The video starts with the sound of a revving engine and the image of headlights moving towards the camera. The brightness of the lights seem to distort the surroundings for a few seconds until everything comes into focus. It appears that a black S.U.V has driven through the entrance to a warehouse in the middle of the night. The camera angle suddenly switches, now showing the bottom of the very bottom of the driver's door as it slowly opens. A stunning set of legs along with expensive looking black high heel boots now come into focus as the driver steps out of the car and slams the door. The female begins to walk forward, the clicking of her heels echoing throughout the warehouse as she does. Whilst walking towards the camera, it slowly pans up and eventually reveals Michelle Green in a rather tight and revealing black leather dress - a very different look for the pop star. As the intro music plays, she places her hands on her hips and an army of female back up dancers dressed in similar attire step out from the car and from behind it. Michelle leads them as they walk towards a black backdrop. As the first verse kicks in, close ups of Michelle's face intersect with clips of her dancing seductively with the other girls. The choreography is very sensual and involves a lot of hip movement and close contact with fellow dancers. During the close ups, Michelle looks into the camera and uses her hands to almost 'lure' people in by doing a 'come here' gesture with her finger. She also runs her hands through her hair and bites on her bottom lip whilst having a rather innocent expression on her face, contrasting greatly with the new bad girl image she dons in this video.Pay attention baby, this is something that you've got to know
You'll be in for a ride when I lose all my control
Sit up. Listen up. Watch me whilst you get it up
I can go for hours, can never seem to get enough
I'm this year's 'good girl gone bad', bet you wasn't expecting that
Still as cute as ever but I pounce just like a pussycat
Deep breath, intake, tense up while I change the pace
Come a little closer, don't be afraid to have a taste
As the chorus approaches, Michelle walks forward and starts to dance rather seductively, putting a lot of focus on her hip movements. The female dancers remain stationary in numerous different poses while Michelle continues to move towards the camera. As she begins to sing the hook of the song, the backup dancers begin to move - using the same choreography as Michelle. At one point they all 'slutdrop' - this move involves squatting as quickly and as low as possible and immediately popping back up. On their way back up from the provocative dance move, they gently run their fingernails up the legs and continue moving them up their body (causing Michelle's dress the lift momentarily, showing off a pair of black hotpants) and up into their hair. Clips of Michelle surrounded by smartly dressed male dancers against a black backdrop intersect throughout. They all thrust their hips and slowly move from side to side.I got so many personalities, wanna show you this new side of me
Want you to hold me like a conversation, hold me tighter, unleash the freak
You've always got to watch the quiet ones, especially between the sheets
Boy, set me off I'm your lovebomb, I'm burning up, can you feel the heat?
The harder you love me, harder you love me, harder you UH me
You know how to work me, know how to work me, know how to UH me
Make me E-X-P-L-O-D-E
Boy come and get me, baby come get me, oh boy come and UH me
During the second verse of the song, the female dancers now join Michelle and the male ones. Throughout these clips, Michelle is the only one dancing predominantly as the backup dancers all appear to be crouched down behind her. They watch her dance and look at her almost in envy due to how well she can move. We are also introduced to another new look in the video during the second verse. We now see Michelle in a grey, skintight leotard against a dirty wall. This look is rather familiar as it is the one Michelle used to grace to cover art of the single. She leans against the wall and moves up and down whilst moving her arms across the wall, using it as a tool for her dancing. At one point she squats and tilts her head back, using the wall for support as she grazes her own thighs. Another shot also shows Michelle laying down in front of wall, arching her back ever so slightly whilst she runs her hands up her sides. I'm on overload, explode, baby please don't let me go
I'm hanging on the edge, never felt like this before
In a freaky state of mind, in complete and utter ecstasy
Now it's my turn to take the ropes, show off my new strategy
You've pushed all the right buttons, I'm going overboard
You're so sweet tasting, got me wanting more and more
Gonna show you a thing or two, my sexy little Valentine
All the girls want a touch but I'm glad I get to call you mine
As the chorus returns again, the video takes an even raunchier turn. We see Michelle in the black leather dress again, taking part in the same dance routine as earlier but she stops halfway through. The female dancers throw themselves onto the floor, on their hands and knees meanwhile Michelle remains standing and holds her arms out in front of her whilst making fists - as if she's holding on to some imagine leash. As she moves forward, the dancers crawl towards the camera and this suggests that Michelle is controlling them and walking them like dogs. Another close up of her face intersects this and she looks directly at the viewer, slightly open mouthed whilst moving her left hand up and taking a gentle grip of her hair - covering one eye with her wrist which has conspiracy theorists up in arms. Another scene shows the backup dancers turning their backs on the camera and leaning against the wall whilst moving their hips side to side - clearly something for the male viewers to enjoy. Michelle then steps into the scene and slowly walks down the line of women, as if inspecting them to make sure their dancing is up to standard. She is also holding a black horse whip and moves it along the backs of the dancers as she walks down the line. When Michelle is at the very end of the line, she whips the last dancer on the backside. Another close up of Michelle follows and she winks at the camera, referring to what she just did to the dancer.I got so many personalities, wanna show you this new side of me
Want you to hold me like a conversation, hold me tighter, unleash the freak
You've always got to watch the quiet ones, especially between the sheets
Boy, set me off I'm your lovebomb, I'm burning up, can you feel the heat?
The harder you love me, harder you love me, harder you UH me
You know how to work me, know how to work me, know how to UH me
Make me E-X-P-L-O-D-E
Boy come and get me, baby come get me, oh boy come and UH me
During the breakdown of the song, the video frantically switches from different shots and gives the viewer very little time to actually take in the images in front of them. One scene depicts Michelle with a shaven haired male dancer. The pair can be seen numerous times throughout this section of the song and are constantly changing positions. The first time they are shown, Michelle is leaning back in his arms as if they are dancing with one another. The second time around, Michelle is standing being him and resting her head on his shoulder whilst she moves her hand up his bare torso. The final shot of them shows the dancer holding her up in the air by her waist whilst Michelle tilts her head back and has her arms outstretched. Multiple shots of Michelle wearing the grey, skintight leotard are also shown again. Throughout these shots, she slides up and down the wall before slowly crawling towards the camera. Several random clips can also be seen, such as a close up of her eye, a shot of Michelle straddling a female dancer on the floor and an extreme close up of Michelle biting her lip.Don't stop. Lip lock.
Baby turn the pressure up, watch me do my thing, baby we gon' make it hot.
Want you to put it on me, want you to feel upon me
Want all eyes on us, want the whole world to see
I'll do anything you like, I've got nothing to hide
If you get me fired up, we can go all night
As the chorus comes around for the last time, we see Michelle in one final costume change. She is now in front of a scaffolding tower which has been placed in front of a brick wall in the warehouse and is now wearing a gold studded, black leotard whilst her beautiful blonde hair has been slightly curled. Whilst in this outfit, Michelle is joined by a mixture of both male and female dancers who are dancing sensually with one another. Some of the female backing dancers can also be seen climbing the scaffold tower meanwhile the males reach up and graze their legs as they climb. Also, clips of Michelle wearing the black leather dress which is very prominent throughout the video are shown again. This time, however, she is up front as she dances slowly while the back up dancers remain further back in the shots.I got so many personalities, wanna show you this new side of me
Want you to hold me like a conversation, hold me tighter, unleash the freak
You've always got to watch the quiet ones, especially between the sheets
Boy, set me off I'm your lovebomb, I'm burning up, can you feel the heat?

Towards the end of the video, many shots of Michelle dancing with the black leather dress and the gold studded leotard intersect each other, with the occasional close-up of her face being shown too. Whilst in the black leather dress, she takes part in the same dance routine which was shown earlier in the video when the chorus played for the first time. Meanwhile, the shots of Michelle in the studded leotard involve her being surrounded by the male dancers who are all down on their knees, looking up at Michelle whilst the female ones climb and dance on the scaffold tower once again. Later on, the male dancers line up side by side whilst the females line up in front of them and slowly bend over (including Michelle who is in the middle of the line of females). This shot, however, is removed when the video is shown on TV before 9pm due to its suggestive nature and is instead replaced with a slow motion shot of Michelle dancing in the black leather dress. The final shot of the video also takes place in front of the scaffold tower. The dancers continue to get intimate with one another whilst Michelle dances in the middle of it all. As the song comes to an abrupt end, Michelle covers her mouth with her hand, suggesting that the whole affair has been a rather 'naughty' one. The screen then fades to black and the words 'Directed By Terry Richardson' appear briefly.
The harder you love me, harder you love me, harder you UH me
You know how to work me, know how to work me, know how to UH me
Make me E-X-P-L-O-D-E
Boy come and get me, baby come get me, oh boy come and UH me
The harder you love me, harder you love me, harder you UH me
You know how to work me, know how to work me, know how to UH me
Make me E-X-P-L-O-D-E
Boy come and get me, baby come get me, oh boy come and UH meTop CommentsEveryone needs to back off and leave Michelle alone. She's an adult
and can do what she wants. She was experimenting with this album and
video. People bashed her good girl image but then as soon as she does
something 'sexy' they want the 'old Michelle' back. Make up your minds.
Anyway, she still keeps it classy and it's one of the best vids of the
MichelleJenniferLuvI never thought I'd see the day when Michelle Green became trashy.
She is so talented and has one of the best voices in the industry but
she completely sold out. Michelle was fine the way she was and I don't see
why she suddenly has to bend over and dry hump dancers to gain attention.
Other songs on her record like 'Rolling Back The Years', 'Live To Tell' and
'Wrong Turn' show off the real Michelle but have been overshadowed by all
the generic songs and distasteful videos.
iheartTSNLOVE IT!! She can do any genre of song. Michelle is best singer!
TeamGreenFranceI don't get why there's so much hate surround this. She still
sounds amazing, doesn't use autotune, remains fully clothed
and isn't swearing or talking about drugs and shit like that.
It might be a bit different to her usual style but it's nothing
shocking. Lol, y'all need to cool off.
Sharkeisha SmithShe joined the Illuminati! So many symbols throughout the video.
What happened to the sweet girl?
SerenityForeverDAMN! Michelle really has grown up, hasn't she? Don't care for
the slut dropping and dry humping too much but I am impressed with
her vocals and the ability to take on and pull off any genre. One
of the most talented females in the industry right now.
stephyfiercefan3Michelle is gorgeous. I love all her songs and this is my fave one!
So happy for Michelle and Riley. Glad they finally got married :D
RileysBumShe is slut now. Girls do not need to be naked all time for guys. She
is like Miley and Suzie now. SUCKS!
Elena AntczakFUCK ME! When did YouTube allow porn? lol. Never used to pay
much attention to her but she's fit as fuck now. I never thought
I'd say this but I'm jealous of a member of Weekend! That Riley
guy gets to stick his cock in her every night. Lucky bastard!
Oh and did I mention, LEGS!!!!?
stevenO1992This is way beneath her. The song sounds like a Rihanna reject from
2007 and the video is not far off from being a porno. I miss the old
NeonStarsXOI remember when Michelle was just like a young girl with a sweet voice.
Now she's a pop girl with attitude. She's a true star, tell me anyone
else who is her age and has such a long career??!!? We support Michelle
forever no matter what the haters say.
ChelleShockedLike if you came here for the tits and legs! Who is this anyway?
More fag music from XFactor? Lol! Think I went to school with this slut.
She sucked my mate's dick in an art class. No lie.
RF4EverDancing in my pants to try to look like Michelle! I watched this video
400 times to get the dance moves right so if I ever go to a show and
Michelle pulls me up I'll look like a total pro and everyone will say things
to me like "Eilidh you are a good dancer" and I can say "I know my friend Michelle
taught me on YouTube." xxx
EilidhGreeneIs there a volume lower than mute? All the same, I keep watching this.
You don't wanna know the things I would do to Michelle....but I'll tell you anyway.
I want to come on her legs and rub it in like sunblock. I love her.
Michelle can I suck your toes? Lol.
GumpirAhmedStar of 2014. Such a star too. No drama, no crap, just amazing music!
You make us explode too! Also, everyone needs to stop with the slut shaming!
There are a million people way raunchier than Michelle out there. Go pick on
Suzie or Rihanna dickheads! Let us real fans love Michelle and everything she does!
My fave song ever and she looks so beautiful!