ooc:i'd kill for that shirt!

scotland,day two.thats it,i fucking love scotland. great people,sexy accents,and they fry everything. for the past 48 hours,i couldnt even tell you what i've actually eaten. all i know is it's breaded and crispy.hell yeah! ommy nommy nom! tonights show was...intense.all three of us harlots had been drinking all day. its st patrick's day,right? i have to celebrate my irish heritage...ok,my irish roots run as deeps as eating lucky charms cereal. but i love an excuse to drink with nina....and to a lesser extent,chloe. i dont know which was mnore fun: performing after/ during st patricks days celebrations,or talking to mark and trying to not look and sound hammered. i love mark.have i said that? its hard to not fall instantly in love with him. he is like everyone's brother/caretaker. i think he and layla make an adorable couple. they are both sweet as pie,the american dental association warns against looking at them both at the same time. it'll instantly rot your teeth out of your head. seriously,if you ever get a chance to tour with him,do it! i think i'm making it my tour goal to do illicit drugs with aimee.i bet she is funny as hell when high.damn,i AM a bad influence on people.if i wasnt married and REALLY had to behave,who knows what mayhem i'd get into. i keep trying to get natalya to come out and sing with us,but she keeps turning me down. i will get her out on stage,trust me! i can be very persuasive....especially with someone i can get naked with.i dont know how touring with lashes was for her,but she knows her way around a rock tour!
show wise,these past two shows have found us at our best. that is why i love nina and chloe.every time on stage feels like the very first time. it is always that exciting. see you in england!
set list:
1.thinking of you gives me chronic diarrhea.
2.if jesus wore boxers,the crucifixion would have been hilarious.
3. of mice and robin givens.
4. the further adventures of a koala named steve who has a drinking problem,but only on tuesdays.any other day he is as sober as a judge. even if he spends those days fucking barnyard pigs and laughing at the haystacks.
5. would tolstoy have used post it notes?
6. spitting sesame seeds at the armada.
7.smoking meth with the quaker oatmeal guy.
8. lawn darts:death from above!
9. hello kitty,goodbye world!
10. a planet where grapes evolved from man!?!