Title: Glue
Genre: Alternative Pop
Length: 3:58
Written By: Andrea Khan
Produced By: Emil Davis
Label: Five Pesky Kids

"Glue" is the seventh track on the album and one of the most unique songs on 'In And Out Of Consciousness'. The song was written by Andrea herself in mid-2013, halfway through the process of making the album. Production came from Emil Davis who also produced other tracks for the album. Andrea likes to call 'Glue' the "oddball" of the album as it has a very strange sound and structure compared to the rest of the tracks on the album. The track tells the story of a break-up, resulting in Andrea riding odd into the night in hopes of starting a new life. However, along the way she begins to realise that she hasn't thought things through properly and begins to upset herself when she reflects on the things that have happened. She then turns to drinking and finds herself homeless for a night. After waking up in a prison cell, she realises that she will only ruin herself without her man and despite how much they argue, their love is still strong. 'Glue' was made up on the spot when Andrea was messing around on her guitar with the producer, Emil. The pair had created a melody and had been struggling to pen lyrics so Andrea decided to just have fun with it, not take the lyrics to seriously and just sing whatever came into her head while she was playing. The track may divide opinions but Andrea claims that the track isn't supposed to be anything groundbreaking and is purposely 'silly'.
So yet again we had another argument
Had to put up with a whole day of torment
I threw my hands up, said I was done with you
Hopped on my bike with nothing to lose
As I felt the wind flow through my hair
I get chills up my spine, I still felt you there
Switch on my iPod, try to get you off my mind
On comes Britney singing 'Hit me baby one more time'
The song hit a little close to home
I used to love the way you nearly broke my bones
I parked my bike up at the liquor store
Good thing I remembered all your card info
Stocked up on some beers and asked for a light
Smoked a few cigarettes then rode off into the night
As I cruised along, I thought of what my father said
"You'll never do well, you're such a tragic mess"
Raise a can, I drink to you
I messed up my life but at least I learned from the best
As the night went on, I looked up into the stars
Had no idea that I could travel this far
With no prior sense of freedom
I took in every moment, was enjoying the feeling
Must have been travelling for hours, my tires were flat
Lost all track of time, I hadn't been looking back
So I rest up in a park, looked through my bag
Find a few more cans and a music mag
What a surprise, there you are
On the cover of the mag, looking like a star
Throughout my journey I thought I was free
Never knew all along you were riding with me
It was getting cold and extremely late
Drank a little more to wash away the pain
Before I knew it, I was sprawled across a table
Could barely sit up, I was so unstable
By the time that I finally stood up
My bike and purse were gone, what a lot of bad luck
Miles away from anyone I know
Too drunk to even see the numbers on my phone
I screamed and roared as I stumbled around
Next thing I know I was face down on the ground
Sunlight streamed down upon my face
Rubbed my tired eyes, didn't recognise this place
A little room, no colour, hard bed, there's only one place I could've been
Yep, I found myself in a jail cell for being drunk and disorderly
A clinking at the doors, in comes Sergeant Stone
Tells me to straighten up 'cause I'm going home
When I got outside, couldn't believe my eyes
All the love that I once felt came rushing back
In that moment I suddenly hated myself
For running off and putting my family through hell
After all those ups and downs I still find myself next to you
And no matter, we'll still be stuck like glue
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