Yep, it's that time, I need more bands. Satanic Sex is in the shithouse right now and they'll be there for a very, very long time and y'all know what that means????
NO MONEY! So I need more bands or artists it doesn't matter. Here are the benefits and spoils if ya join
Chilly Willy:
EXPOSURE: It's a label so you'll be more popular than being a lone wolf. I know the industry and if you sign with me, the industry will know you!
YOUR MUSIC IN THE COOLEST FORMATS: We do digital, we do CD-rs, we do cassettes, we do 7"s, we do floppy disks, we got 'em all! Analog or digital, your
choice! How would you like your electronica project be on an analog 7"?
Sounds fucking great don't it!
BE INDEPENDENT: You can do whatever the fuck you want. No restrictions and ya don't have to sound like a pop prima donna (unless you want to). You can
make music outta sticking your cock in shit and we still release it!
Anything! Really, Anything you do
we'll release it!
Bluegrass, hip hop, metal, pop shit, shitcore, black metal, NSBM, avant-garde, dark ambient, drone, harsh noise, gorenoise, etc. Music is great

why should we restrict it??
WE CARE ABOUT YOU: We aren't some fancy schmancy label who hates all their bands, we care about you and your music. We will do anything to get y'all on
top because
we love ya.
YOU'LL LOVE OUR EMPLOYEES: You'll work with nice people that know the industry in and out that will make you big.
I'M A GOOD BOSS: I won Boss of the Year 3 times in the state I live in. Don't YOU want to work with a 3-time Boss of the Year?? Yeah, ya would, don't lie....
$MONEY$: You get cash! Just sign the contact and ya get some cash! Doesn't everybody love money? Because you'll get cash!
If you are in a band or you are a solo artist and you don't want to join this label....... well, it's your choice. Your choice to get no money out of your music, your
choice to work at McDonalds,
your choice to live in a shitty apartment with the girl you impregnated,
your choice to be stuck with her because no one wants to fuck anyone who's not a rockstar,
your choice to get married in Vegas,
your choice to have two little rotten brats that hate you,
your choice to give up music,
your choice to have no time for friends because you gotta put "family first,"
your choice to see your wife cheat on you anyways because you lost your manhood,
your choice to get a divorce,
your choice to see your children smoking pot and die,
your choice to attend their funerals, and
your choice to die alone.
Or..... you can join
Chilly Willy Soup Kitchen Recs and become a motherfucking
rockstar! Whaddya say?
Contact us at:
[email protected]