Erica Hess

Nina sangria drake

Cindy Lou
Cindy Lou: hi! Welcome to Cindy Lou's bringing it to you! I'm just getting started,so I can't get big stars but I do have Erica and nina of the harlots. *she smiles weakly*
Nina: what a warm welcome,love.
Erica: right? I totally feel like dishing the real dirt,now.
Nina: Barbra Walters,take note.
Erica and nina giggle.
Cindy: you don't have to be mean.
Erica: yes we do.
Nina: better you hear it from us love. Rather than out on the school yard.
Cindy:*takes a deep breath* ok. Do you mind of we speak of your personal lives?
Erica: I imagine we would. Neither of us has picked up instrument one in months.
Nina:well, Erica has been playing the booby bongos.
Erica: and nina has been playing the skin flute nonstop
Nina:*wipes her mouth and giggles.* gotta keep 'em happy,love.
Erica:as long as they return the favor.
Nina: oh,he does...and then some.
Erica:does he keep the hat on?
Nina:*giggles and winks*
Cindy:*clears her throat*
Erica:sorry,Oprah. You were saying?
Cindy:*gives Erica a dirty look that is promptly returned* have the harlots effectively broken up?
Erica: no! We are just enjoying our new lives. We all have new loves,and have been busy with that.
Nina: I'd like to wait until castor and Nichole can go on the road. I don't want to leave castor home alone,love. I've seen that movie. And I don't want him having to defend himself against inept burglars.
Cindy: speaking of Nichole..
Erica:*rolls her eyes* here we go..
Cindy: according to rather heated twitter conversations,she basically ruined your wedding.
Erica:*interrupting* Nichole plays dirty. She knew i wouldn't do the same to her. as I like Sam too much,and wouldn't want him hurt. Nichole hates my wife for some reason. So she holds no quarter. For her sake,it's a good thing I like Sam so much....or else I'd bring up what happened the first night I got back from big brother.i could have had Sam that very night. *eyes grow large.* you can edit that,right?
Cindy: *smile evilly,knowing she has the sound byte she needs*
Erica. Shit.oh well,maybe its time I dished it,instead of taking it.
Nina: yeah,you've kinda looked like her bitch throughout this thing.
Erica:you're my bitch.
Nina:you wish,love.
Cindy: other than the obvious,how's marriage?
Erica: fantastic! *she grins and claps* naty is wonderful,and if people can't see that. They can go fuck themselves. We are perfect for each other...in spite of seemingly having little in common.
Nina: she really is sweet. I just think people see blonde,big boobs.and assume she is bitchy. She truly loves Erica,and that's all anyone can ask for.
Erica smiles at nina
Cindy: and you,nina ? How's marriage...with a child?
Nina: lovely.it still feels like a wonderful dream each time I wake up. Castor is just...*sighs dreamily* and Virginia has given me a reason to really think about what I do,love.
Cindy: unlike your porno days.
Nina: thanks for bringing that up....but yes,if I knew back then,I'd have too look a six year old child,who is my daughter in all but one way.....in the eyes and say that I used to do movies where I pretended to like people....I'd have done anything else for a living.
Erica: though the world At large would have been much sadder....though less salty.
Nina:ew you are so foul,love. * laughs*
Cindy: lets talk about "the drakes"... Neither of you are exactly A-list material,no offense.
Nina: I think castor wants people to know he isn't the cold bastard he has a reputation for being. It surprised me when he put the idea to me,as he is such a private person,love. But I enjoy it. It's proof that reality tv doesn't need to be a train wreck.
Erica: notice i still haven't been on the show...
Nina: like I said,love. Not a train wreck.
Erica: you bitch! *laughs*
Cindy: what is in the near future for the harlots,or just you two in general?
Erica:*looks to nina* well....we have kicked around a sort of side project thing. It'll be nina,karoliena and myself.
Nina: a sort of vocal group thing. Purely for fun,love.
Cindy: sounds mysterious.....but I have to ask..vocal group with...Erica?!
Erica: Natalya has been helping me sing.
Nina: and how,love. Erica has been hitting some high notes!
They both giggle
Erica: Natalya is an Accomplished singer and has really been teaching me what she knows. I think the new project will work well if the words "Andrews " or "puppini" make your labia loosen,you'll love it.
Nina: sexy,love.
Cindy makes a face.
Cindy:and on that note,this is Cindy.....signing off!
Nina: keep those labias tight,and keep looking to the stars!