Hello everyone, active, non-active, and new users (Guests too, we see you!) and welcome to the official TRSG Rules Thread. Although in the past there have been 'guides' and 'rules' somewhat appear on the forum, there's been a lack of an actual, set in stone rules, for everyone to follow. During the recent years, there have been numerous altercations and problems over simple things that most people wouldn't need to be reminded of but for safe reasons, we (the mods) have decided to come up with a few, simple and fair, set of rules for TRSG to follow. If you don't follow? Well, I'll tell you about that later. First, before anything, make sure you jet over to the link below in order to refresh your memory on how things are supposed to work around here. The main thing for the forum is to make sure it's an environment at which EVERYONE can benefit and thrive from so it is a fun community.
A Guide To RP - READ FIRSTReady to rp? Great! Just follow these basic and simple rules and you should do fine here. For you old timers, these rules are in effect as of today, October 1st, 2014, and therefore and rule broken or ignored will result in the penalties posted below!
1. No multi accounting.
2. No using pictures without permission from user who has the fc.
3. No stealing song lyrics. If song lyrics are stolen and not specified as cover or remake (Meaning it has to say 'cover' or specify it's a remake of the song), the song cannot be entered onto any chart. Even if cover, there has to be something from the user added in like maybe a new line or different sound, etc. for example, you can't just copy and paste Michael Jackson lyrics and call it a cover. You have to make it the characters song by adding in something to separate it from the original version like real covers. This is after all a RP forum where creativity is smiled upon and highly welcomed. This is not a copy paste forum and it will not be tolerated.
4. No entering songs to the charts unless a full RP of the song has been written. We have a few songs that chart high with only a preview released.
5. Don't rp before you face claim. Visit the
Face Claim Thread FIRST before you even put up a website or introduction to your characters. Make sure to check your desired face claim is available as well. You can also visit the
Face Claim Reserve Thread to set aside a fc for a later day.
6. No mass commenting on a thread (i.e no posting right after yourself just to take up space on threads except if its replying back to comments on a single, album, interview, etc).
7. You must wait at least 5 minutes before posting after another Instagram post because it just seems like you are trying to bump someones picture out the way. Also no mass photos on there (no multiple posts back to back with your characters pictures. Just put them in ONE post).
8. If a user is inactive for 1 year, another user may claim their fc(s). This does not apply to active users with inactive fcs.
9. No mass thread posting. Users are limited to (3) threads in one day and no more. We don't need the first page filled with 40 threads from one user.
10. Be FAIR.
11. There are to be no ooc swindles for votes, meaning do not pm or message anyone ooc to vote for your item on a chart or any event we have on here. Do not pressure other users into voting for your characters.
Now to you rebels and daredevils, we've decided on the penalties if one of these rules are broken.
PENALTY LIST1st Offense: Warning
2nd Offense: Banned for rest of the day (24hrs)
3rd Offense: Banned for 3 days
4th Offense: 1 Week
5th Offense: 2 WeeksAnd anyone that rebellious or
stupid really daring to keep breaking it, the mods pick length of choice. There will also be a thread on here with all the user's names and have how many warnings or how long they are banned for so we all know and can keep up.
Now, with all this in mind, go forth and rp!