Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan 
OOC: These are some good lyrics :) Great rp too.
Jennifer: Oh, I can feel this song so much, I love it! You have such a unique and defining voice it's crazy.
OOC: Thanks a lot Tequila and thanks for the comment! :)
Aimée: Aw, fank you Jennifer! I'm overwhelmed to hear this from you! I love youre voice as well. It's extremely powerful!
Originally Posted by: erich hess 
erich:i'll probably lose a lot of man points for this,but...i love this song. it so..painful.
karoliena:you? man points? you lost those loooong ago,erich. but thats why i love you.
OOC: Thanks Josh! :)
Aimée: Aww fank you Erich! I'm sure you had plenty of man points to spear dear!
Originally Posted by: BrownSugar 
Dustyn: YAY! I love this song so much...do these mountains has legs?
OOC: Great work on this! :)
Aimée: You little cutie, fanks so much! And the way I felt in my relationship then I guess they do. Fank you little man!
OOC: Thanks a lot! :) And LOOOL, you and Erich are one of the only people who makes me literally laugh out loud by the personalities of both of your characters lol. Thanks again though :)
Originally Posted by: genocidal king 
OOC: Nice work. Can tell that you have worked hard on this RP.
Katie: Wow....a future star here? This is just...wow.
OOC: Thanks a lot Scott! Thank for signing her to Chaos by the way :)
Aimée: Aww, fanks a ton Katie! I can't believe I'm getting a compliment from someone like you. My goodness!
Originally Posted by: mebeme101 
ooc: Great job on all of this Safari :P the lyrics are amazing :)
Nicole: Hi there just wanted to say this song is nothing but amazing I love your voice so much and that definitely isn't a secret and these lyrics are so amazing so deep and it's just truly amazing god really has blessed you with an amazing gift like I said before and I am so happy that I get to witness it I am definitely showing this to the other girls I just know you're going to go so far in your music career but I'll still say good luck and god bless :)
OOC: Thaaannnkks Jay Jay! :)
Aimée: Awww, fank you! oh my goodness love, I fink I'm soon going to get emotional. Fank you so so much! It really means a lot to me and I have to thank God for all of this. Oh my goodness, I fink I should breathe in and out. *fans herself*
Originally Posted by: Famouss7x7 
Brittany: Wow! Aren't you someone to be on the lookout for! I love the tone of your voice and how powerful it is. I definitely think you have great things coming your way, this is a great track :)
Aimée: Fanks a lot Brittany. Do you really fink that I have a lot coming my way? Thanks again though! Getting a compliment from a star as big as yourself is a complete honour!
Originally Posted by: GirlSpice 
Vanity: The lyrics to this song are GORGEOUS, darling! I'm so impressed. And your voice? Well, let's just say the rest of us just shouldn't even fucking bother anymore.
Aimée: Aww, is it really Vanity? Fank you soo soo much. I'm happy to hear this coming from you. I absolutely love the things that you do so to hear that coming from you is just... wow. Fanks a lot dear!
Aimée: Well, I guess that's it. I'm so happy that all of you guys gave me a listen and I'm glad you all felt and understood what I was saying. Fank you all! Hugs and kisses!