Demon Big Sac's Tour Journal: Some Kind of Planet Tour 2015 P. 7

A new day has come and it was another day Diablo would ruin. Not only was he on meth, but he spent all our tour money on it yesterday. There was half a pound of meth in the back of the van. This makes me wonder how the fuck can that fatass not find a quick fix in a three-day excavation but can get nearly a fucking pound of meth in just a stroll around the neighborhood. We don't even get paid at all from these fucking shows yet Diablo got a near pound. I don't know how Diablo got it but the fact is that he fucked all of us over. All of us. Fucked! You know what happens when you don't have money? You can't get gas! So when we were suppose to play a show at Memphis, we were fucking stuck in the middle of fucking nowhere with a ton of meth and a methhead. But then that made me think: we can just
sell the meth. Problem was, Diablo was guarding that shit more tenaciously than the fuckface from Lord of the Rings and his ring.
Actually, it wasn't that hard to get Diablo off guard. I just got my son to tell him that there's a meth score nearby and off he went. I took a portion of that shit and waited for potential customers near the near-rundown convenience store (thank god we were stuck in the middle of a ghetto neighborhood or else I would have waited a pretty long time for the cash). It took two-and-a-half hours to sell the meth and I ended up with almost 200 bucks (that will be enough for expenses for three days). I got back to the van and holy fuck, you will not fucking believe this, the van was on fucking
fire! The luggage seemed thrown out with everybody's shit on the road (including our costumes {that one really hurt}). Everybody was on the ground, groaning in agony and all bruised up. Everybody except for
Diablo. Diablo was prancing around the flames buck naked, shouting and screaming "no honor among goddamn thieves!" He saw me and charged toward me with his woody all erect. All I knew was that he was on fucking meth so even if I fought back, he'd kick my ass and kick it raw. Instead, I ran into the woods to lose the guy. When you're on meth, you're faster than a pack of hyenas and stupider than a sack of potatoes; so instead of trying to find me, Diablo just ran straight into the woods like a hedgehog and got completely lost after that.
I went back to the road where the van was and a bunch of fucking cops were there. They came because of the fucking van. They were interrogating my fellow bandmates who got beat up and they just told them what actually happened. The stupid pigs didn't believe them and thought the whole thing was a fucking accident but I approached them and told them that Diablo was on bath salts. Not only did they shit their trousers but they immediately started searching, searching like real fucking cops, even worse than that. Seriously, I almost thought they were gonna call the CIA because of this. I asked the pigs to give me and my fellow bandmates for a ride but they subtly told us to fuck off so we did. Good thing the cops were busy with methhead Diablo, they didn't catch us hitchhiking for a ride.
Two hours later (I'm surprised the police were still chasing Diablo) a rusty, crusty, and graffiti-riddled hippie van came around to us and got our ass to the next show. The problem was, it was Disco Squad's van. That Alida fool didn't notice me or my son because we didn't have masks or paint on but he noticed the Crue guys so then he tried telling us politely to fuck off. He was using a bunch of euphemisms and saying big boys words and therapist language as if it would actually work. I threatened him to give us rides for the whole tour by raising my fist and he stop talking out of his ass and gave us want we wanted, rides to our shows. All we need now was a shopping spree at the Party City.
After that, the shows been great. A lot of fans aren't getting hurt, the songs are played as they're supposed to, and I haven't seen one cop in this entire week, that's a new record!
But I gotta admit, it's kind of boring without Diablo on the road. Don't get me wrong, the shows are great without him but just doing good show after good show isn't thrilling at all. The roar of the earlybirds' applause doesn't do anything for me, I'd much rather hear them booing me right now. I guess I'm so used to Diablo's fucking batshit insane antics that playing shows the right way is kind of the wrong way for me. But who cares, I'm just thinking too deep now anyways. I wonder if he got caught.
OOC: Sorry guys for missing out on a whole week's worth of roleplay. Please forgive me.