Reported Failure @ Aphrodisiac 2013The stage is black. The crowd is full. The night is silent. Silent but for a slow, growing chant. Steadily encompassing all of the night beating and building and flowing making its way into the hearts and heads of everyone around two syllables, two letters, and the undying devotion that fans have to a band. "RF, RF, RF" came from the lungs and the throat and the diaphragm of ever man woman and child at Aphrodisiac on March twenty second twenty-thirteen. Chanting louder and louder until it was just part of the landscape; just like the mountains, the crickets, the moon, the stars, and the stage.
Backstage a sobering silence was coming over Reported Failure. With all the triumph and trials of their past leading up to a moment, a single night suspended in time, a night for nothing but them, their fans, their music, and their lives on a stage exposed for the world to see. Dressed plainly in an assortment of hoodies and plain shirts the band stood in a state of awe at the landscape of the night. With such a fervent mood and reflective mindset the band wasn't jumping around to get pumped. That was something that fresh, young artists had to do. Tired and withered, Reported Failure has been around the festival scene before and had seen hell and hallelujah along the way. In their young days just saying anything would be enough, but on this night they had one mission and one specific thing to say. Their mood was not that of a child getting ready for something new but of a seasoned veteran determined to accomplish everything they've dreamed of.
The one moment that anyone in the band seems to be smiles and games is just as the intro begins. A piano soaring and flowing, stinging with a sharp drum. The chants change to a mighty roar, a lion awaiting a gazelle to jump into its view, awaiting a feast. A voice comes calmly, deeply, searing the very depths of every heart in the crowd and the stage: "The human race is two-hundred-thousand years old. And it's all been building to this". Lights flash. Drums slam. Reported Failure take the stage with a confidence, a callous determination to put on a show for the fans and for themselves. Billie Beckett reaches for the microphone as the rest of the band begin playing a heavy, dense progression scheming and sliding around, pouring their soles into a song. Billie picks up his guitar and strums the sweet, resonating instrument joining the heavy progression in striking contrast.

Cymbals crash. Guitars soar. Bass thumps. Billie screams. Just as suddenly as the madness and mayhem had begun, it ceased; replaced by the daunting keyboard introduction to "Days Spent in the Dark". Billie caught his breath and grabbed the mic: "Aphrodisiac!" the crowd screamed in appreciation. "We are ready! We are here! We are Reported Failure. And this is days Spent in the dark." The drums attacked the song thudding and slamming into the battle of the song joined by the guitars and finally Billie's haunting vocals ebbing and echoing as far as the eye could see; defying all laws of physics; seeming to last forever in a single note and moment.
"Drink with the moon
And go around the outside
Til adrenaline kicks in
So swing from the dark trees
So go drown in the forest
Sing like you could back before
Before you screamed yourself hoarse
And days blurred to lifetimes
Were on our deathbed
So the clouds become therapy
and were addicted to the sadness
We can speak again
Were here to speak again
So we took these words and locked them in a temple
So we trapped our souls from freedom from anger
It was cold and silent
It was another day spent in the dark
we took our hearts and made them less painful
We took our scars covered them with makeup
But we weren't free; we were trapped by a facade
By our days spent in the dark
Take me to an ambulance my life doesn't work
Find me a coffin and a place to be born
I need a love and a life to restore
I wish I could fly like a bird overhead
And be innocent like a child who can say anything
So I would speak and then fly away
I want to speak again
I want to seize the day
I shall speak again
Seize the day
So we took these words and locked them in a temple
So we trapped our souls from freedom from anger
It was cold and silent
It was another day spent in the dark
we took our hearts and made them less painful
We took our scars covered them with makeup
But we weren't free; we were trapped by a facade
By our days spent in the dark
I take it all take it all back
Give me home or give me heart attack
Speak speak let me speak once more
Tell me there's no more hell in store
And cry cry cry my eyes out
I want to speak I have no doubt
Life life unlock my life
Or cut my wrists end it with a knife"
With passion Billie declares that it is time to seize the day gesturing to the crowd to copy as the song breaks and an eerie silence comes over Aphrodisiac except for the everlasting sound of Billie singing with the fans. The keys fade out in the applause joined soon by a tantalizing harmonic sound from Vin cueing the beginning of the next song, Lunar Utero. The crushing bass is met with a huge roar of approval as Billie softly sings with his face, body, and entire persona selling the emotion and deathly heartbreak and regret of Reported Failure's most recent single. Out in the audience a mosh pit breaks out as soon as Reported Failure hits the chorus pledging their entire being to the perilous depths of a punk song.

"Breakdown the solemn walls I hold
Release the anguished world I sold
Step out of the rancid door inside
Take time to flaunt and change the tide
So I watch earth build epic monuments
With envy I wash it away at their expense
Pulled out with love I'll make my home
But im old cold and alone
I'll fall asleep in my bed
Wake up a new brand new man instead
I'll try this til I quit
til blood leaves my brain
You know I'd try a thousand times
So just keep me warm inside
Mother could you take me back
Hold my head to your breast til I'm not upset
So hold me. I'm a broken lock and you're the broken key
But fix me. Because I'm without alarm
Break the door. Salvage me. I'll be your charm
I left this world behind but now I just want to stay
So fix me up and make me another way
I didn't want to leave but I want to feel good
So salvage me and glue me like you should
Take this beaten heart
And make it more like the moon
So I can control my own life
So I can see my own sky
Make it bright and round
Let me build on my own ground
And control my seas
Let it be the light guiding me
I'll easily crawl back inside
if you try what I have in mind
Take me back to warm tunnels
Change my father before I'm old
Mother please if you could
Make my body how you should
So hold me. I'm a broken lock and you're the broken key
But fix me. Because I'm without alarm
Break the door. Salvage me. I'll be your charm
I left this world behind but now I just want to stay
So fix me up and make me another way
I didn't want to leave but I want to feel good
So salvage me and glue me like you should
I'm sorry if I've been a burden to you love
I've no excuse I know I've made eough... but
I left this world behind but now I just want to stay
So fix me up and make me another way
I didn't want to leave but I want to feel good
So salvage me and glue me like you should"
In the silence that followed the end of the song Billie checked his mic and began to speak: "We've been working hard on a new album which includes those first two songs but we're going to play a couple more from it tonight. We've been all over the world and had our lives flipped upside down in the past couple of years. A lot has happened. we'd like to play this song with that in mind." As Billie Speaks a large screen comes on behind him as moving shots of mountains and starry nights flow across it over a live feed in the background of Billie speaking. "This song is about these changes and suffering in order to go through and get better. It's called Frosted Peaks." Immediately Vin begins strumming on a couple of strings in a crunchy sound as Billie sings softly over it. Matt harmonizes with Billie creating a foundation for something, something beautiful and immense to be built ontop of it. This very thing happens as Robert Edwards hammers his drums as the song breaks and Billie's overdriven guitar kicks in.
"The snow will fall
And we'll lay in it
we'll say we'll lay
But we're lying all the same
I'll wait for you
Let us grow old together
Lay in the cold
And we'll be lying together
One day we'll be friends in the sky
we'll see our lives fly on by
We'll count all the sounds and smells
And we'll sing ourselves hoarse
(We'll be lying we'll be lying
We'll be lying we'll be lying)
but there's a frosted peak
On the path up ahead
But back down here we've got so many friends
We'll take all we can
and there's a chill outside
As we fight off the wind
I want to be frozen but still to feel you again
Before I go away
Freeze away to oblivion
There's a man in a coat
Greeting us at hell
There's too much winter
Today I'm falling apart
It's the worst night ever
When you left me alone
Hold me forever
Answer your fucking phone
I'm desperate and hopeless
But I love you
So hold me in the cold
You can reach the peaks too
We'll be oblivion
So we finally climb
With this child we've made
Maybe we'll make it alive
Maybe we climb to our graves
But I'm ready for you
If you're ready for me
There's a frosted peak below our family
You can leave if you want
But I love you so
So lets die if we must but not alone
I love you so
So kick off out clothes
Die together in the frosted peaks of our home"

THe song flows and Billie thrashes himself around in passion, screaming and pleading. Finally falling to the ground strumming his guitar in a fervent panic dashing and sliding in a personal act of desperation made public in the form of art and song. Just getting up he sings the last verse with all the energy and pain showing through his skin and voice as any artist could ever muster in all their years of triumph and tribulation. The audience is shocked. THe didn't expect something so dark and personal to be shown to them. They didn't expect Billie Beckett in this way. But they applauded, screaming for the band they had grown to love. And thus what was the first act of Reported Failure's set was complete. Acknowledging this, Matt Collins approached his mic; "I suppose its time to change the mood a bit... I'm Matt by the way." The crowd applauded and laughed. "THats right ladies, Matt Collins." he continued. "But please hold on to your brazziers. Blood of Wecz is up next and I heard Scott isn't satisfied unless he gets twenty per night." The crowd laughed a bit more. "I guess I should stop talking before I start a feud or something. This song is called My Name is William." At this the crowd roared in excitement for one of Reported Failure's biggest fan favorites. The backdrop of mountains and stars was replaced by an odd blue pattern slowly spinning as the violins began and with confidence and swagger Billie began singing the band's hit from Autumn 2011.

"Pen, paper, words, feelings
All get lost in between life and fiction
Rooftops and minimum wages
Lost families and disfunctional relationships
They all get lost
In my pen my paper
Until I don't recognize ohh anything.
It's all just morning coffee
Marble Pillars
Smoke and mirrors
I wish I never set sail
I should've stayed in Greece
I'll just be stained on the cars below
Unwanted again
Hate, culture, waste, breeding
All have blurred the line between real and fake
Unwanted fathers and unwilling mothers
Lost causes, and forgotten sons
They are all I see
Through my worn eyes
I'm falling fast
All I see are sad memories
Painful lies
Hatred skies
I wish I never set sail
I should've stayed in Greece
I'll just be stained on the cars below
Unwanted again
My name is William
My name is William
A the stealthy, dramatic, guitar sound of Vin Peters infects the whole festival, the mosh pit once again forms encompassing a massive chunk of the audience. Prancing and sliding, Vin and Matt use the entire stage joined by Billie at any moment when he didn't have to sing. Sweat dripping and frothing they put on a show building the energy to a new high for the night as all the fans were able to enjoy bright, punching sound of Reported Failure's date with the heavier side of their music. The noise faded replaced by applause as Billie grabbed the microphone. "We have a song we want to play, but we need your help ok? Can you say Oh?" billie holds the mic out out the audience as a cheer of "OH" came from them. "Now say AY" And the audience repeated back to Billie "AY". "Right. Now put them together" said Billie before an "OHAY" came from the audience. "You guys know this song dont you?" he said laughing to the audience as more cheers came. "Now add another oh after that. Robert, give us a beat." Robert Edwards began slamming on the bass drum and hi-hat in time with the chant of "Ohay ohay ohay ohay ohayoh" that now came from the audience as instructed by Billie. Bass and guitar joined in screaming and stretching in the intro until a break as the intro to "A Pattern of Distress" finished and Billie began singing the verse.
Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohayoh
Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohayoh
Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohayoh
Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohayoh
[Verse 1]
Everytime I speak I'm a liar
For dust clouds all the truths
Every word I speak sets a fire
And FDNY never shall rest
[Verse 2]
So lay my sister down in the coffin!
Cover her in daddy's ashes
Put her next to all the soldiers
All the workers cops and firefighters
set fire to the ashes
Let the marble char and crack
Set fire to the photos
If I can't be with the dead
Then I don't want them living anymore
[Verse 3]
Cars speed down the freeway
They crush families and flags
They drive and pollute everything
Mind and love and hope and free
So lay my sister down in the coffin
Cover her with a ripping flag
Watch as a world cries
And as a nation stares in shock
set fire to the ashes
Let the marble char and crack
Set fire to the photos
If I can't be with the dead
Then I don't want them living anymore"

As the song reached the bridge Billie demanded the chant begin again. Clapping in time with it the audience roared. "Ladies and gentlemen, the greatest guitarist in rock and roll: Vincent Peters" at this the chant broke down as Vin slammed on one note bending it in true rock and roll fashion. Billie quickly got the chant going again. Vin powered down the fret like all the greats; mixing the high and low frequencies perfectly in a fully improvised guitar solo; tapping away like he was the newest member of Van Halen; strumming varying his style just enough; hammering on and pulling off; tremolo picking up to the highest of notes as the crowd went nuts; screaming and bending once again for full effect; finally sweep picking his way to the greatest of speeds; soaring up to the most dynamic of notes; and stepping back down in a big finish.
Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohayoh
Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohayoh
Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohayoh
Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohay Ohayoh
set fire to the ashes
Let the marble char and crack
Set fire to the photos
If I can't be with the dead
Then I don't want them living anymore"
The song ended and the crowd was cheering immensely and demanding more. Vin and Billie exchange looks and grin. Vin adjusts his guitar making sure it is secure. Billie speaks: "This song you may have heard. It's from an album we released two years ago called Post-Grunge Catastrophe. It's a song we never get sick of playing which is why we've played it at almost every show since then." The crowd cheered. Billie prepped his tuning and then said: "This is Manufactured Radio". At this moment three things happened simultaneously: the crowd went nuts at the reality of hearing another fan favorite; Robert and Matt both slammed down on their instruments; and Vin with the first chord of the song already being strummed jumped backwards onto the crowd in a small stagedive to be transported around on top of all of the fans whilst still playing the song. He was transported, putting full trust to his fans all the while trying to still play the song as Bille and Matt harmonized. When it came time for the guitar solo Vin was able to stand up, elevated by the crowd and played another guitar solo in the midst of the crowd elevated like a shrine to the gods of rock and roll.
"You got soul
Hidden in this remote control
you turn it on (off on off on off on off)
you got style
With your skin tight jeans
And your angsty graphic t-shirt
you take it off (on off on off on off on)
So when you walk down the street, hope you know youre doin it for me
And that voice in the back of your head, that’s me
And your words, I wrote them for you
So you can be the radio
What happened… to anything
you swear it wasn’t like this just the other day
What happened to living?
And being something just so you could say
“I’ll go my own way”
You got beat
Through some digital screen
You turn it on (Off on off on off on off)
You got licks
Through your guitar picks
You stroke it up (down up down up down up down)
So when you breathe fuck or sleep I hope you know that youre doin it for me
Every note you’ve sang, that was me
And your words, I wrote them for you
So you can be the radio
What happened… to anything
you swear it wasn’t like this just the other day
What happened to living?
And being something just so you could say
“I’ll go my own way”
Though you try (try try try try try try)
You cant escape me
I am the mafia
I am the radio
I am Sirius top 40 hits
I am the radio
I am the radio
I am the fucking radio
What happened… to anything
you swear it wasn’t like this just the other day
What happened to living?
And being something just so you could say
“I’ll go my own way”
I am the fucking radio"

The cheers faded. Billie got some water as Matt re-tuned and there was a slight pause as Vin had to make his way back to the stage. This took an extra amount of time so Matt played on his bass performing the equivalency of a bass solo over the silence, loaded with reverb and resonating over the entire audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, Mr. Matt Collins." said Billie. THe crowd cheered as Billie said this and Vin arrived back onstage. Robert begins playing a beat and after one measure the rest of the band join in on what turns out to be the intro to "Disarm". Billie and Vin both crash on their guitars strumming loud and fast in the extended intro which finally turns into Billie, with all the fiery angst he can muster yelling the words to the title track from Reported Failure's 2010 release.

"When the world's turned inside out
The sun only shines to show the bombs fall
Every minute I survive
It's another minute to watch all my friends die
Even if there is a god above
I lost my religion when I saw the war he caused
(The war he caused)
(The war everyone caused)
(We have to)
Disarm the bombs!
Try to stop the blood!
(Can't we?)
Disarm the gods!
Before our world is gone!
I wont stand up
Because I know the pain I've caused
I will back down
Because I know I've exhausted my cause
When the sky burns with doomsday flames
Finally it matches the fire burning in my soul
None of earth makes it to heaven
We're so bitter we kill just for a taste of Eden's sweet fruit
The smoke rises so thick
I hope it blocks out the light, just so I can't see the pain
(See the pain)
(THe pain that the war caused)
(We have to)
Disarm the bombs!
Try to stop the blood!
(Can't we?)
Disarm the gods!
Before our world is gone!
I wont stand up
Because I know the pain I've caused
I will back down
Because I know I've exhausted my cause
Take me to the fire
To the climax of horror
Make like a leader
And lead me to the end
Make it fast like the jet planes
All falling from the sky
The war only ends
With the destruction of day and night
(We have to)
Disarm the bombs!
Try to stop the blood!
(Can't we?)
Disarm the gods!
Before our world is gone!
I wont stand up
Because I know the pain I've caused
I will back down
Because I know I've exhausted my cause"
Thus the guitar-heavy act two of Reported Failure's set was over. The crowd was not very alive in a state of somewhat constant raucous cheering for Reported Failure. Billie got more water and then came to the mic: "I promised more of our new songs so this is the last one. We've played it a few times. It's a slow one so bare with us but it holds great meaning so were going to play it for you. This is called When I Talk to God." An eerie guitar sound started, joined by soft drumming and effervescent bass. A piano plays hauntingly in the background and softly chiming through everyone's ears and hearts Billie strums his guitar and begins to sing. The blue backdrop is replaced with complicated geometric architectural shapes focusing in and out and rotating around setting the mood for the song.
"Muhammad I shall ride with you
To Mecca I will ride
I'll spread your words to Africa
Oh I shall spread God's name
Moses help all my children
Plague spite the devil's crush
Save them all from Egypt
And I'll follow through Holocaust
Oh but when I speak to god
Its like he listening
But it's really not interesting
And when I speak to god
Its like he knows I'm sinning
But he has better things to be doing
And God, I'm afraid to love you
I'm so lost
I'd make the Ocean rise for you
As Jesus dies for you
But God I don't work that way
So I run away
Jesus you have died for me
But reborn to insincerity
Late to your last supper
Now blood costs thousands more
Oh now when I speak to god
I know he's rightful
He's listening but vengeful
And when I speak to god
His glory's unchanging
But his words are aging
And God, I'm afraid to love you
I'm so lost
I'd make the Ocean rise for you
As Jesus dies for you
But God I don't work that way
So I run away
So I sing
So I prey
I will climb I will float I will stay
So I sing
So I prey
I will swim I will fall I will say
And god, when I love
It's like its an enigma
Like it's my own sin
When I sing to god
I can reach heaven
I can burn hell and start again
When I sing to god
I'll fall off the earth
Die in the atmosphere
I just fell to love again
Yes I just fell to love again
I'll make the oceans rise for you
As Jesus dies for you
I will fall for you
As angels call for you
I fell to love again
I fell to love again"
The crowd applauded having enjoyed the song although it was to mellow to really get crazy and not well known enough to spark magical sing-alongs. Billie continued speaking: "We have a song we released just over a year ago. We've played it a lot but we haven't really been able to play it how it was intended. Tonight though that changes. Tonight we have a few special guests. From Sacramento, California we have the percussion section from the West Campus High School marching band." As this the crowd roars as the marching band takes the stage cued by Robert Edwards. With this the beginning beat for "Crumbling" begins joined with a roar from the crowd. vin plays a sweet progression joined by Matt playing softly as the beat dynamically builds. "Also would you please welcome the Sacramento String Quartet!" shouted Billie as light was suddenly given to a section of the stage where a string quartet began adding to the song immediately. The melodies ran and slid around making a soothing atmosphere as the crowd continued to roar waiting for the song to start fully. "We have one more guest tonight. Ladies and gentlemen, he'll be back on this stage in two nights, hes the best and brightest in music today, and he is one of our dearest friends. Please welcome JAMES URIE!" The crowd now went nuts as James Urie with all the class and swagger he posessed lounged onstage with a microphone in hand. With that the song began. Billie strummed away as the drummers played and the string quartet plucked and swayed over Matt's steady bass and Vin's atmospheric noise.

I am crumbling
From my limbic system
To the marble pillars
Ashes to ashes, it all falls down
Is this the end of my time?
When the only light in this dark
Is my flag that they're burning
ooh oh oh, ooh oh oh
ooh oh oh, ooh oh oh
[Verse 2]
I am crumbling
From the tremors of absent fathers
Violence, hatred, from self to the crowds
Ashes to ashes it all falls down
[Prechorus 1]
Is this the end of my time?
When the only light in this dark
Is my flag that they're burning
[Chorus 1]
Of many I found no one
no one who could save my life
Falling so heavy
Before it's done no one will even know why
Even know why
[Verse 3]
I am freedom falling
I am no one!
Shaking and trembling
From the horrors that I've seen
Ashes to ashes it all falls down
[Prechorus 2]
Is this the end of my time?
When the only light in this dark
Is my flag that they're burning
[Chorus 2]
Of many I found no one
no one who could save my life
Falling so heavy
Before it's done no one will even know why
Even know why"
The song broke and the noises faded other than the quartet which continues building an epic, dramatic melody. "LET ME HEAR YOU" demanded Billie of the crowd. All with their mic's Billie, James, Matt, and Vin began to sing different parts of the melody with the crowd joining in for the bridge. tHe noise flew transcending all boundaries and uniting the entire world in pure bliss of music. The drums came back in. Soon the guitar and bass were back in a climax of sound extending into the hearts and minds of all its listeners.
Ooh oh oh, Ooh oh oh
Ooh oh oh, ooh oh oh
I am freedom falling
I am no one!
I am freedom falling
I am no one!
I am freedom falling
I am no one!
I am freedom falling
I am no one!
[Chorus 3]
Of many I found no one
no one who could save my life
Falling so heavy
Before it's done no one will even know why
Even know why"
The roars of the crowd continued in never-ending excitement and bliss. Even after James Urie, the percussion section, and the string quartet had left the stage, the roars continued. Billie just stood basking in the atmosphere. He raised his guitar up in a spiritual fashion rubbing it on his face in an iconic fashion. Sweat dripping on it and random noise emitting as Billie's ceek brushed the strings, the entire world could at that moment tell that Beckett was in a state of true, unlimited, indescribable enlightenment. Collecting himself Billie put his guitar down and went to the mic. "This is the last song. It is a cover and I truly believe it is one of the best songs ever written. If you know it please sing along. This is called Landslide by Fleetwood Mac." The crowd cheered to this. Vin began plucking his strings overlayed with Billie strumming softly and beginning to sing. Matt was standing his bass dormant but his mouth singing every word along with Robert and a majority of the crowd. A chilling moment came over Aphrodisiac as Billie sang with emotion pouring out of his lungs embodying his tone and pitch and the entire song.

I took my love, I took it down
Climbed a mountain and I turned around
And I saw my reflection in the snow covered hills
'Til the landslide brought it down
Oh, mirror in the sky
What is love?
Can the child within my heart rise above?
Can I sail through the changin' ocean tides?
Can I handle the seasons of my life?
Well, I've been afraid of changin'
'Cause I've built my life around you
But time makes you bolder
Even children get older
And I'm getting older too
And I'm getting older too
Oh, take my love, take it down
Climb a mountain and turn around
And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well the landslide will bring it down
And if you see my reflection in the snow covered hills
Well the landslide will bring it down
The landslide will bring it down
THe song ended and the crowd went on in screams. "Thank you. Thank you so much" said Billie. "We will see you all again soon. Stephanie Fierce is up next. Stick around. Goodnight!" Reported Failure left the stage leaving nothing but the sound of the crowd behind.
Setlist1. Days Spent in the Dark
2. Lunar Utero
3. Frosted Peaks
4. My Name is William
5. A Pattern of Distress
6. Manufactured Radio
7. Disarm
8. When I Talk To God
9. Crumbling
10. Landslide