Nadia is seen in her dressing room at 5am to prepare for the first day of filming for Scary Movie 5, sat in a chair in front of a mirror while she talks to her hair stylist, Pete.Nadia: "Bless Pete, he wakes up early all the time just to make my hair look pretty."
Pete: "Well men get the job done, Nads. I couldn't trust you to do your own hair now, could I?"
She gasps and turns her head around, Pete grabbing her head and making her face forward.Nadia: "I'm offended! I'm perfectly capable of doing my own hair and make-up."
Pete: "Shall I just leave then?"
Nadia: "Yes, you're fired. I'm nervous enough about today, I don't need you ruining things for me."
Pete: "I may just accidentally cut a big chunk of your hair out then before I leave."
Nadia gasps again and the two of them start laughing.Pete: "You know, there's always a question I've wanted to ask you."
Nadia: "What?"
Pete: "What's Ryan like in bed?"
Nadia shakes her head and gives him an evil look.Nadia: "Just do my hair, Pete."
Pete: "Let Ryan do me then?"
Nadia: "No, no sharing!"
There's a moment of silence, before the two of them start laughing again.
Nadia is seen at an event in L.A. for breast cancer awareness month, preparing to go on stage to give a speech and present a donation of $1,000,000 to the National Breast Cancer Foundation. A snippet of her giving her speech follows.Nadia: "... I know what it's like, and it's hard to feel like you can't help the people you love most. When you look into their eyes and feel like one day soon, you won't even be able to get that chance because they'll be gone. Thankfully, my mother overcame her breast cancer recently and has been given the all clear. 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime, for now, we can't stop that. But with thanks to everyone here today, we can help those that are unfortunate enough to be diagnosed with breast cancer, by raising money for treatment and raising awareness. Thank you."
Do you remember being told about your mother's breast cancer?Nadia: "I remember, I was on tour at the time with Katie. I was on the tour bus in my room, my dad called me up and told me about it, and I remember just feeling completely numb at that point. I thought of cancer, and my mind just automatically thought of death, as bad as that sounds. In that situation, I just thought of the worse, because so many people lose the fight to cancer, it was a horrible thing to deal with. I just didn't know how to cope with that, especially because me and my mum are so close. I remember being scared of talking about it, keeping it to myself for a while, because saying it aloud only made it seem more real. I just wanted to be with my mum at the time, and I was in the middle of a tour and I didn't want to let the fans down, my dad told me to stay and just come home when my schedule was free, so I did what he said. But it was so hard, it was a really tough time."
A shot of outside the North Hill Records headquaters appears, cutting to Nadia seen in her office. She sits in an office chair and spins around on it a few times, pictures of the signed artists up on the wall behind her.Nadia: "I quite like these chairs, like if I had to be permanently stuck to a chair, it would be this one. Actually, I'd just use it as a way to commute, I could wheel along from my house to whatever destination, that'd be fun. (laughs) I shouldn't have coffee, I get quite hyper."
The camera man laughs soon after her, and she lifts her cup of coffee up as if to drink it, before she bursts out into laughter again. Following randomly, she begins to speak with a full-on British accent.Nadia: "Are you laughing at me? Don't be daft dahhling, stawp it."
She closes her eyes and puts her hands together, as if to pray.Nadia: "Can we just take a moment to mourn the loss of my British accent? It's still in there somewhere, but it's lost, fighting to get out, but hopelessly losing the battle between the American accent that's invaded me."
She soon opens her eyes and her and the camera man burst back into laughter. Her phone then rings and she tells the camera that it's Ryan, before picking it up, once again speaking in the British accent.Nadia: "Hello dahhling, what may one do for you today?"
She's seen laughing and quickly puts the mobile to her chest as she whispers.Nadia: "That totally turned him on."
She puts the phone back to her ear, before her and the camera man break out into laughter again.
Back at the interview scene, there's a dramatic change in mood and feel, Nadia looks strangely uncertain before a question is asked.It's funny how it seems you're ditching GirlSpice now, when back then, you were the one who was kicked out. What do you think?Nadia: "I think that's really unfair to say, because I'm not ditching anyone. I have the support of the other girls, and I never expected my life to get this busy, but that's just what's happened, things change. You should never bite the hand that feeds you, and without GirlSpice, I wouldn't be here today, so it's definitely not me just ditching the group. That group changed my life, I don't have a bad word to say, not a single one. It was different years ago, I was a complete different person with an untreated mental disorder that almost ruined my career. Unless you've been there, you really don't know what that does to you. "
How so?Nadia: "You know, to be living in this giant blur for a year or two of your life and to then like, suddenly wake up on the other side of it all and realise just what's happened. It's scary, to finally wake up and feel normal again, then you look back at the past few years of your life and think, 'What the fuck have I done?' because I could have lost it all, it feels like you've wasted so much time.
(She's seen quite teary eyed and her voice begins to shake a little, a tear or two escaping from her eyes) It's why I'm so open to talking about bipolar disorder, because I know there's people out there who don't even know they have it, and it's a tough thing to go through at that stage. I want to use the status I have to help others, I think that's important."
What's so different now then?Nadia: "Everything, I guess. I've done a complete 180 and changed my life. If I can survive the tough times that I've been through, then I think it's important for people to know that you can overcome pretty much anything. Believe it or not, I'm actually quite shy... I had this meltdown in the public eye and it's really quite embarrassing to look back on that, it hurts your confidence a lot. It's made me really guarded, I had people in the past who took advantage of the fragile state I was in, so it's hard for me to trust people now. It's ruined friendships of mine, it's made people think different of me, but that's just how I am now."
Friendships like the one with Katie Coyle?Nadia: "Yeah, we were unbelievably close on tour. She was my best friend at one point, you know? But it's a friendship that couldn't have worked, we're two completely different people. And I think when you're quite guarded and unsure of others, it's hard to maintain a friendship."
What do you think of her relationship?Nadia: "I say good for her, good for anyone who can find a person to love and trust, we all deserve happiness."