The reviews are in!Hey! It's Bryan Kobayashi from Saturn Records. We just released Aqua Manhattan's new album, Tales From The Uncanny Valley! We partied, we smoked, we had fun. Today, I found some reviews of it. Here are a few of my favorites:
WWW.WestCoastUndergroundUSA.comI am a huge harsh noise fan. Any reader here should know that by now. So when I heard Aqua Manhattan was in Fresno, I looked them up. I was like "Holy shit, why have I never heard this band before?" I loved every second of what I heard, since then, I've been following them. I didn't get to see them, I was in Canada on business, I heard they kicked ass and almost got kicked out of the venue. So I almost fell out of my chair when I heard about this album, I was so fucking stoked. I pre ordered it as soon as they announced it and before I knew it, I had a package from Saturn Records. I was very much euphoric to see it.
So I open it up, and it comes in vinyl AND cassette; I got both for preordering it. I also received a psychedelic colored VHS tape that was painted on by the record company, on top of that, I received a zine and a couple of stickers. So I popped in the VHS and it came up with a stop sign that said "Stop, please put in your vinyl or cassette before playing." So I do just that and start the tape. I have this to say about the first track: Holy shit.
Track one: Cheap British Whores:
You're thrown right into the disturbing noise spoken word action as soon as you begin playing it. This definitely sets the mood for the rest of the album. It's about a guy taking some really fucked up drugs, I'd assume PCP and killing everyone in a brothel. Jesus, that's lovely. The noise in this song is great, it's not your typical pedal noise though, it's almost like nails on a chalkboard with distortion hooked up to it. An issue I do have with it though is that it feels like it just leaves you hanging at the end, almost like someone published a book and left the end of the climax out. Overall, I'd give the song a 4/5.
Cheap British Whores: 4/5Cardiff Giant:This song is kind of a fun one. It's about the Cardiff Giant hoax in 1886. But it takes a new spin on it, the giant is sentient and passing people make fun of him until he gets to his breaking point and goes on a short lived King Kong rampage. As he legs are hammered off by a boy, he's left there to rot until his creator drags him to a hill and kills him. This song isn't the strongest for me, it's too repetitive and the boy's voice starts to irritate me after a while. I tried getting into the song a lot but it just never happened. I like the lyrics but the music just doesn't speak to me.
Cardiff Giant: 3/5If I'm Unsure I'll Just Blink Rapidly:This is definitely one of the best songs on this album. It's the first noise track on the album and the kills. It's very industrial and it isn't like their typical harsh noise. It clocks in at a near ten minutes of harsh noise awesomeness. Definitely a song not for the faint of heart.
If I'm Unsure I'll Just Blink Rapidly: 5/5I Know Who Killed John F KennedyI was reading the track list and I saw this one and thought. "Oh shit, an anti political song." What I got was a subwoofer slaying drone metal track that made me feel like I was hit by several buses afterwords. I couldn't believe what I had just listened to and I had to go back and listen to it again. I heard this is what they play during house shows. If this is the case I am moving to Seattle because I need to hear that. The production on it is godlike, perhaps the best production on the album. I've seen drone metal bands before but they weren't as loud as this song sounded. Like, I was listening to it and I could image how loud it is live.
I Know Who Killed John F Kennedy: 5/5Tales From The Uncanny Valley:This one is just weird. Normally, I don't dig the spoken word songs very much but this is kind of an exception. It does get pretty boring and I ended up skipping it because I don't like spoken word at all. It is very much a creative song, I admire the band's spoken word because it's very creative and the say things I would never think of. So at least it has that going for it.
Tales From The Uncanny Valley: 3/5Sudanese Worms: This is brutal with two zeroes instead of a u so br00tal. This is the kind of harsh noise that leaves your ears bleeding semen. I think one of my speakers nearly blew out before I finally turned it down. Kudos to you guys.
Sudanese Worms: 5/5Flamethrower Yeah, I know, fans usually consider the last two tracks to be the same song but I'm reviewing them as two different songs. I really liked this song. It had really interesting and creative lyrics. I liked the one about Mormons smoking weed the best. It had a catchy beat and the guitar riff was like some thing out of a Quentin Tarantino movie. I could practically see Uma Thermin killing Yakuza to this song.
Flamethrower: 5/5Dum Spiro SperoSo this is the ending of the drug trip, you're finally starting to get over the fact your dealer gave you weed with a shit ton of LSD. You decide that it was actually pretty fun and you would definitely do it again. That is the final song on this album. It's a distant noise song and it's a perfect end to the album. It was kind of hard to believe it was already over. I wanted more, and unfortunately the album doesn't give you more.
Dum Spiro Spero: 4/5So, what does Joel Gerbasi, proud owner of West Coast Underground, think overall of the album? I think it's a great album that all harsh noise fans should have in their collection. Saturn Records or your local record store should have it in CD, Vinyl, and exclusive to Saturn Record's website: Cassette, Digital, and 8-Track! Fucking 8-Track! They're very cheap online and have free shipping and if you put in the code "WestCoastAM" You'll get a free shirt and a random tape thrown in there too! Do it, dammit!
Aqua Manhattan's Tales From The Uncanny Valley gets a 4/5 from me and the West Coast Underground Seal of Approval! Get this album!
Thank you, Joel! We love the review! This next review is one of our favorite negative reviews! It's something we got in out feedback email address. Every sentence is funnier than the last. Just read it.what the fuck is????!! this is just a bunch of noise and old guys talking!! Wtf??? my friend told me to listen to this and i was like this is awful!! listen to good music so you can make some good music!jesus you guys suck! Lol!
[b] I'm pretty sure this is just a troll but it's still hilarious.Don't forget to buy Aqua Manhattan's new album!