erica hess

nina sangria

ricky ricardo

at the octillio lodge
ricky: i am ricky ricardo,and i am here with the harlots. we are coming to you live from the very cool octillio lodge.
erica:* giggles*
nina: ricky ricardo,love? like in-
ricky:*sighs* yes...you dont need to say it.
erica: lucy! you got some 'splaining to do!
ricky: yea,like i never heard that before.
nina: well,you never heard it from us. so that shit is funny.
erica:....actually,i think i met you at my mom's 20 year high school reunion.i totally said it then.
ricky: who is your mother?
erica: are you talking about my mother?!
ricky: well,yes.
nina: how dare you talk about her mother!
erica: sir,i did not agree to this "interview" only to have you talk about my mother.
ricky: YOU brought her up!
erica: really?
nina: seems like something you'd do,love.
erica: oh....carry on then.* returns to sipping some sort of drink with a tiny umbrella.*
ricky: first,why are you girls way out in california? aren't you on the carvival of sound tour? which is going on over towards the east coast.
nina: we like the drinks here.
erica: plus the pool seems to be mostly urine free.a big plus in my book.
nina: ew,you dirty little dog! did you just say "big phallus" on tv?
erica: *turns red* no!.... did i? big phallus...big plus...big phallus...big plus.....whew.no. i didnt say it.
ricky:so you two fly thousands of miles...for drinks?
erica: yuppers. i sooo hate the club scene. everyone is so fake,ya know?
nina: *slowly stirring her drink* say... ricky?
ricky: yes?
nina: you got a big phallus? since erica said,er almost said "big phallus",i've,been wondering.
ricky: um,er...i....whew.
erica: nina! *smacks nina's nose with a rolled up newspaper* no.bad nina!
nina: what? oh like you weren't wondering.
erica: i wasnt! he is all....beardy and....ugh beardy! his junk is the last thing on my mind!
nina:.....oh. you know,sometimes i think you and i are very different people.
erica: i certainly hope so!
nina: speaking of which..*takes off shirt and throws it by the pool* i am going to catch some sun.i dont want to be all pasty,like you.
nina: yes?
erica: you do know you arent wearing a bikini top,right?
nina:EEP! * panicked, she try to reach her shirt,but the attentive staff has already whisked it away. she grabs two orange halves and places them over her bare chest* whew...better. now,as you were saying,love? * trying to look as dignified as a woman can while sticky orange juice drips onto her tummy*
erica: you best order some grapefruit,girlie.
nina: oh hush.
ricky: uh...where was i? *shuffles paper* oh yes.....how has the carnival of sound been so far?
erica: *glances over at nina and her orange modesty domes* well,ricko. i think that says more than i ever could about this festival.
nina: i heard like two people have been killed so far,love. i also heard they were eaten.by festival goers.
erica:oh come now. that is such bullshit.
nina: no way! it happened. jimmy,the guy who runs the funnel cake stand told me. he said the sausage on stick booth was selling sausages made from the murder victims.
erica: you dont think that maybe,just maybe,that funnel cake jimmy might just have a vested interest in telling people that the sausage on a stick is made from people?!
nina: whatever do you mean,love?
erica: who the fuck is going to buy sausage made from people?
nina: you are avoiding the issue. the sausage was made of people. end of story.
ricky: *slowly rewraps his half eaten sausage on a stick* ew...
nina: damn right ew.
erica: wow.something dick shaped that nina wont put in her mouth.
nina: you bitch! stop it. * smacks erica's arm*
ricky: what is next for the harlots on the carnival?
nina: i dont know,love. live sex shows? norwegian snuff film veiwings? honestly,most of our tourmates dont seem to exist.so we have free run it seems.
erica: honestly,i've seen autopsies with more live bodies.
ricky: there you have it.nipples coverd in oranges,human sausage and wild punk rock. the carnival of sound is heading towards a town near you.
erica: what?!
nina: we werent bloody finis-
*screen goes black.*