Background:Following his appearance on
The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon, which was aired two days ago, he had announced that he would be performing live at Times Square on Good Morning America. This will be his second television appearance and his first (legit) live performance; not pre-recorded like last time.
Dan Harris: Hello and welcome to Good Morning America! I'm
Dan Harris from ABC News and I'd like to warn you that this morning's show will be a bit longer due to a special guest. Let's see who this special guest is.
Narrator: After debuting his first EP,
In Hiding... (1 of 2),
Reese Hollinsworth has released three singles, the ill-fated "
Me, Myself & I," which was not even mentioned by any media; and two controversial singles: "
Naughty Girl" and "
If I Were a Boy/You Oughta Know." These two singles achieved moderate commercial success, with "Naughty Girl" reaching as high as number 24. Now, this is now his first time promoting a single on live television, right here on
Good Morning America.
Dan Harris: There you have it, special guest Reese Hollinsworth will be joining us today with a very special appearance that is coming at the end of the show. Now let's go back to the news today. First...
[...Fast forward to last 40 minutes of show]
Dan: And now, we are diverting our attention to Times Square, where we have our very own
George Stephanopoulos.
[Switch to Times Square...]
George Stephanopoulos: Thank you, Dan. Hello, I'm George Stephanopoulos reporting to you live from, say, 10 feet above Times Square and I have
Reese Hollinsworth sitting with me today. Here he is, sitting in front of me. Welcome, Reese. Great to have you here with us.
Reese Hollinsworth: Well, thanks for having me.
George: So, you appeared on
The Tonight Show and you premiered your new single there. Let's roll tape back to that performance, shall we?
Quote:[Reese and his dancers begin to faux-march to the music as the singer starts to sing the second verse. After the first line, the complicated choreography begins again but Reese is still hanging in there, singing powerfully. Then, he and his dancers dip to do the Beyoncé signature crawling, which they have done successfully.]
It's hot up in here
DJ don't be scared to run this, run this back
I'm reppin' for the girls who taking over the world
Help me raise a glass for the college grads
41 rollin' to let you know what time it is (check)
You can't hold me (you can't hold me)
I work my 9 to 5, better cut my check
Reese: *laughs*
George: It truly is a great performance. So, did you know you were possible of... *points to TV*
Reese: To be honest, I didn't know what the hell I was doing. *both laugh* I was, like, trying to remember the words and the choreography and just trying to do the best I can. And I was so afraid that I wasn't gonna do well that I asked the sound guy to put only music in my earbuds. So if you're gonna ask me how I sounded, let's just put an answer that I didn't know what the hell I was singing at the time.
George: So, the performance was actually taped last Sunday. So it must've been a real risk for you, huh?
Reese: I-I'd like to think so. But there were a lot of rules there already. You know, all recording devices were confiscated until the end of the taping so no recording happened there. But, I was still afraid. Like, I was asking "What if some random person snuck in with a recorder or something and leaked the performance online?" Every morning, I'd wake up and, like, reaching towards my laptop as fast as possible *chuckles* and Google myself to see if it's been leaked yet. But, thank God, the song didn't leak out and the performance stayed put till Friday. And, at home, I was, like, "Thank God!" *both laugh*
George: But you tweeted that you watched your segment on TV with your friend. And, after seeing it, how did you feel about it?
Reese: I was...
shocked, to say the least.
George: Really?
Reese: Well, I told you already that I didn't know what my voice sounded like. So, when I actually heard myself for the first time, I was like "Whoa." *laughs* And then the friend commented "Damn, you look even better than I do." And my friend was a very fit and healthy fashionista, so I thought "maybe, she's right." I mean, I don't know what the other guys think. I just drowned myself in rehearsal for today.
*both laughs*
George: Speaking of today, you said you were gonna perform
three songs.
Reese: Mm-hmm.
George: So "Run the World"'s probably gonna be performed today. But what are the other two songs?
Reese: Well, at first I wanted to do my three singles. But then, "Naughty Girl" wasn't allowed. For obvious reasons. *laughs* Then, I wanted to do three songs on the single. But "***Flawless" is out. Obviously. So I was faced with a dreaded decision of doing "Single Ladies." So I'm hoping not to disappoint the Beyoncé fans out there.
George: Well, I'm sure you're gonna do great.
Reese: Thank you. Oh, and there's a surprise, as well.
George: Ooh, a surprise. *rubs hands evilly* *both laugh* Well, we're gonna see that in a while. So, the single's coming out tomorrow.
Reese: Yeah, midnight.
George: And your follow-up EP already came out, like, last week. And you have your first original song on there, too. "
Here's to Being 22."
Reese: Wow, I'm surprised you noticed. It was, like, hidden in a sea of Beyoncé and a river of Taylor Swift. So... *chuckles*
George: So, what was the song about?
Reese: It's funny because I first wrote the song when I was 13. And back then, I didn't know how the hell being 22 felt like. So, I just put in every single kind of knowledge I got from movies and TV and it got bunched up on that song. And, at 22, I
somehow came across the song again. Took it out. Made a few changes to it. Done.
George: So you recorded the song by yourself?
Reese: Yeah, pretty much.
George: But, in the credits, you also credited Taylor Swift and Avril Lavigne. Why did you do it?
Reese: Well, I remember that those two songs kind of inspired "Here's to Being 22." So it just felt right to credit them for the song.
George: Well, I wish the single and the album are gonna do great on the charts.
Reese: Thank you very much.
George: Well, unfortunately, we only have a few minutes to go. But, I think we can squeeze in a
lightning round.
Reese: Really? I love lightning rounds.
George: Then, you're gonna love this one. This is the
GMA Hot Seat.

(Ignore the 'Economy Edition'!)
George: You have 45 seconds to answer a few questions that we have right here. So, let's get started, shall we?
Reese: Okay, let's do it.
George: Question one:
favorite TV show?
Reese: ScandalGeorge: Who would you date:
Robert Pattinson or
Taylor Lautner?
Reese: Both.
George: *laughs* Who is better:
Beyoncé or
Katy Perry?
Reese: Definitely
Beyoncé. No offense, Katycats.
George: None taken. *both laughs* Who's the better couple:
Sweeran (that's
Ed Sheeran & Taylor Swift) or
Sterek (that's
Derek Hale & Stiles Stilinski from
Teen Wolf)
Reese: Umm... uhh...
*alarm buzzes*
George: It seems like we're out of time. Thank you, Reese, for this lovely interview.
Reese: No, thank
George: We'll let you go change now, for your performance. *Reese leaves* Well, there you have it, a closer look into the life of Reese Hollinsworth. But, don't change the channel, because we have Reese performing in the middle of Times Square in about *looks at watch* 5 minutes. Stay tuned, we'll be right back.
TBC... P.S.: The performances will likely come tomorrow night as it is night where I'm at. Hope you enjoyed this interview. Bye!]