HEY, WHAT'S UP?Hi, Sam Fischer here. You might have heard me sing for Acts of Hate - the band that your teenage daughter's boyfriend who you don't approve of listens to. Yeah, you know that guy - the one with all those piercings and the hair that looks like a chemical spill in a paint factory? That guy listens to us and is responsible for about 40% of our album sales. You also might have seen me milling about stores in Detroit, marveling at the large selections of low-calorie soda. Seriously, there's a lot to choose from if you don't drink alcohol and you're watching your weight. But I'm rambling, let's get to the crucial information about me: I'm 23, I'm sing (I use this term loosely) in Acts of Hate, I'm married to the beautiful Nichole Fischer of the significantly-more-famous-than-my-band-band Vile Hour, we're expecting kids in September, I'm straightedge (gasp) an atheist (bigger gasp) and a snappy dresser (not really.) Although I tend to stay off the compooter (I think twitter is evil) I've decided to start this blog, not because I actually think people care about anything that I say, but because I don't care whether or not people care about what I say so much that I'm willing to post my thoughts on the internet for the entire world to see. Fun, right? So from here on out, whenever I have something to say (and seeing as this is the internet, I'm not going to hold back. There's no such thing as manners here, right?) I'm just going to say it here. Woohoo! Anyways...
Fans have been asking questions as to why Rob and Jeff are gone, so I thought I'd answer all those questions right now, in the simplest terms possible. Rob explained for himself the reasons he left, and I think they were fair and good reasons. I still love him like a brother and he's welcome in my home any time. The thing that people don't understand is Jeff leaving. I'm going to just make this clear once:
This is the question that pissed me off the most, so I'm going to try to explain myself here: I'm straightedge for myself, not for anybody else. Not for my mom, my dad, my friends, or even for my wife. I choose to live a clean lifestyle because I (emphasis on I) think that it's the way I should live. Here's another thing I'm going to make clear.
I'm proud to say that one of my best friends in the entire world is Erich Hess - a man known for his ENORMOUS drug intake. Even more people ask me how I can be friends with Erich when our lifestyles are so contradictory, and here's the answer: Erich is a person who I enjoy spending time with, and who respects my lifestyle. That's literally all I ask for - that people respect my lifestyle. If you want to shove a needle full of heroin into your dickhole and snort coke until you shit yourself and pass out in an alleyway, fine, awesome, cool, good for you. Just don't do it around me. There are people in my family and people I love who drink, smoke, and do drugs, and that's totally fine with me because they respect me. Again, I'm rambling, so I'll try and get to the point...
Jeff was fired because he was a total mess. He wouldn't show up to practice, he wouldn't answer my calls, and the few times he showed up, he'd be stoned, drunk, and puking on his bass. And he was completely content to live that life, with no concern for the band or for anything but himself. So he got the boot. There. That's it, end of story. What, you were expecting some really juicy gossip? Like, maybe, that he was into midget porn and ran a tiny midget sex slavery ring? Well, no, that's not the case. If you want stories like that, don't read my blog. Go read culture uncut or something.