Originally Posted by: stephaniewazhere 
You always come out with the most random threads lol but I love it
I'm surprised people remember my threads.
I do think cartoon characters can influence children a certain way, even in a gay way. I've never seen any children turning gay from watching Spongebob however, but I'm sure there's something in it if so many Conservatives are rising up about it. Obviously, Spongebob is meant to be humorous. I highly doubt there are many kids out there who are saying "hey, spongebob and patrick were a married couple that one episode with the baby sea clam. Maybe that's okay to be like that" kind of thoughts. It seems more like a "haha, Spongebob dressed like a girl" kind of reaction from children. I'm convinced that really anything can turn you gay nowadays according to the religious freaks.
But leading back to my main "deeper question" I asked in my original post, even if there is all of this scientific evidence made someday, that proves that spongebob and other similar shows can make children gay, should parents still allow children to watch them even with the "risk" of turning gay? Is it something parents should have their children stray away from something that might question psychological sexuality at a young age, or is it not that important, as many gay people have admitted to discovering their homosexuality as children?
Personally, I believe that if spongebob can turn children gay, then I guess I'll have gay kids. I doubt a tv show will be the ultimate factor in deciding whether or not a kid will be straight or not. I believe it's all in how you raise your child during their formative, impressionable years. It's all about what kinds of friends, hobbies, toys, activities they do and what their interests develop into being. However, TV shows do have a strong impact on children because of all the subliminal messages and marketing involved that sticks in people's minds, even adults. Perhaps some strands of gayness might get unintentionally longed into someone's head. However, I don't believe that will be the only reason someone might turn gay.
Maybe shows should be a little less "gay" just because so many people, particularly in America, are pretty Conservative and if so many people get pissed from absolutely nothing, then whatever. Just change it, no big deal. Society isn't "ready". But the principle shouldn't be too concerning ideally. It's just a TV show, let kids react as they please. Your parenting skills should be good enough to stray them the way you believe is right.