PREDICTIONSThe Goldie Awards are in a week and in anticipation, the blogosphere is steadily exploding with predictions as to who will take home an award for each category. With albums and singles from more than the last 365 days nominated, its sure to be a tough competition for any award. The Max-Volume team is here to give our take on the nominations for the Goldie Awards, so here we go!
Reported Failure - Lunar Utero | Jennifer Armstrong - It's Okay To Not Be Okay | Pixie - Walk Alone
4U Girls- Urban Knockouts | James Urie - RetaliateRecord of the year is one of the biggest awards of the night, rivaled only by Artist of the Year and Album of the Year. The category differs from Song of the Year in that it is awarded for performance and production rather than writing and composition, although a song certainly must be strong all around to win either category. the Goldies are new, so little precedent exists for how they lean. Some theorize that the two rock songs ("Retaliate" and "Lunar Utero") will split any rock-leaning voters. 4U Girls is an unexpected nomination for a single that really didn't get much attention. So we at Max-Volume have settled on the following prediction:
Will Win: Jennifer Armstrong - It's Okay To Not Be Okay
Should Win: Pixie - Walk Alone
Dark Horse: Reported Failure - Lunar Utero
Jennifer Armstrong's smash was one of the biggest singles this year so far and its still fresh in everyone's minds. Coupled with a smash album it makes it the sure fire bet. Pixie, however, delivered a solid dance-pop crossover track that after continued listens makes Armstrong's pop-rock ballad seem cliche and trivial. Reported Failure delivered a solid song as well with a huge critical acceptance behind it and its album. They could swoop in and surprise everyone, but Jennifer Armstrong seems more likely.
Isabel - Dancing In The Dark |Vile Hour - Common Technicalities | Aubrey Mikkel - Victorious
Julia Volkova - Haunted | Weekend - Fired UpFor their first go at being a legitimate awards show, The Goldies wont pick anything too unexpected. So although the category is tough there are a couple of choices that seem unlikely: Vile Hour is too bizarre, new, and trendy to be picked. Aubrey Mikkel probably wont take it either. She is new and the Goldies will probably wait for her next album. Isabel's smash album is a clear front-runner, but it was released over a year ago, which might hurt its chances.
Will Win: Julia Volkova - Haunted
should Win: Isabel - Dancing In The Dark
Dark Horse: Weekend - Fired Up
Julia Volkova has the only rock release nominated. Isabel did pick up a Chaos Award for her album, but missed a Fans Choice award. Add this inconsistency to the fact that her latest single has been underwhelming and her chances are hurt. Weekend has a chance too but they're young and scandalous and the goldies wont want to be seen endorsing them or their music which is sub-par compared to Volkova's. With that said, Isabel's album was absolutely Chaos award worthy and is also worthy of a Goldie more so than Volkova's sexed-up, emo, vampire album.
Reported Failure - Lunar Utero | Isabel - I Love You (And You Too) | Jennifer Armstrong - It's Okay To Not Be Okay
James Urie - Retaliate | Cristina Lake - Blinded By The WeaknessSong of the Year is a very similar animal to Record of the Year. Awarded for the writing and composition, the creepy, uncomfortable lyrics of Reported Failure stands out from the rest which could help or hurt them. Cristina Lake's single was met with limited success relative to the rest. With the most airplay success, and fairly uplifting lyrics Jennifer Armstrong's hit is a frontrunner. Isabel of course is also a contender for anything shes nominated in. James Urie is thrown in also and with no previous Goldies to draw from, a victory from him is possible.
Will Win: Jennifer Armstrong - It's Okay To Not Be Okay
Should Win: Reported Failure - Lunar Utero
Dark Horse: Isabel - I Love You (And You Too)
When in doubt double dip with Song of the Year and Record of the Year. Reported Failure, however, have proved to be the foremost rock songwriters this year, and with a crossover hit like Lunar Utero they should be rewarded especially since songwriting is the key aspect for Song of the Year. Isabel could also pull off a victory if the pop-rock sympathizers decide she is more worthy than Armstrong, but with little buzz surrounding her since a year ago, it seems less likely.
Calling Captain | Pixie | 4U Girls
Ada | SYNCOBest New Artist isn't a particularly difficult category this year. 4U Girls have made a name for themselves, but they haven't exactly made headlines. Calling Captain have been exciting for the pop-punk world, but have only made a ripple elsewhere. Who else is nominated? psycho? Oh no, I'm being told its SYNCO. Well there's your answer for that. Pixie and indie-princess Ada are clear frontrunners here.
Will Win: Pixie
Should Win: Pixie
Dark Horse: Ada
Pixie takes the cake! Ada has been fairly consequential this year but she can't compete with Pixie's pop-smashes and honestly, she shouldn't be able to. Pixie has been killing it this year. She'll win easily.
Reported Failure | Vile Hour | The Stat Nerds
SYNCO | WeekendBest Band is essentially a three man race. The Stat Nerds? They released that one song that one time and it was ok. and, shit, there's SYNCO again. I guess its time to leave then... Reported Failure, Vile Hour, and Weekend, however have been at the forefront of music this past year. Weekend could have an advantage because they re pop and the other two artists are rock, but here is how we think it will go:
Will Win: Reported Failure
Should Win: Reported Failure
Dark Horse: Weekend
The fact is when we think of a band we think of a rock band. We think of The Beatles, or Led Zeppelin, or Queen. If you're of a young generation then you might think of Reported Failure. They have the most critically acclaimed and successful album of their career (which already includes a couple best band awards) out now. Vile Hour is young, and more of a duo than a band. Weekend has a serious shot as they have taken the music industry by storm in a short period of time, but the idea of a band as a rock band will keep Reported Failure in the top spot.
Isabel | Ada | Abie Lena
Weekend | Stephanie FierceIts a Girls World. Oh hey Weekend? I guess your name just fell between the cracks. This category is huge. On one end is Stephanie Fierce. Her name alone earns respect. Then we have Isabel; the once princess of pop is grown up and can now fight in the big leagues with the likes of Fierce. Then Abie Lena, the sensation of stripped down, basic pop songs creating new standards with every album she writes. All the other names are lucky to even be on this list.
Will Win: Isabel
Should Win: Isabel
Dark Horse: Abie Lena and Stephanie Fierce (Tie)
Isabel was huge with "Dancing in the Dark" and though it has been more than a year since its release and many months since the star was readily in the news, we haven't forgotten. Stephanie Fierce has been quiet and slow and relative to Isabel, she is older news. If she dropped an album of similar scope as Isabel's or Abie's then she would be a greater contender, but her name recognition absolutely is a factor to consider. Abie Lena not only had a major album in 2012 but she just had another major album released and her hype could potentially help her, but Isabel is more likely to win.
James Urie - Trying My Best Not To Forget (feat. Sara Daniels) | Aubrey Mikkel - Fire's Burning (feat. Isaac Lovelock) | Suzie - Dance With The Queen (feat. Dominic Brown)
Jacob Estrada - Don't Miss Out (feat. Isabel) | Luke Striker (feat. Deneil Khan) - On My OwnBest collaboration is often a difficult category to predict. Name recognition plays a big part, as does the success and quality of the song, and current hype over it. However, we can probably eliminate some singles. Suzie might get lots of support from c reepy middle aged men and their teenage sons, but that wont be enough. I dont remember who Sara Daniels is besides the girl who was on one James Urie song. Sorry, Doll. Here we go:
Will Win: Jacob Estrada - Don't Miss Out (feat. Isabel)
Should Win: Aubrey Mikkel - Fire's Burning (feat. Isaac Lovelock)
Dark Horse: Luke Striker (feat. Deneil Khan) - On My Own
Isabel on any track is a selling point, and on a halfway decent track from a strong artist is even better. Estrada probably will walk away with the award but its close. Aubrey Mikkel and Isaac Lovelock delivered one of the strongest collaborations in a long time, and they will give Estrada and Isabel trouble. Luke Striker also could win, but its less likely.
Isabel | Jennifer Armstrong | Kato
Pixie | Jacob EstradaWill Win: Isabel
Should Win: Isabel
Dark Horse Jennifer Armstrong
Isabel - Dancing In The Dark | Jennifer Armstrong - TWENTY-THREE
Jacob Estrda - Chasing Changes | Stephanie Fierce- Man Music (E.P.)Will Win: Isabel - Dancing In The Dark
Should Win: Isabel - Dancing In The Dark
Dark Horse Jennifer Armstrong - TWENTY-THREE
Isabel - I Love You (And You Too) | Jennifer Armstrong - It's Okay To Not Be Okay | 4U Girls- Urban Knockouts
Abie Lena - You Make Me Die | Kourtney - Shut Me OutWill Win: Jennifer Armstrong - It's Okay To Not Be Okay
Should Win: Abie Lena - You Make Me Die
Dark Horse Isabel - I Love You (And You Too)
James Urie | Julia VolkovaWill Win: Julia Volkova
Should Win: James Urie
Reported Failure - Darkness | Julia Volkova - HauntedWill Win: Julia Volkova - Haunted
Should Win: Reported Failure - Darkness
Reported Failure - Lunar Utero | James Urie - Retaliate | James Urie - Farewell
James Urie - Bulletproof | Julia Volkova - Tonight I Gave UpWill Win: Reported Failure - Lunar Utero
Should Win: Reported Failure - Lunar Utero
Dark Horse Julia Volkova - Tonight I Gave Up
Aubrey Mikkel | Mykaylah
Stephanie Fierce | ChloeWill Win: Stephanie Fierce
Should Win: Stephanie Fierce
Dark Horse Aubrey Mikkel
4U Girls - Urban Knockouts | 4U Girls - Without You Boys | Aubrey Mikkel - Fire's Burning (featuring Isaac Lovelock)
Mykaylah - Whips & Chains | Stephanie Fierce - InsaneWill Win: Aubrey Mikkel - Fire's Burning (featuring Isaac Lovelock)
Should Win: Aubrey Mikkel - Fire's Burning (featuring Isaac Lovelock)
Dark Horse Stephanie Fierce - Insane
Ada | Cristina Lake | Abie LenaWill Win: Abie Lena
Should Win: Abie Lena
Dark Horse Ada
Edited by user 22 July 2013 11:23:10(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified