It's the end of the year. The time when people start making promises they know they won't keep because that's what everyone does right? They promise to be a better person. They promise to not let others get to them. They promise to find love or forget love. They promise to be successful and not let anything stand in their way. They promise the same thing each year; 'New Year, New Me' when in reality, it will be a new year and same person. That's why I've gotten rid of that bullshit excuse and decided whatever happens in 2014, it just happens.
2013 was an insane year, 2012 and 2011 were insane years. My life changed so drastically. I became a wife, a mother, a label co-owner, a label owner, a sister, I became quite possibly the best version of myself I knew how to be. Of course, it couldn't come without controversy or ups and downs but I really regret nothing at all. You has this sick and twisted yet funny way of throwing itself at you. People have been trying to knock me down since my name was on the lips of Studio60 former owner, Greg Walls. Literally, I couldn't get a moments rest without being antagonized but of course, I expected it. I was unknown and who was I to come in and take over a company and rise it to the top? Shame on me. I've had the best time working at Studio60 and now owning it. It was stressful, exciting, everything you could think of. But you know, a woman in power intimidates a lot of people and they start pulling the 'bitch' card which, is fair I guess. But people failed to realize two very important facts which are very true. Number one; a label is a BUSINESS. Now, business is not always clean cut and pretty. Whoever thought that going into this was absolutely in needed of a musical education. Everything I did for Studio60 was for the label and not for personal gain. Trust me, I could have walked away and still have been successful but I stayed because Studio60 was in need of aid at the time. Then, business picked up and personal turned into business which is fine if you can deal with it. Apparently, not everyone can. I admit, I struggled with it and maybe went about it the wrong way but it's over, it happened. No use in bringing it up again. So, it's a business and in a business there's only one thing in mind: profit. I'm sounding harsh, I know, but it's the god's honest truth. Number two; if the label is not going to benefit and/or profit from you, I'm sorry to tell you that you're probably not going to be there for long.
You'll get a few artists who understand that and have no problem with it at all. Then you'll get those few 'bold' ones who think they are the patron saints of music and are 'doing the right thing' by 'protesting' major labels because of this. This is great, more power to you. But then you get the artists who want to start labels and they swear up and down that 'they will give you complete control and it's not about money at all, only your success'. Boys and girls, that's a load of bull if I've ever heard it. What do you think labels survive on? Unicorn farts? Rainbows? Smiles? No, MONEY. Simple. Yes, we care about your success and want you to do well in the industry. Again, this sounds really harsh but the truth is not always fun.
I didn't want to turn this into a class but I felt like people should stop living off of that lie. Everyone knows the many lies that have been printed in Culture Uncut and various other tabloids, blogs, etc, about me, my family, and my label. Not to sound completely stuck up but I'm probably one of the best label owners this business has ever seen. Despite the cuts and the walk-aways, this label has never been better. Now I take nothing away from Greg but he needed someone to really whip things into shape. I knew it wouldn't be easy and I knew that some people would hate me but I'm fine with that. Despite the lies, I've never controlled anyone, told them what to record, forced them onto tours just to get money, never. First of all, I'm not even in charge of that. I get the final say so but I don't handle that really. All artists have done what they wanted with some pointers and tips from the label workers. So I don't force anyone to do anything. As for the cuts? I made the executive decision to cut artists who were, in short, taking up label space from others who really wanted to work. I understand that people have personal lives, so do I but I still get my work done all the time. I'm actually very lenient with that because other labels? They would have cut artists like it's nothing. I reached out to people and tried to figure out their situations. I didn't just cut, I always let people know and tried to get their insight.
All in all, 2013 was a GREAT year for me. My beautiful baby boy, Logan, was born in November and it's been great family wise. I feel like my family hasn't been so close in forever. I'm a mother of a 1 year old and 2 year old, wife of two years to my wonderful husband, Scott, daughter to the world's best parents, Aurora and Emmanuel, sister to a very unique young brother, Nathaniel Alexander, sister-in-law to a beautiful and talented young woman, Martina, and best friend to the world's greatest best friend/sister in the universe, Layla Raine. Right now, I'm focused on being a great mother and a great label owner. I know that there will be even more fire and gas mixed together but I'm prepared. I may not be the nicest or even the wisest but I do what I can. I wanted to just write to you guys since I've never done a blog before. I'm excited for 2014, I can tell you from a music point of view, people are going to be so excited. Studio60 has had a phenomenal year. Awards and accolades aside, I could not ask for a better roster right now. It's clear that some needed to be removed and you know, I believe it was for a great reason. There's no room for people who think they are above everyone else. We're a real family, we've been through so much and yet we've remained in tact. So many labels went under and disappeared but we've remained standing and we will as long as our fans and admirers continue to support us.
To all the artists and staff at Studio60/Tric-Jam Records, thank you for being so incredible to me and working with me, not against me. I owe so much to you all and I love our relationship. I can only see more great things happening with us and I'm just so happy to be the owner of the best label family in the world! So, from the entire Rose-Hilton family, Happy New Years and here's to a wonderful 2014! :)
P.S. I know a lot of people have been wanting to get a picture of Logan so consider this a gift from the both of us ;)