Demon Big Sac's Tour Journal: Some Kind of Planet Tour 2015 P. 4

Well we're back on tour and it only gets worse. The douchebag with the stupid mask from Disco Squad told me all about what fucking Chilly Willy decided to do while we were gone and how he fucked the shit out of our dancers. He thought it was all funny and tried to make me laugh with the fact that some Motley Crue cover band covered us and how the dancers are fucking lost in the states. The retard seemed irritated when I didn't even grin one bit at this. I was close to punching his damn face just for telling me the news but I didn't want to go back to the shithouse (even though El Dick Diablo's gonna make us go anyways in about a week I bet). I'd rather have myself doing Satanic Sex songs acoustically than have the dancers or a fucking Motley Faggots cover band do our shows. Goddammit once we go to Texas, we're killing Chilly Willy for fucking us over badly.
You know what I said about punching the Disco bunny guy in the fucking face, well, I kind of got my reward. As you see, the fucking idiot thought it'd be a good idea to tell fucking El Dick Diablo that he fucked his personal whores and that they got lost on tour. If you know anything about El Dick Diablo, you know what happened: He spat out his beer in shock and knocked him out with his Olde English 800 bottle. It hurts getting hit with that bottle from Diablo (trust me, I've been there), imagine how that twigboy felt. Gives me a head sore just thinking about it.
Enough of that damn furry kid, we didn't have a bassist or a drummer. Luckily the stupid Crue coverband came by thinking they were gonna replace us for the night. Once those glam rock fags saw us, they shat their trousers. There were 5 of them and 3 of us so we kicked they're fucking asses while everybody else were in the smoker lounge, smoking you-already-know (except for the furry kid, he was still sleeping after that hit). While we had the brawl, I thought maybe we could use the bassist and drummer from the fucking Crue coberband. Once I thought this I immediately ended the fight, negotiated some shit, and the two fucks agreed because they were greedy corporate fucks that would do anything for money (I mean anything, the bassist used to a male prostitute and he isn't even gay). We told the rest of the band to scram and we waited for the early birds.
Oh yeah forgot to mention, Diablo's secret drug treasure chest was always guarded and protected by his two whores. Since they're gone, his drugs are gone. He was fucking pissed when he heard this and started knocking over literally everything in the club. The people in the lounge thought we were rehearsing so no one gave shit. Man they looked so fucking shocked when the place was all a mess. Worse, Diablo tried to score meth by asking the most innocent fucking concert-goers at the front waiting: the regular guys, the chicks who thought he was creepy, the stoners who don't do that shit, the bouncers, even the kids with their dad next to them. Obviously, he didn't score because no one fucking likes meth so he just walked back in pain and sorrow about not having his fix. Now on with the show.
Everybody was pissed. Me and my son were pissed because our name got shat on by glam rock fags and the shitty dancers, Diablo was pissed because he wasn't on drugs (getting drunk doesn't count when you're Diablo), and the new bassist and drummer were pissed because they got their asses kicked earlier. Despite being pissed as hell, no crazy shit happened. We didn't bottled up our rage and spew it onstage like every other band would do; we were so pissed that we actually just played the show for once. No bullshit, no Diablo getting us near jail, none of that; we played and left. No one cared about us and we didn't care about them, this show was just a day at work for us, a shitty job at that wit the fucking cubicles and shit.
We fucking left the stage and hit the next vacant. The guy from the Harlots made a snarky remark about us playing it safe and how the shithouse changed us. He ignored him and left, too fucking pissed to give a shit.