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The Rickey Smiley Morning Show
 (Rock-T , Gary , Rickey Smiley , Ebony Steele and Headkrack)
Rickey : OK , so today we have on the show one half of the hottest duo around , Coke !
Everyone : *Claps*
Coke : Hey guys !
Rock-T : Everybody else wants to be basic ... Imma call you Coca , OK ?
Coke : OK . *Giggles*
Headkrack : *Nods* Wassup girl .
Coke : *Laughs* Hey Headkrack .
Rickey : *Shakes head* Headkrack , stop while you're ahead . You don't have no game .
Headkrack : I know you ain't talking 'bout game Rickey !
Rickey : I got game , dont I ?
Ebony : ... Crickets .
Everyone : *Bursts out laughing*
Rickey : See , that's what's wrong with you young bloods . Y'all don't know nothing about game .
Headkrack : Watch me leave with this number . WATCH .
Coke : *Shakes head and laughs* You guys are a mess .
Rickey : First things first . We just wanna get this out of the way and clear the air before we even start talking about anything .
Coke : Oh lawd . *Laughs*
Rickey : *Laughs* Yes , oh lawd . There's so many questions we have about all the different versions we heard , but right now we just wanna know one thing : is Rum okay ?
Coke : Most definitely . She's been in rehab for the last 2 or 3 weeks and from what they tell me she's doing great .
Ebony : When will they let her out ?
Coke : Well it is only a 30 day program , you know , for her anxiety attacks and all . She'll be out in no time . December 22nd to be precise .
Gary : Oh great , she'll be home just in time for the holidays .
Coke : Yep . Can't wait . The house has been empty without our countretto Nina .
Everyone : *Laughs*
Coke : *Laughs* It has . It's just not the same . But you know , only 10 more days .
Headkrack : Well , we are really glad to hear that . We've been missing our little Cubaness .
Ebony : OK , so let's talk about this amazing album . Epiphany gave you guys your first number one and topped people like Pixie and Vanity . It's still on the charts today and it's doing extremely well . Even got you guys nominated for a few awards already . I mean like ... how does it feel ?
Coke : How does it feel ? Wow , I don't know . We hoped that we would have , you know , a big response , but a response this big ? It caught us by surprise . Especially me .
Rickey : Was it dramatic for you ? Did you call your mom and cry on the phone ?
Coke : *Laughs* No , my mom was actually the one to call me and cry .
Everyone : *Laughs*
Coke : She was on the phone all like , ' Aire , I always knew you were going to be a star . I always knew it . Your father doubted you . He said maybe we shouldn't pressure you into it . But we weren't . It was your passion . Your calling . See , I can't sing for [bleep] . But you ? You have the voice of ... angels ... and mother nature ... just , you are the [bleep] voice . I [bleep] love you . ' I was just laughing my ass off . I was 93% sure she was drunk or something . *Laughs*
Gary : *Laughs* Wow . Speaking of your mom , Anniken landed that new job with Studio60 ! Kudos to her for that ! What do you think about her getting the job ?
Coke : *Laughs* She's always been my manager so I'm used to her being over everything . I'm just starting to notice she's literally everywhere now . She's a true hard worker and so I know she's handling things like the boss I know she is .
Gary : Did you put in a good word for her ?
Coke : Oh no , my mom did all that by herself . My mom is quite the business women . She went to school for all that and earned that spot by herself . But once she got the job I was at the label every other day , checking on her and slipping into Gia's office every now and then telling her how great my mom is at multitasking and how perfect she is for this new job . *Laughs* Like , my mama was keeping that job one way or another .
Gary : *Snaps and laughs* That's right girl !
Rickey : That's what I'm talm bout ! Look out for your mama !
Headkrack : You guys got signed on to Studio60 for a 1 album deal earlier this year and now I guess you've used up your album . Will you be renewing you contract with Studio60 ?
Coke : Most definitely . They've been great to us so far and we couldn't ask for a better record label .
Rickey : Well while we're on the topic , your new singles that are out right now .
Gary : Especially that new video !
Ebony : Yes , that video !
Coke : Y'all gotta ask me a question about them first ! *Laughs*
Rickey : Oh , *Laughs* my bad . So tell us , why did you and the team pick Failed Escape as the first single post-album and Epiphany as it's b-side ?
Coke : Well we had our fans vote for the order they want our singles to be released in and we based everything off of that . We got in a good 6 million votes . Thanks to everyone who took the time and helped out !
Headkrack : Wow , so Failed Escape and Epiphany had the highest votes ?
Coke : Well actually , Failed Escape and Trap Life had the highest votes , but we wanted to wait until Rum was out of rehab until we decided to release the singles she's in . That way she could be present for promo and all .
Rock-T : Oh right , right . That was a smart decision .
Gary : Very . I personally loved the song . It was so majestic . And the video ? OOOH , it was so beautiful ! Alex ... I mean Elli ... No Eilidh ... Wait Alice ...
Coke : Allison ! *Laughs*
Gary : ALLISON !
Everyone : *Laughs*
Gary : Allison was perfect for that video and the Alice In Wonderland theme really did capture the artistry of the concept fravaiously .
Headkrack : Fri what ?
Rock-T : Frivolously ?
Gary : Fravaiously .
Rickey : *Shakes head* Mm-mm . That's not a word .
Gary : Yes it is !
Ebony : *Rings bell* That ain't no damn word Gary !
Coke : *Laughs* I can't right now .
Gary : How are you gonna tell me that's not no damn word ?! Ain't ain't a damn word either !
Rickey : Yea , but ain't makes more sense than fravaiously ! What does that even mean ?
Gary : You know what it means ! It means perfect .. right amount ... just all ... DAMMIT RICKEY YOU KNOW WHAT THE [beep] IT MEANS !
Everyone : *Laughs*
Coke : *Laughs* It's OK boo , I know what you mean . Thank you very much .
Gary : You are so very welcome .
Rickey : I don't know , Allison was giving me nightmares . She looks like 10 crazy exes wrapped in one . What is it like working with her ?
Coke : *Laughs* She's really beautiful and unique looking . What is it like working with her ? It's definitely never a dull moment . You just gotta warm up to her . She's real and funny . That's my bitch .
Rickey : Uh-uh . I don't mess with crazy girls who have cute faces . Last time I did that I ended up losing 4 of my toes .
Everybody : *Laughs*
Ebony : So what , you only got your big toes now ?
Rickey : Well , she took 2 off of each foot , but she was nice enough to leave me my big toes . I gotta give her that .
Coke : See , she wasn't that bad . *Laughs* What did you do ?
Rickey : I stepped on her feet while we were dancing .
Headkrack : Y'all were doing the waltz ?
Rickey : Nah see , this was way back in the Ciara days . We were tryna do the 1-2 step and she got in my way . That's her fault .
Ebony : *Laughs and shakes her head* Don't listen to this fool , he got ADD . He don't know what he's saying .
Gary : Anyways , when do you think the next single will be out ? What is the next single ?
Coke : I can't tell you guys what the single is yet , it's a surprise . But it will be out soon . Very soon .
Ebony : While we're on the topic of new releases , can you tell us a little about this New E.P you guys have coming out to kick off the New Year ?
Coke : Well , Aftermath is the new E.P and it's basically a follow up to Epiphany . It contains 8 tracks . People have been wondering why Rum only had a few raps on the album , we made sure to save some of the raps for this exact reason . Then it contains some skits and a few songs with me singing . 2 of them were excluded from the standard version of the album we released world wide and were only on the U.K version . I think you guys will really enjoy it . I can't wait . It'll be the first release of the year .
Rickey : Aren't you guys kicking off your tour at the Madison Square Garden on that same day ?
Coke : Yes ! I'm super excited for that as well ! It'll be our first time there . We are going to put on a SHOW . Trust and believe .
Ebony : Yes girl , I have my ticket and everything ! I heard they are only a few hundred seats from selling out .
Coke : Oh forreal ? Wow , that just made my day . *Laughs*
Rock-T : I think your momma is about to call you and cry on the phone . *Laughs*
Coke : *Laughs* I think she'll wait until we sell completely out .
Gary : Well it wont be too long before you do ! I better get my ticket while I can !
Coke : Yes , you better ! *Laughs*
Headkrack : So a little birdie told me this ridiculous rumor . I know for a fact this is not true at all because you know , you wouldn't break my heart like that , but fans want you to confirm it . Are you and Kidd Amaze dating ?
Coke : *Giggles* Yep .
Headkrack : *Dramatically gasps*
Ebony : Oh lawd .
Headkrack : *Almost falls out chair* How could you ?!
Coke : *Laughs* I'm sorry !
Headkrack : What does he have that I don't ?!
Ebony : Good looks .
Rock-T : A career .
Rickey : Money .
Everybody : *Laughs*
Headkrack : *Straight face* Oh , so it's like that ? *Laughs* You know I'm playing with you , that's great to hear !
Coke : *Laughs* Thanks a lot .
Gary : When did you and Kidd meet ?
Coke : Hmm ... I don't know .
Gary : You don't know when your anniversary is ?
Coke : *Laughs* Don't judge me , we never kept track !
Ebony : Well do you at least know the month ?
Coke : Um ...
Ebony : Shaking my damn head .
Coke : *Laughs* Wait , I know it . Just give me some time to think about it .
Gary : Girl , we don't have all the time in the world .
Coke : I got it ! Wait ... What month is it again ?
Rock-T : *Laughs* It's December !
Coke : OK , OK , I got this . I know we were together in November ....
Rickey : Oh lord , let's go to commercial ...
Coke : July ? No ... I was still single in August ... OH !
Ebony : What ?
Coke : We met in September ! Wait , it might have been late August .
Rickey : Oh snap ! Look at us getting somewhere .
Headkrack : You still don't have an exact date . * Laughs *
Gary : That is unacceptable . You're a woman ! You're supposed to keep track of your anniversary !
Coke : Well my bad . *Laughs* But I could tell you guys everything about every single date ! He always makes each one of them amazing . He's so romantic .
Rickey : Oh really ? Then go ahead . Tell us all about Kidd .
Headkrack : Yep , ALL . Starting with size ...
Headkrack : What ?
Everybody : *Laughs*
Gary : Well shoot , while we're on the topic ...
Ebony : GARY !
Headkrack : See , Gary wants to know too .
Ebony : Y'all , shut up . Let her tell us about Kidd .
Rock-T: Go ahead Coca .
Coke : *Laughs* Wow . You guys are ... wow . How do you put up with this , Ebony ?
Ebony : Girl , I don't know . *Laughs*
Rickey : Pshhhk . I don't know what yall are talm 'bout . Ebony knows she loves her some Slickey Rickey .
Ebony : Like hell I do !
Everybody : *Laughs*
Gary : Slickey Rickey ? What is that ?
Rickey : That's that new new .
Headkrack : That pomade .
Everybody : *Laughs*
Rickey : Alright , tell us about your lil' dates .
Coke : Okay so , the first date was basic and all . Somebody else set us up , I forgot who though ...
Rock-T : You are very forgetful .
Coke : I know right , but anyway , on the second date we went running at like ... 3 in the morning .
Headkrack : That ain't romantic .
Coke : Shut up ! No one asked you if it was ! *Laughs*
Ebony : *Laughs* Damn , you better shut up Headkrack . She's passionate about running early in the morning .
Gary : Honey , those aren't black people activities .
Rickey : They sholl aren't .
Coke : *Laughs* Y'all need to leave me alone . And what is sholl supposed to mean ?
Rickey : Oh , you coming after how I talk ? Damn , you really are passionate about running . *Laughs*
Coke : *Flips hair and rolls eyes* An-t-way ! *Laughs*
Rock-T : Oop , she flipped the hair ! It's about to get real !
Everybody : *Laughs*
Ebony : Lord , let her talk about her dates !
Headkrack : Fine !
Rickey : Stop all that yelling !
Everybody : *Laughs*
Coke : But anyway , on the third date we went to the Dirty Bastard and ... *pauses for a minute*
Rickey : What ?
Coke : Oh wait , I can't tell y'all about all that . NEVER MIND . This never happened . Next topic .
Rickey : *Laughs* What ?
Ebony : *Gasps* Ooooo...
Rock-T : *Gasps* Coca , you naughty !
Coke : *Blushes and laughs* Nothing happened !
Gary : Well kudos to you , honey . At least you waited for the third date .
Coke : *Laughs* Oh my god !
Headkrack : You still ain't say nothing about size ...
Headkrack : What ? I know I got a shot at this !
Everybody : *Laughs*
Rickey : Well thank you so much for coming on the show Coke !
Ebony : Yes , this was fun . *Laughs*
Headkrack : And heartbreaking .
Rickey Aww , it's okay young blood .
Coke : *Laughs* It was my pleasure . And I'm sorry Headkrack ! I'll give you my number just in case we ever breakup .
Headkrack : Oh fo sho ? *Grabs marker* What is it ?
Coke : 5-5-5 ...
Headkrack : *Writes on hand*
Coke : 5-5-5 ...
Headkrack : *Continues writing on hand* Mhmm ...
Coke : Coca .
Everybody : *Laughs*
Get the #1 album 'Epiphany' today !

Buy the new single 'Failed Escape' now !

Edited by user 14 December 2013 13:02:31(UTC)
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