Failure concert ever!" The crowd cheered in agreement with Billie. "No one should have to die for rock n roll" he continued; "Were here to play. Now security has advised me not to get in the crowd as I always do, but you all heard me. No one brings a fucking weapon to a Reported Failure concert... And I have to get on the crowd its what I do. So lets fucking play this song. This is MANUFACTURED RADIO!".
Immediately after Billie finished talking the intro to the song kicked in with Matt playing the powerful bassline, a punchy riff from Vin, solid drumming from Robert, and ska chords from KC. Billie immediately jumped into the crowd and began singing. He managed to get up and walk throughout the crowd getting as far as his mic-cord would take him. He sang with all of the passion and swagger he could. He yelled at the crowd to "Sing this with me" as the chorus rolled around. As the bridge came the band played a nice break differing from the recorded version and allowed Billie and the crowd to sing mostly acapella. "Ladies and gentlemen Vin Peters' said Billie as Vin's guitar solo began. Billie took this time to get the peaople around him to help him get going back towards the stage. Throughout the guitar solo Billie and many other fans crowdsurfed towards the stage. Billie got back intime to sing the last chorus onstage and then scream out the last lines. "Whoo! You guys are great. And I'm not stabbed thank goodness. We're Reported Failure. Goodnight" said Billie and then started walking off the stage. Matt grabbed a mic and said "Buy our new Record Darkness at the Reported Failure merch booth. Or download it illegally. Just dont tell our label we said you could. Thanks guys. See ya."
LyricsYou got soul
Hidden in this remote control
you turn it on (off on off on off on off)
you got style
With your skin tight jeans
And your angsty graphic t-shirt
you take it off (on off on off on off on)
So when you walk down the street, hope you know youre doin it for me
And that voice in the back of your head, that’s me
And your words, I wrote them for you
So you can be the radio
What happened… to anything
you swear it wasn’t like this just the other day
What happened to living?
And being something just so you could say
“I’ll go my own way”
You got beat
Through some digital screen
You turn it on (Off on off on off on off)
You got licks
Through your guitar picks
You stroke it up (down up down up down up down)
So when you breathe fuck or sleep I hope you know that youre doin it for me
Every note you’ve sang, that was me
And your words, I wrote them for you
So you can be the radio
What happened… to anything
you swear it wasn’t like this just the other day
What happened to living?
And being something just so you could say
“I’ll go my own way”
Though you try (try try try try try try)
You cant escape me
I am the mafia
I am the radio
I am Sirius top 40 hits
I am the radio
I am the radio
I am the fucking radio
What happened… to anything
you swear it wasn’t like this just the other day
What happened to living?
And being something just so you could say
“I’ll go my own way”
I am the fucking radio
Setlist[Part 1]
1. My Name is William (William/Feeedom EP)
2. Testimony (Disarm)
3. Crumbling (Darkness)
4. A Pattern of Distress (Darkness)
5. Post-Grunge Catastrophe (PGC)
6. Short (Flux of the Run)
[Acoustic Break]
7. Hope To Get Out (Flux of the Run)
8. Fold the Wire (I've Known You)
9. Cure To Growing Older (PGC)
10. Sunburn (RF & Friends)
[Part 2]
11. 6771 (Darkness)
12. Disarm (Disarm)
13. Goodbye, My Son (William/Freedom EP)
14. Almost (Not) Famous (PGC)
15. Writing My Own Eulogy (Darkness)
16. New America (Darkness)
17. I Know You (I've Known You)
18. Manufactured Radio (PGC)