Nicki -
Red Stephanie -
IndigoLisa -
OrangeBlack - Bold [All]Who is CrazySexyCool? Is that what you ask? After practicing for weeks leading up to this very day, the day that they would showcase their talents for the first time at the Starfactory Mentor Bidding Event, the girls were looking to make sure they were a dominating force in the Starfactory competition. After the cropping process and the girls finding out that they were among the finalists chosen for Starfactory they automatically began practicing the perfect song that would showcase all of their talents. Not only as vocalists but as a group all together. After weeks of preparation, and finally coming up with the song. Today was the day. The girls all sat in the back doing vocal exercises, cracking jokes and watching a small screen where where a few acts have performed already. Stephanie, Lisa and Nicki all watch closely, cropping out their competition and keeping an eye on the ones who seemed like threats. The last guy to go before them is Drew Westbrook. Nicki looks watches the screen with a seductive look on her face
"That's a handsome bloke there..."
Lisa and Stephanie start laughing. Lisa starts shaking her head
"You always worrying about some bloke... we got a performance to do today...keep your head in the game bruv."
Nicki rolls her eyes and laughs
"It's nothing wrong with it being my opinion Li Li..."
Stephanie laughs
"You've always got an opinion Nick"
Lisa laughs giving Stephanie a high five. Nicki rolls her yes again, laughing and looking in the mirror fixing her hair once more, as well as her makeup. She speaks out
"This is really the day, like... we gotta go out there and sing our titties out.. all those stars are going to be watching... people at home going to be watching. This is where it all starts. Aubrey Mikkel started here, look where she is now"
Stephanie laughs
"Still don't know why you like her.. can't stand her"
Nicki grins
"She says it like it is."
The girls then start vocally preparing once more before a backstage crew members knocks on their dressing room door
"Ready to goooo, CrazySexyCool? On in 3 minutes!"
Lisa preps her self, and so does the others. Lisa speaks out
"Yes we are!" The girls takes a deep breath before walking backstage.
They all hold hands, close their eyes as Stephanie begins saying a prayer that's lasts about 40 seconds. After doing so. They get ready to walk onto the stage. When their name is called, Nicki is the first to walk out followed by Lisa and Stephanie. Although nervous, they know there's no turning back. They have a smile on their face as they each look directly at the judges who are looking directly at them. Right at that moment, they knew this was real. This was the start of something new. When they reach center stage the audience begins clapping for them. They all wave and Nicki picks up the microphone "Hi, we are CrazySexyCool"... Lisa picks up her mic "I'm Crazy Lisa"... she laughs Nicki picks the mic back up "I'm sexy Nicki".. she laughs a bit and Stephanie picks up her mic "And I'm cool Stephanie" she smiles. Lisa then picks up her mic "It's an honor for us to be here at Starfactory this is just amazing" Lisa smiles as she looks over at Nicki as she takes a deep breath, she has a nice smile on when she picks her mic back up. "Today we'll be singing 'Heaven' by Emeli Sande.
A few seconds pass as they all put their mics down and look down. Ready for the performance to start. All of them have this drive in their hearts and they stand there motionless, feeling the pressure and feeling the eyes of the mentors looking at them. It's very nerve racking. That split moment before the start of a performance. Seems like forever. A few seconds pass and the captivating opening beats of "Heaven" by Emeli Sande is heard. The opening beats are relentless and breakbeat driven, it makes you feel on edge as the captivating track continues on. As the beats go on the girls finally open their eyes as they hold their hands on the microphone that sits on a tall stand, close to their lips.
Will you recognize me
In the flashing light?
I try to keep my heart beat
But I can't get it right
Nicki is the first to sing, while Lisa and Stephanie adlib behind her. She holds holds the microphone, belting out the opening lines of the songs over the beat. Nicki's voice is very strong, as it holds this aggressive roar to it that mixes perfectly with with the beat and does Emeli Sande justice in the cover of this song. She holds the mic, looking directly at the crowd as she tries to hold onto the emotion that the song tells. She then lets her arms go from the mic stand and opens her arms as the other girls do the same. After Nicki sings, she turns her had, as if she’s sad as Stephanie’s powerhouse takes over.
Will you recognize me
When I'm lying on my back?
Something's gone inside me
And I can't get it back
As Stephanie sings, she shakes her head, with every line that she sings. She also has a strong voice, just a bit weaker then Nicki’s but still holding her own with the track. She sings, quick paced and with emotion. She makes it one of her own, and doesn’t go off the edge trying to sound like Emeli Sande, but lets her voice glide along the swift beat of the song. By this time the bassline is already building, the girls pick up their microphone as they get ready to sing together, the next part of the song. The beat keeps quickly slamming onto the live performance of this song. There voices each holding emotion.
Oh heaven, oh heavenI wake with good intentions
But the day it always lasts too long
Then I'm goneOh heaven, oh heavenI wake with good intentions
But the day it always lasts too longThe girls join as one, singing "Oh Heaven, Oh Heaven". Nicki out powers the loudest vocal, followed by Stephanie who backs up Nicki's vocals but also sounding quite strong and Lisa's voice singing with theirs. Nicki then begins singing the next three lines of this captivating and heartbreaking track. "I wake with good intentions|But the day it always lasts too long, Then I'm gone| The girls then join again to sing Oh Heave, "Oh Heaven" just as they did the first time, but after doing so Stephanie begins singing the lines after the second “Oh Heaven”. "I wake with good intentions, But the day it always lasts too long" She holds the last world of the line perfectly as they look deeply into the crowd as the song begins building for the chorus. The girls pick up their microphones belting out the “Then I’m Gone” together. The backing beat gets bigger as they come together, and move away from the mic stand. They each belt out the biggest part of the song. The cinematic like track mix perfectly with their vocals as they become one for this part.
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
When the chorus slows down, Lisa picks up her microphone, singing for the first time solo in the performance. Just like the other girls, Lisa has her own distinct voice and it is strong as well. She sings her part to a tee. Shaking her head and walking around the stage. The other girls ad lib, and although trying to be serious, smiles come upon their face as they each separate and move to different sides of the stage. With Lisa moving forward. They point in the crowd while Lisa walks forward. She holds alot of emotion in her voice until they all come back together. At center stage.
Will you recognize me
When I'm stealing from the poor?
You're not going to like me,
I'm nothing like before
Will you recognize me
When I lose another friend?
Will you learn to leave me?
Or give me one more try again?They put their mics back on the stand and repeat the vocals for the prechorus of the track. The beat is still going hard. Nicki feels the judges watching her, by this time she's completely comfortable on stage. Stephanie still a bit nervous, knows that this is an important moment, and Lisa just can't stop staring at the crowd. She's in her own trance. The girls sing the next part of the song strongly and come together for "Then I'm Gone".
Oh heaven, oh heavenI wake with good intentions
But the day it always lasts too long
Then I'm goneOh heaven, oh heavenI wake with good intentions
But the day it always lasts too longThen I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
[X2]The beat then breaks down, as the bridge comes along. The girls look down. Holding onto the emotion of the song as Nicki sings the slow and heartfelt lines of the bridge, with Stephanie singing the opening lines. Nicki sings the final line of the bridge with a loud belt that shows her vocal talent very well. She smiles after hitting the note perfectly as they separate once more
Oh heaven, oh heavenI wake with good intentions[X3]
You say that you're away
I try but always break
'Cause the day always lasts too long
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
Then I'm gone
They sing the chorus loudly twice as you see there vocals getting louder and louder. The crowd is cheering for them at this point as the chorus builds up once more. The beats moving quick and swiftly. They keep singing all the way to the end before the performance finally ends. They each have a smile on their face for the ending and Stephanie throws her finger up in the air.

They each bow, and look at the judges hoping that they have impressed them. They are overwhelmed by the crowd reactions, they stand there confidently