(OOC: Sorry for not being around lately and missing RP's etc. I've got the worst internet connection in my area atm plus i've been on holiday for a while!!! Sorry!)
How do,
It's been a while we know but we have been so fucking busy and stressed these last few months that we have had no time to update you all. Well for all of you info junkies out there we have some news. We have finally got to a stage where we can start proper recording sessions for the 'We Have A Problem' albums that we have been trying to complete for most of this year. Yay. The last few months have been a nightmare for us. After completing our Inevitable Cash In Re-Union Tour, we had a week or so break to relax etc as you would normally expect, We are allegedly humans after all!! We then had plans to enter the studio late in July to finally complete an album that we have been promising you guys since we reared our ugly heads again earlier this year. However, the demise of TEA Records the whole thing has been one big fuck up. The studio cancelled the sessions with no reason given. We still have had no explanation from them. Bastards!! This was obviously a major set back which we informed you long suffering fans about in our last post. We really struggle to manage both the business/legal side of the music business with the creative side of things which we obviously enjoy and love doing. We tried and tried to get studio time with other professionals and producers across the zooniverse but it was just too short notice. Then to add insult to injury, Mr Unknown had a fire at his home which destroyed some of the master copies of tracks we had completed and were ready to go. We also lost random off cuts from our older sessions which we liked to archive and return to every now and then. Most sadly, we lost Olga, our trusty Church Organ who has served us well through the last two Herr Fische albums (Behemoth and Zebra) and was a regular in our live performances. May she Rest In Pieces. As a result of the fire, we had to write and re-write in some cases new compositions which took more time and effort. In the mean time, Kii Kii and Suzzi were also trying to manage the business/legal aspects. We haven't had any luck with finding a new label although we are hopeful. They were successful in securing a couple of festival appearances,
Festival De Musica which we played the other day (More on that in a bit) and
Open Air Aftermath in September. Negotiations are taking place for a couple of other festival appearances so keep your beady little eyes peeled. Anyhoo back the boring story... So we had no studio and a depleted archive of material with which to work so things were looking grim. However, Suzzi and Helga returned from a short trip to their native Germany with good news. They had found a small independent music production team in Munich who were willing to hire out their studios to us. After careful negotiations and contracts etc, we have finally got a studio and a team to help finish our much delayed album for our beloved long suffering freaks. We will be hitting the studio at the end of the week and hope to complete it within a month or so. It's ambitious but we think that after all the shit we've had in the last few months we can rise to the challenge.
Anyhoo, as mentioned in that rambling sob story of excuses, we did manage to appear at the
Festival De Musica over the weekend. We played to our Spanish friends at the awesome Nou Camp football stadium in the beautiful city of Barcelona. We were slightly late in arriving on stage due to Kii Kii getting lost whilst out shopping. As well as the slight delay, the crowd got a bit of an eyeful during the set when Kii Kii suffered a 'wardrobe malfunction', much to the delight of the male and lesbian members of the audience. As usual, we had a blast, playing old stuff like
Donna Kebab (renamed
Kii Kii's Kebab for the night in honour of said 'Wardrobe Malfunction'!)and a couple of new songs that we played on the tour such as
Julie's Gondola and
Mandolin Baby. I also had the chance to go crowd surfing in Fische Ball and was accosted by a naked female fan during our regular and popular dance off competition. It was bloody hot in that stadium so no wonder she got naked. It was a nice sight though!!! Well enough of me being a right perv. We will be keeping you updated at least weekly on the progress of the album etc. In the mean time, below is the set list from the other night at Festival De Musica and a photo of the naked stage invader and I. Kii Kii wouldn't let me put up any photos of the 'incident' as she calls it but i'm sure the tabloids will have a field day with them!!!
Set List: Festival De Musica, Sat 13th AugustAcid Woman
Little Green Man
Running With Scissors
Fred Elliot
Rat Race
The Shape Of Things To Come
Almost Jesus
River Song
What Have You Done?
Kii Kii's Kebab
The Horrific Song
---- Dance Off/ Naked Stage Invader----
Julie's Gondola
Mandolin Baby
Micky Fisher Ate My Socks
Funky Shit
Happy New Face

Thanks for your patience
Chris Fisher
(1/8th of Ferr Hische)