Over the loud speaker of the PR is a loud voice that speaks over, " You all think it's over, but it's just beginning. Tonight will be the fire I need to burn."
In the back of the stage, fire starts to rise up slowly with woman with wedding dresses on, walking slowly over the fire.
" You all think I don't deserve what I DESERVE! You all want trouble, I'll give you trouble. You want crazy, I'LL GIVE YOU CRAZY!"
Four men that is painted in all black, jump over the rising fire.
" I want everyone to know that tonight is the night of all your buring vows, all your burning lies, BITCHES! I'm here!"
As it echos the arena, the fire rises as loud dramtic screams are heard and the black bodies of the four men then gets horns and starts to make more of a calling as the stage is lighten by a sound effect of thunder. As in the back, the brides walk over the burning fire, all of the sudden it explodes, sending the brides back as they all fall. Radio static is heard over the stage as the crowd continues to roar as a slow television screen in the back of the stage comes down from the roof. As a dark screen is seen, footage starts to be seen of Radio, laying on the floor. She looks into the camera with blood running from her nose. " I dont know what I have done to myself. I should have left while I could.."
On each side of the stage as the fire is burning in the back, sounding by black music disc around the fire that are burning from the black plastic. On each side of the stage comes brides with wedding growns on with silver chains wrapped around their waist as they struggle to pull as they walk slowly in the middle of the stage but the chains pull them back and comes on pulling. They struggle as one woman falls to the ground as the chain pulls her off the stage as she screams loudly
. Radio videos continues. " I put myself in danger. I cant get myself out.." A shadow appears over here. " Please.. I'm sorry. I won't do it again. I promise. I wont do it again!" She looks at the camera as tears fall from her eyes as her body then drags slowly from the view of the camera as a lot of glass and an loud song starts to play on the video and also on song, snippets of her song from her new song, " Death Speakers" as the screen slowly goes up.
From the back of the stage, the fire is burning as a figure rises from the middle of the fire as the painted men then walks to the fire as the crowd applauses. Someone's back is facing the audience as the men steps close to the fire but not in the pit as they grow her whole body and starts to walk in the middle of the stage as the crowd applauses with a long silver grown that is all over the men's faces. They spin her as a dramatic drum roll is heard as they go faster and faster as they stop as a explosition in the back happens and over the PR SYSTEM screams, " RADIO VINE LADIES AND GENTLEMAN!"
The crowd roars, going crazy as Radio walks in the middle of the stage as the woman with the silver grown is dropped in the middle of the stage as the chained brides still try to get to the middle of the stage as in the pit of fire, brides and the painted men does hip-hop/classical horror dance movements in the back as Radio walks to the mic as the Radio Static introuduces the beginning of " Your Vow"
" I've been here for a while. YOUR VOW IS MINESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!" she screams. She rises up her fist. " Let's rejoice. Let's fucking show these men who are not toys, we are woman, we have feelings, we are one, we are nation. BITCHES! We are VINE" The crowd applauses as the beginning instrumental of " Your Vow" begins.

She looks deeply into the crowd as she grabs the mic with passion and she closes her eyes, letting her voice flow
.You took me for a walk on the beach, holding handsthought it was a dream. But I never saw the angerin your eyes, like a drunk man at late night bar I only wanted to be the miss right for you, I believedevery word you told me. By the end of the night,you was pointing your finger at me, telling meI was wrong for all the mistakes I did. You hatedmy tears, you said no more crying, what does that mean?
She begins to belt out intensity notes and builds up her vocal power as the stage then lights up with bright blue lights and a band is revealed in the back with black painted bodies as Radio talks the mic from the stand and walk near the pit with her screaming fans.
Your vow is what you said to me, you were half drunk,what does it mean? for me to be so lonely but you are here.Your vow is my pleasure, I knew you was lieing to me. Your vow isn't what it seemed.
She knees down, as the wind from the fan blows her relaxing hair as the drums are hitting hard as the soft instrumentals are mixed in with high bells and horns as she screams out the next verse, looking at her fans that are screaming as she reaches her hand out to some and touch them.
She strunts back to the middle of the stage as the band then all gets very intense as the fire does another explosition as she intends her hands to the pulling braides on each side of the stage as they reach out their hands sadly to trying to reach Radio.
Down by the lake is your car, hiding from me, clothes in the backseat. Promise you'll never left me. Your vow is what you say, ring broken on the road. Driving home, trying not to lose control. House burning but their is no one home. I went crazy, your memories is on the ground, burning into pieces, I stand above them, laughing at your pain.

She takes the word " Pain" and does an long note, expanding the note as the drum expandes the big sound as the pulling brides get closer as she bends her back, back, having the mic in the air, belting out the note as she goes into the chrous walking around the stage, looking at all the stars in the front row, pointing at them as she kills them vocally, but she does something amazing as she jumps down from the stage and walks to the front row, singing the hook as the bright blue lights then starts going all over the stage.
Your vow is what you said to me, you were half drunk, what does it mean? for me to be so lonely but you are here.Your vow is my pleasure, I knew you was lieing to me. Your vow isn't what it seemed.
When she completes as the arena all of the sudden gets dark, when the audience then applauses, spotlight shining down in the middle of the all the seats are woman with long tore up wedding growns walking slowly in the middle of the seats as they walk deadly. Radio sings with a low register as her voice is breathless, she sings more of a slow as all we hear is the soft sub bass
Smell of smoke, fire in my bed. Barely remember the words that you said,as words waste all over my head. I rememberthat you told me not to ever go no where.You grabbed me, but I didn't say goodbye. I was afriad so I backed down.
After that last word, the bright blue lights comes on as the brides in the middle of the seats starts to do a slow dramatic ballet/hip-hop dance number as Radio belts out smoothly in the middle of the stage as she knows as Blue shades on her face, spinning around and around and then dropping heavily on the floor singing the last chrous.

She starts to beat on the floor, singing into the mic and then screaming, " OO!" And then getting up slowly to the instrumental stopping, she starts the vocals slow and soft, singing them one word at a time
Your vow, your vow, your vow is what you said to me. I watch as the passion burns inside of me. I look outside to the wonders of the world. He closes the curtains, to me worrying about tomorrow again....
The crowd roars as she ends it with a soft note and then stand up and bows after all the applausing. All the woman that was chained then are pulled back into the darkness, loud screams are heard as the stage dims out to only seeing the bright yellow fire.