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#1 Posted : 14 December 2013 10:33:10(UTC)
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The Rickey Smiley Morning Show
(Rock-T , Gary , Rickey Smiley , Ebony Steele and Headkrack)

Rickey : OK , so today we have on the show one half of the hottest duo around , Coke !

Everyone : *Claps*

Coke : Hey guys !

Rock-T : Everybody else wants to be basic ... Imma call you Coca , OK ?

Coke : OK . *Giggles*

Headkrack : *Nods* Wassup girl .

Coke : *Laughs* Hey Headkrack .

Rickey : *Shakes head* Headkrack , stop while you're ahead . You don't have no game .

Headkrack : I know you ain't talking 'bout game Rickey !

Rickey : I got game , dont I ?

Ebony : ... Crickets .

Everyone : *Bursts out laughing*

Rickey : See , that's what's wrong with you young bloods . Y'all don't know nothing about game .

Headkrack : Watch me leave with this number . WATCH .

Coke : *Shakes head and laughs* You guys are a mess .

Rickey : First things first . We just wanna get this out of the way and clear the air before we even start talking about anything .

Coke : Oh lawd . *Laughs*

Rickey : *Laughs* Yes , oh lawd . There's so many questions we have about all the different versions we heard , but right now we just wanna know one thing : is Rum okay ?

Coke : Most definitely . She's been in rehab for the last 2 or 3 weeks and from what they tell me she's doing great .

Ebony : When will they let her out ?

Coke : Well it is only a 30 day program , you know , for her anxiety attacks and all . She'll be out in no time . December 22nd to be precise .

Gary : Oh great , she'll be home just in time for the holidays .

Coke : Yep . Can't wait . The house has been empty without our countretto Nina .

Everyone : *Laughs*

Coke : *Laughs* It has . It's just not the same . But you know , only 10 more days .

Headkrack : Well , we are really glad to hear that . We've been missing our little Cubaness .

Ebony : OK , so let's talk about this amazing album . Epiphany gave you guys your first number one and topped people like Pixie and Vanity . It's still on the charts today and it's doing extremely well . Even got you guys nominated for a few awards already . I mean like ... how does it feel ?

Coke : How does it feel ? Wow , I don't know . We hoped that we would have , you know , a big response , but a response this big ? It caught us by surprise . Especially me .

Rickey : Was it dramatic for you ? Did you call your mom and cry on the phone ?

Coke : *Laughs* No , my mom was actually the one to call me and cry .

Everyone : *Laughs*

Coke : She was on the phone all like , ' Aire , I always knew you were going to be a star . I always knew it . Your father doubted you . He said maybe we shouldn't pressure you into it . But we weren't . It was your passion . Your calling . See , I can't sing for [bleep] . But you ? You have the voice of ... angels ... and mother nature ... just , you are the [bleep] voice . I [bleep] love you . ' I was just laughing my ass off . I was 93% sure she was drunk or something . *Laughs*

Gary : *Laughs* Wow . Speaking of your mom , Anniken landed that new job with Studio60 ! Kudos to her for that ! What do you think about her getting the job ?

Coke : *Laughs* She's always been my manager so I'm used to her being over everything . I'm just starting to notice she's literally everywhere now . She's a true hard worker and so I know she's handling things like the boss I know she is .

Gary : Did you put in a good word for her ?

Coke : Oh no , my mom did all that by herself . My mom is quite the business women . She went to school for all that and earned that spot by herself . But once she got the job I was at the label every other day , checking on her and slipping into Gia's office every now and then telling her how great my mom is at multitasking and how perfect she is for this new job . *Laughs* Like , my mama was keeping that job one way or another .

Gary : *Snaps and laughs* That's right girl !

Rickey : That's what I'm talm bout ! Look out for your mama !

Headkrack : You guys got signed on to Studio60 for a 1 album deal earlier this year and now I guess you've used up your album . Will you be renewing you contract with Studio60 ?

Coke : Most definitely . They've been great to us so far and we couldn't ask for a better record label .

Rickey : Well while we're on the topic , your new singles that are out right now .

Gary : Especially that new video !

Ebony : Yes , that video !

Coke : Y'all gotta ask me a question about them first ! *Laughs*

Rickey : Oh , *Laughs* my bad . So tell us , why did you and the team pick Failed Escape as the first single post-album and Epiphany as it's b-side ?

Coke : Well we had our fans vote for the order they want our singles to be released in and we based everything off of that . We got in a good 6 million votes . Thanks to everyone who took the time and helped out !

Headkrack : Wow , so Failed Escape and Epiphany had the highest votes ?

Coke : Well actually , Failed Escape and Trap Life had the highest votes , but we wanted to wait until Rum was out of rehab until we decided to release the singles she's in . That way she could be present for promo and all .

Rock-T : Oh right , right . That was a smart decision .

Gary : Very . I personally loved the song . It was so majestic . And the video ? OOOH , it was so beautiful ! Alex ... I mean Elli ... No Eilidh ... Wait Alice ...

Coke : Allison ! *Laughs*

Gary : ALLISON !

Everyone : *Laughs*

Gary : Allison was perfect for that video and the Alice In Wonderland theme really did capture the artistry of the concept fravaiously .

Headkrack : Fri what ?

Rock-T : Frivolously ?

Gary : Fravaiously .

Rickey : *Shakes head* Mm-mm . That's not a word .

Gary : Yes it is !

Ebony : *Rings bell* That ain't no damn word Gary !

Coke : *Laughs* I can't right now .

Gary : How are you gonna tell me that's not no damn word ?! Ain't ain't a damn word either !

Rickey : Yea , but ain't makes more sense than fravaiously ! What does that even mean ?

Gary : You know what it means ! It means perfect .. right amount ... just all ... DAMMIT RICKEY YOU KNOW WHAT THE [beep] IT MEANS !

Everyone : *Laughs*

Coke : *Laughs* It's OK boo , I know what you mean . Thank you very much .

Gary : You are so very welcome .

Rickey : I don't know , Allison was giving me nightmares . She looks like 10 crazy exes wrapped in one . What is it like working with her ?

Coke : *Laughs* She's really beautiful and unique looking . What is it like working with her ? It's definitely never a dull moment . You just gotta warm up to her . She's real and funny . That's my bitch .

Rickey : Uh-uh . I don't mess with crazy girls who have cute faces . Last time I did that I ended up losing 4 of my toes .

Everybody : *Laughs*

Ebony : So what , you only got your big toes now ?

Rickey : Well , she took 2 off of each foot , but she was nice enough to leave me my big toes . I gotta give her that .

Coke : See , she wasn't that bad . *Laughs* What did you do ?

Rickey : I stepped on her feet while we were dancing .

Headkrack : Y'all were doing the waltz ?

Rickey : Nah see , this was way back in the Ciara days . We were tryna do the 1-2 step and she got in my way . That's her fault .

Ebony : *Laughs and shakes her head* Don't listen to this fool , he got ADD . He don't know what he's saying .

Gary : Anyways , when do you think the next single will be out ? What is the next single ?

Coke : I can't tell you guys what the single is yet , it's a surprise . But it will be out soon . Very soon .

Ebony : While we're on the topic of new releases , can you tell us a little about this New E.P you guys have coming out to kick off the New Year ?

Coke : Well , Aftermath is the new E.P and it's basically a follow up to Epiphany . It contains 8 tracks . People have been wondering why Rum only had a few raps on the album , we made sure to save some of the raps for this exact reason . Then it contains some skits and a few songs with me singing . 2 of them were excluded from the standard version of the album we released world wide and were only on the U.K version . I think you guys will really enjoy it . I can't wait . It'll be the first release of the year .

Rickey : Aren't you guys kicking off your tour at the Madison Square Garden on that same day ?

Coke : Yes ! I'm super excited for that as well ! It'll be our first time there . We are going to put on a SHOW . Trust and believe .

Ebony : Yes girl , I have my ticket and everything ! I heard they are only a few hundred seats from selling out .

Coke : Oh forreal ? Wow , that just made my day . *Laughs*

Rock-T : I think your momma is about to call you and cry on the phone . *Laughs*

Coke : *Laughs* I think she'll wait until we sell completely out .

Gary : Well it wont be too long before you do ! I better get my ticket while I can !

Coke : Yes , you better ! *Laughs*

Headkrack : So a little birdie told me this ridiculous rumor . I know for a fact this is not true at all because you know , you wouldn't break my heart like that , but fans want you to confirm it . Are you and Kidd Amaze dating ?

Coke : *Giggles* Yep .

Headkrack : *Dramatically gasps*

Ebony : Oh lawd .


Headkrack : *Almost falls out chair* How could you ?!

Coke : *Laughs* I'm sorry !

Headkrack : What does he have that I don't ?!

Ebony : Good looks .

Rock-T : A career .

Rickey : Money .

Everybody : *Laughs*

Headkrack : *Straight face* Oh , so it's like that ? *Laughs* You know I'm playing with you , that's great to hear !

Coke : *Laughs* Thanks a lot .

Gary : When did you and Kidd meet ?

Coke : Hmm ... I don't know .

Gary : You don't know when your anniversary is ?

Coke : *Laughs* Don't judge me , we never kept track !

Ebony : Well do you at least know the month ?

Coke : Um ...

Ebony : Shaking my damn head .

Coke : *Laughs* Wait , I know it . Just give me some time to think about it .

Gary : Girl , we don't have all the time in the world .

Coke : I got it ! Wait ... What month is it again ?

Rock-T : *Laughs* It's December !

Coke : OK , OK , I got this . I know we were together in November ....

Rickey : Oh lord , let's go to commercial ...

Coke : July ? No ... I was still single in August ... OH !

Ebony : What ?

Coke : We met in September ! Wait , it might have been late August .

Rickey : Oh snap ! Look at us getting somewhere .

Headkrack : You still don't have an exact date . * Laughs *

Gary : That is unacceptable . You're a woman ! You're supposed to keep track of your anniversary !

Coke : Well my bad . *Laughs* But I could tell you guys everything about every single date ! He always makes each one of them amazing . He's so romantic .

Rickey : Oh really ? Then go ahead . Tell us all about Kidd .

Headkrack : Yep , ALL . Starting with size ...


Headkrack : What ?

Everybody : *Laughs*

Gary : Well shoot , while we're on the topic ...

Ebony : GARY !

Headkrack : See , Gary wants to know too .

Ebony : Y'all , shut up . Let her tell us about Kidd .

Rock-T: Go ahead Coca .

Coke : *Laughs* Wow . You guys are ... wow . How do you put up with this , Ebony ?

Ebony : Girl , I don't know . *Laughs*

Rickey : Pshhhk . I don't know what yall are talm 'bout . Ebony knows she loves her some Slickey Rickey .

Ebony : Like hell I do !

Everybody : *Laughs*

Gary : Slickey Rickey ? What is that ?

Rickey : That's that new new .

Headkrack : That pomade .

Everybody : *Laughs*

Rickey : Alright , tell us about your lil' dates .

Coke : Okay so , the first date was basic and all . Somebody else set us up , I forgot who though ...

Rock-T : You are very forgetful .

Coke : I know right , but anyway , on the second date we went running at like ... 3 in the morning .

Headkrack : That ain't romantic .

Coke : Shut up ! No one asked you if it was ! *Laughs*

Ebony : *Laughs* Damn , you better shut up Headkrack . She's passionate about running early in the morning .

Gary : Honey , those aren't black people activities .

Rickey : They sholl aren't .

Coke : *Laughs* Y'all need to leave me alone . And what is sholl supposed to mean ?

Rickey : Oh , you coming after how I talk ? Damn , you really are passionate about running . *Laughs*

Coke : *Flips hair and rolls eyes* An-t-way ! *Laughs*

Rock-T : Oop , she flipped the hair ! It's about to get real !

Everybody : *Laughs*

Ebony : Lord , let her talk about her dates !

Headkrack : Fine !

Rickey : Stop all that yelling !

Everybody : *Laughs*

Coke : But anyway , on the third date we went to the Dirty Bastard and ... *pauses for a minute*

Rickey : What ?

Coke : Oh wait , I can't tell y'all about all that . NEVER MIND . This never happened . Next topic .

Rickey : *Laughs* What ?

Ebony : *Gasps* Ooooo...

Rock-T : *Gasps* Coca , you naughty !

Coke : *Blushes and laughs* Nothing happened !

Gary : Well kudos to you , honey . At least you waited for the third date .

Coke : *Laughs* Oh my god !

Headkrack : You still ain't say nothing about size ...


Headkrack : What ? I know I got a shot at this !

Everybody : *Laughs*

Rickey : Well thank you so much for coming on the show Coke !

Ebony : Yes , this was fun . *Laughs*

Headkrack : And heartbreaking .

Rickey Aww , it's okay young blood .

Coke : *Laughs* It was my pleasure . And I'm sorry Headkrack ! I'll give you my number just in case we ever breakup .

Headkrack : Oh fo sho ? *Grabs marker* What is it ?

Coke : 5-5-5 ...

Headkrack : *Writes on hand*

Coke : 5-5-5 ...

Headkrack : *Continues writing on hand* Mhmm ...

Coke : Coca .

Everybody : *Laughs*

Get the #1 album 'Epiphany' today !

Buy the new single 'Failed Escape' now !

Edited by user 14 December 2013 13:02:31(UTC)  | Reason: Not specified

thanks 3 users thanked kandii for this useful post.
Walton on 14/12/2013(UTC), RoseJapanFan on 14/12/2013(UTC), erich hess on 16/12/2013(UTC)
Offline freestylechamp  
#2 Posted : 14 December 2013 10:51:40(UTC)
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Kidd: To think that I keep track of how we meet better then my girlfriend. First time for everything.

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kandii on 14/12/2013(UTC)
User is suspended until 28/07/4752 18:55:55(UTC) Walton  
#3 Posted : 14 December 2013 11:00:47(UTC)
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OOC: Lol I can tell you had a fun time writing this interview RP. Great job in it. Funny lines in this as well!

Sonyae: First off, lemme just say that I can't WAIT for the new EP. Second, Gary was all in your grill asking you about your mon [man] and sh*t lol. I'll be at your concert at MSG by the way. I sure hope I will be impressed. Hugs and kisses. Muah! I can't wait for the other half to come out of rehab. At least she'll be out before Christmas. :)
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kandii on 14/12/2013(UTC)
Offline kandii  
#4 Posted : 16 December 2013 12:09:44(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: freestylechamp Go to Quoted Post
Kidd: To think that I keep track of how we meet better then my girlfriend. First time for everything.

Airemese : Oh okay Mr. Know It All , when's our anniversary ?

Originally Posted by: Walton Go to Quoted Post
OOC: Lol I can tell you had a fun time writing this interview RP. Great job in it. Funny lines in this as well!

Sonyae: First off, lemme just say that I can't WAIT for the new EP. Second, Gary was all in your grill asking you about your mon [man] and sh*t lol. I'll be at your concert at MSG by the way. I sure hope I will be impressed. Hugs and kisses. Muah! I can't wait for the other half to come out of rehab. At least she'll be out before Christmas. :)

OOC : Lol , yea . Thank you !

Airemese : Thank you so much , Yae ! You're gonna be at the Square ? I'll make sure to point you out in the crowd lol .

Offline freestylechamp  
#5 Posted : 16 December 2013 12:29:34(UTC)
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Kidd: The middle of October. I'm thinking October 20

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kandii on 16/12/2013(UTC)
Offline kandii  
#6 Posted : 16 December 2013 12:34:43(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: freestylechamp Go to Quoted Post
Kidd: The middle of October. I'm thinking October 20

Airemese : Now you know good and well you just made that up out of nowhere ! Lmfao , I know we were together before Nina's birthday , so eeernt ! Wrong !

Offline freestylechamp  
#7 Posted : 16 December 2013 12:58:42(UTC)
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Kidd: hey I know it was in late October, I don't know the exact date.

Offline kandii  
#8 Posted : 16 December 2013 13:07:30(UTC)
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Originally Posted by: freestylechamp Go to Quoted Post
Kidd: hey I know it was in late October, I don't know the exact date.

Aire : Nina's birthday was in September . We met in late August . You're wrong , I'm right (kind of) :P

Offline freestylechamp  
#9 Posted : 16 December 2013 13:21:21(UTC)
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Kidd: okay late august it is then.

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kandii on 16/12/2013(UTC)
Offline RoseJapanFan  
#10 Posted : 16 December 2013 13:27:25(UTC)
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Liyah: Imma need for you to know when you and my brother got together, Shaking my head lol.

OOC: Great job on this :) I agree, you can definitely tell you had fun writing this :P
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"My God! We truly are a talented bunch. The fact that we write entire albums all on our own while the biggest stars in the world have 45 co-writers on ONE track?? Where the hell are OUR record deals and GRAMMYS?" -BrownSugar

thanks 1 user thanked RoseJapanFan for this useful post.
kandii on 16/12/2013(UTC)
Offline AmyJayneXoX  
#11 Posted : 16 December 2013 21:15:35(UTC)
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Amy-Jayne: you know I can't wait for the new EP I'm sure it will be flawless :)

OOC - wow amazing job here Semeria
thanks 1 user thanked AmyJayneXoX for this useful post.
kandii on 16/12/2013(UTC)
Offline Andre Gandra  
#12 Posted : 16 December 2013 21:17:35(UTC)
Andre Gandra
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mISTER_b: It feels so good to hear Rum is doing just fine on Rehab, I hope she'll be 100% better when she come out! Also I'm so excited for you touring girls, I have to stop by to watch you, it's so great when talented people go out on big tours like the one you're going to, it's very inspiring!

Magie Lena
Abie Lena
Julia Volkova
Groove In Downtown

I was gone for a while, but I'm back (not that you care about LOL)
thanks 1 user thanked Andre Gandra for this useful post.
kandii on 16/12/2013(UTC)
Offline genocidal king  
#13 Posted : 16 December 2013 22:03:26(UTC)
genocidal king
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Kai: Coke on a dish enticed me in. Then I realised it was the person and not the drug. Dropped my remote though and one of the batteries rolled under the couch so I couldn't change the channel. Turns out this interview was quite cool. However, I'm pretty sure the one in rehab must be cooler. Peeeeeeeeeeeeeeace!
thanks 2 users thanked genocidal king for this useful post.
kandii on 16/12/2013(UTC), erich hess on 16/12/2013(UTC)
Offline erich hess  
#14 Posted : 16 December 2013 23:50:33(UTC)
erich hess
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Erica: aire is always so sweet and classy. I still would like proof that both she and nina actually exist.

Nina: one dates your sister,and in pretty sure we've toured with them.

Erica: I call shenanigans. "Their" stage show could have involved elaborate mirrors on a David copperfield scale.

Nina: oh my god,you're right! Love,you just busted this case wide open. Can't trust anyone these days. Bloody photoshop and mirrors...
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
thanks 1 user thanked erich hess for this useful post.
kandii on 17/12/2013(UTC)
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