interview with an erica.

erica kobayashi

interviewer: edith and i had some time on our rv tour of america to catch this thing called the warp tour? i dunno. its probably hip with the kids. anyway,edith and i have a VERY popular newsletter at the bingo we thought we'd flag down one of the performers and see what they had to say. we caught this tiny woman's show and it was rather.....interesting. say.whats your name,little girl?
erica: erica kobayashi!..wait,you arent going to ask me to sit on your lap,are you?
interviwer: noooo. edith and i quit swinging in the 70's. she got the clap something powerful and we learned our lesson.
erica:eeew. that happened to a friend of mine once.poor thing had to wear one of those cone things around her neck like a fucking dog or something.
interviewer: her neck....why not her waist?
erica: have you seen waist cones? no. dont be silly,they only make neck ones.
interviwer: for dogs...not people.
erica: your mom is not people!
interviewer: that in rather uncalled for.
erica:unlike your mom. she is a famous whore and does not charge all that much.
interviewer:i'll have to write THAT one down. how has this tour been so far?
erica: pretty ok. i mean,i havent gotten into any death struggles with any of my tourmates,but there is always tomorrow.everyone seems kinda quiet really. except for juneau. dallas,but i call him juneau. its a thing we have. sometimes he calls me little buddy,and i call him skipper. we then spend hours pretending we are on gilligans island,but gilligans island after the apocalypse. to keep it cute,you know.
interviewer: i assume there are drugs a plenty here?
erica:get your own,pops. you didnt put in on this. ass cash or grass. nobody rides for free.
interviewer: i have that sticker on my rv.
erica: *shudders*
interviewer: edith says you are one of those lesbians and that your girlfriend is also on the tour?
erica: lesbian is too restrictive. im not homo or hetero. im all sexual,baby. but i do have a girlfriend and yes she is on the tour. she is headlining.
interviewer: and you are just an opener? in spite of being older,more established and generally well known? that has to be hard. edith never has forgiven me after i beat her in Parcheesi.
erica:i do not even think about it,really. vile hour deserves all of their fame and what not. i dont have that rock and roll ego that needs to be fed. im comfortable where i am.
interviewer: even though people say you are are just a groupie?
erica: i am not! people want to put others into little compartments. i am tiny,but i will not be put into tupperware! coleykins and i keep our sets separate. we dont want to be all "oooh,look at us. smooch smooch smooch." not that she doesnt give the BEST kisses.but people dont want to see that on stage. besides,i get enough of the "you guys are so brave for touring together. " brave? what is this,schindlers fucking list? everything doesnt have to be a statement.
interviewer: you are much angrier than i thought you would be.
erica:oh..i am sorry. i really want to seem cute and fun.
interviewer: i am not so sure. edith was touchy before the change....are you going through the change?
erica: no!!! japanese women do not hit that till like age 220. we are straight fucking until the end.
interviewer: i hear you are usually with a band called the harlots...why are you solo now? did you break up?
erica:no! its basically the harlots now. see, my guitarist and bestie,nina sangria is married to vile hour's dreamy drummer. castor drake. whom,if nina and nichole werent in the picture...yeah,i would totally hit that. but that is neither here nor there. i was approached by people running this thing to join. but i didnt want to put nina in a spot and ask her to abandon her husband and daughter for a months. turns out nichole and vile hour were also appearing,so nina is here anyways. chloe was already drumming for me,so ...yeah. its the harlots.
interviewer: are you sure you guys arent swingers?
erica: positive. we are all very close.that is it.
interviewer: your set has been rather...unpredictable in format. any reason as to why?
erica: yes. lots and lots of drugs.mind altering drugs that your mother warned you about. on any given night you will see either ...normal harlots punk rocky stuff. me and my sister mariko doing a set that is styled like her usual. you know,blood and theatrics. or me,mariko and nina in a very andrews sisters like inspired set. all three are well received. i like to keep people on their toes. festivals like this are supposed to be fun. and i am all about the fun.
interviewer: your sister mariko?
erica: yes. warp tour is your only chance to see us perform together.this isnt just blowing smoke up your ass in order to get you to come out. my sister and i operate very separately. but we figured we would give the people a treat for warped.
interviewer: how about you and vile hour? any collaborations to look forward to there?
erica: nah. nichole and i just do totally different things. oh she is punk as fuck,but doesnt need to prove it by three chords played fast. she is a fucking artist. i am too,but it would be like andy warhol working with ed roth. it just wouldnt work. now if you excuse me,i have to go puke. these shrooms are wrecking havok on my tender tummy.