Artist: Weekend
Title: About Time
Genres: Pop, Rock Pop
Length: 44:34
Writers: D.Blue, R.Hamilton, S.Hollywood, R.Ifon, B.Khan, T.Newton, E.Turner, O.Ward, S.Wellington
Producers: Deneil, Julian Bunetta, LosOscuros, Savan Kotecha, run
Label: Five Pesky Kids
Released: July 5th 2015
Singles: How It Ends, Back In The Day & Only Just Begun
Back In The Day (D.Blue, R.Hamilton, B.Khan)Ride Or Die (D.Blue, R.Hamilton, B.Khan, O.Ward, S.Wellington)Run (D.Blue, J.Wyatt)A Step From Heaven (D.Blue, B.Khan)Animal (D.Blue, S.Hollywood, B.Khan)Only Just Begun (D.Blue, R.Hamilton, R.Ifon, E.Turner)The Lucky Ones (D.Blue)Chokehold (D.Blue, S.Wellington)Hard To Forget (D.Blue, B.Khan, T.Newton)About Time (D.Blue)Just A Boy (D.Blue, B.Khan, R.Hamilton, S.Wellington)Echo (D.Blue)Heartbreakers (D.Blue, S.Hollywood, B.Khan) Drift (D.Blue, R.Hamilton, S.Wellington)How It Ends (D.Blue, B.Khan, S.Wellington)
About Time is the second studio album from Australian-British-Irish boy band, Weekend. The album will be released on 6th July 2015 via their own record label Five Pesky Kids, making it their first album to be released following the closure of Chaos Records. The album follows on from their highly successful and critically acclaimed debut effort "Fired Up" which was released in 2012. The record topped charts across the globe and saw Weekend become household names. A second album was originally planned for a late 2013 release but no official lead single was released and it was later revealed that the boys had scrapped the album entirely and had began to write from scratch again. The second album, originally titled "Wild Young & Free" was apparently not to all of the members' tastes and they believed that even their fans would not take to the new material. It has been suggested that the original second album contained unwanted elements of EDM and that it was a result of having "too many cooks in the kitchen". After Five Pesky Kids became a label in its own right, breaking away from Chaos, the boys cut down the size of their team and started to work on a record that felt a lot more intimate and personal.
Containing strong elements of rock and developing the sound first heard on their debut, "About Time" is said to be very guitar driven with a live sounding atmosphere. Weekend's rock pop sound was lauded by critics as they felt it was a breath of fresh air as opposed to a lot of the dance music which was heavily circulating at the time. Khan has stated that the album "goes back to basics" and that this time around, a lot more thought has gone into both the writing and production process. All members have writing credits on the album with Blue having the most (15) and Ward having the least (1). While Oscar only has writing credits on one track, he was still heavily involved in the creative process and a bulk of songs he had penned did not make the final cut.
Lyrically, the album shows off their growth as artists and maturer themes are explored. While the album does not carry a parental advisory logo and is still suitable for all age groups, some of the songs have a much deeper meaning behind them in comparison to the pop ditties found on "Fired Up". Having a turbulent past few years, the boys draw on some of their own personal experiences in their writing and have tried to take things one step further. Songs about relationships aren't as simple as "she's pretty, I want her" anymore. Weekend have made the transition into the real world now and if involves breaking a couple apart and keeping the pieces for themselves then so be it.
The lead single was the soft rock inspired ballad, "How It Ends". The lighters in the air anthem was released towards the end of April this year and went on to become another number one for the group. It was also their first release since "Turn Up The Volume" dropped and stormed the charts in November 2012. The single received critical acclaim and simultaneously topped the airplay, download and streaming chart. The second single didn't follow on until the November of the year as the boys claimed that the original summer release did not seem appropriate for the style of the song. "Back In The Day" was premiered at midnight on 14th November 2014 and has so far received positive reviews from fans and critics alike.
Weekend have confirmed that there will be another tour in support of the album and that it will take place in early 2015.

Oh wait, am I actually allowed to say something for once!?? I kid, I kid. Well I'm just going to start off by thanking Joanne from Subway around the corner from our London studio. Thank you for making breaks from recording so delicious and for keeping me nourished while I'm hard at work in the studio.....trying to build mini forts out of ballpoint pens. You're a star.
Just having the opportunity to write another set of thank you notes is a huge honour in itself. It's been a bumpy ride getting here but we finally made it! None of this would be possible if it weren't for the lovely Miss Lyrica Ocha, our creator. Although we have parted ways in regards to business, I still have a tremendous amount of love for you and the support you still show us today doesn't go unappreciated. I'd probably be cleaning car windows if it wasn't for you.
To my parents, thanks for putting up with me for 23 years. I know that I wasn't exactly a normal child. I didn't want to become a surgeon like my father. I wanted to be dramatic and eat sand. I know I was never a badly behaved kid but with my endless energy and imagination, I was a bit of a handful. Thank you for embracing my weirdness and not trying to force me to be anything I didn't want to be. Without your constant belief and support, I wouldn't have even thought about taking this opportunity and now look at me! I guess its true. They'll let any weirdo on TV nowadays. Oh and my little sisters, you smell.
I'd also like to thank my beautiful (and suffering) wife, Jen. Thanks for finding everything I lose. Thanks for washing and ironing my clothes. Thanks for showing me how to use the toaster. Thanks for laughing at all of my terrible jokes. Thanks for just being you. I love you more than Ariana Grande loves her left side. By the way, I may have accidentally smash a few plates when I was trying to wash out a glass earlier. Sorry.
How can I not thank my boys? Oscar, Billy, Dustyn and Riley, you guys are like the brothers I never had. I know I'm the oldest and you'd think I'd be the wisest but most of the time it's you guys looking out for me, your old big bro. I have only known you for three years but it seems like a lifetime. We have shared such a unique, beautiful and crazy story. Only us five know what it is like to be a member of Weekend and that is one bond we will always have in life. With all the stuff that's happened to us, this is an experience we will never ever forget. I love you guys but let's get one thing straight, I still have the best butt. Dustyn comes a close second!
Finally, to our loyal fans. I hate the term "Weekenders". We didn't even come up with that and it's kinda tacky to be honest. Call yourselves what you like though, I suppose! The point is, you have been here through thick and thin. We've had many personal problems aired to the world and you still stuck around. We cancelled an album and started from scratch again and you're still here. We've been ridiculed by all sorts of people and yet we just grew stronger. This album is for you. Well it's actually a way of paying my bills but it's nice to be nice, right?

Wow! Album number two is finally here! The dreaded second album....oh no!
Firstly, I would like to thank my big cousin, Lyrica for keeping me in mind when she was thinking of starting up this project. Being a short, 15 year old living in a very small, rural village in Ireland while battling my own sexuality and living with autism at the time, it was safe to say that I was apprehensive about stepping into the music industry. Of course, I always had dreams of it but when it all of a sudden became very real I was a nervous wreck. I doubted I would pass the audition. Then I didn't think that my band mates or the public would like me. After that I didn't believe that people would be interested in a boy band. The idea just seemed so 90's. Fast forward three years and here we are, though! It's unbelievable. I is truly one of the luckiest guys in the world.
I'd like to thank my three little boys, Shay, Kayden and Koa. You fill me up with so much love and joy. Holding you in my arms and watching you grow into wonderful little people is just the most rewarding experience ever. Any parent should know what I is talking about. It's just magical. Dallas, thank you for being there for me no matter where you are in the world. I pick up the phone and you are there to listen regardless of what time it is in your country. Long distance relationships can be so hard and I know we don't see each other as much as we'd like to but we make it work. Thanks for attempting to understand my accent and for showing me what real pizza tastes like. Your beard is awesome too! Honor, Eilidh, Andrea, Jen, and Michelle aka My Girlies, thanks for just being totally fabulous and for giving me a shoulder to lean on during drunken nights out on the town or one to cry on when things gets a little low. Stay amazeballs! Blake, thanks for showing me how mean and unpredictable people can be in the real world. This is not a call out, everyone knows what went ony and I couldn'ts care less about that anymore. I learned a lot from you. I experienced my first love and my first heartbreak. I learned the hard way. You gave me a good taste of the real, big bad world but it only made me stronger. Thank you.
Billy, Oscar, Riley and Scott - legends. You all look after me like I is your little brother and I is eternally grateful. We have bonds that will never be broken. I feel like I has known you all of my life and due to how protective we are over each other and the love we share, it actually does feel like we was all born and raised together! You are for very talented guys with hearts of gold, despite what some people like to print and spread around. Nobody has the inside scoop apart from us ;) Love you millions!
Last and certainly not least, a big thanks to our beautiful fans. You say that you is proud of us but it's us guys that is proud of you lot. The amount of hard work and dedication that you all put in is beyond incredible. You are all little stars. The promo, the voting, the all just floors me. I love you all and hope you enjoy this new record x

I've been told that you can't swear on these things but f*** it. I swear if that's been censored out, heads will roll.
It's currently 3:14 a.m while I'm writing this and I'm desperate for a wee so I'm going to make this short and sweet.
I don't have a religion and I've not had support from my family apart from Deneil so that actually saves time. Growing up (well being dragged up), I was never really given much encouragement or attention. As much as I love my mum, she was not in the right from of mind to be having kids at the time so I was pretty much overlooked. Now that I'm older, I understand why things were like that all those years ago and we don't have the best relationship ever but you always know that the love is there. Rather than thank, I'd like to raise a middle finger to my father who f***ed everyone over, never hid the fact that I was unwanted and made me feel like I'd amount to nothing. "Billy, why can't you be like your cousin Hussain!?" (Hussain died when he was 5 months old). After going through years of that and living on the streets for a while, I'm pretty sure I'm entitled to gloat and be proud of where I am today. Sure, 95% of the population hate me and Muslim countries want me hanged but at least I'm doing better than my father.
I'd like to thank my King and Queen, Michael and Janet Jackson. Thank you for the music. Your records are the reason I love music and have helped me through some pretty dark times. I'm sorry for stealing some of the albums but I've purchased them over again along the way so it's all good.
Honor - Thanks for letting me vent, being a general pain in the backside and for putting money into my bank account with all those parties. We've had our differences but the past is the past and I've found a real friend in you. You're an amazing woman.
Kai - Look after your lady! Thanks for being a good mate. We don't hang out like we used to. Something needs to change.
Mercedes - One of the coolest girls I know. Keep rocking that s***. Make Hackney proud! ;)
Jennifer - When I first arrived on the scene looking all scruffy and having the temperament of a feral cat, you took me and the boys in regardless. You were one of the first people in the industry to actually believe in us and to give us support. Thank you.
Rory - You're alright for a Gunner. Shame about the s*** music though ;)
Deneil - My baby bro! We've been through hell and back. I'm not going to dwell on all the f***ed up situations we've been in. We've always had each others backs and I'm immensely proud of you. You've grown into a wonderful young man and I know you'll go on to bigger things that I could never achieve. I love you.
Andrea - Come and pick up these boxes or I'm f***ing donating them.
Daniel - I love you. I may not be the best father in the world and when you read this back I'll probably be in prison for beating a Taylor Swift fan to death but I want you to know that you are my world.
To my special someone, you know exactly who you are. I think the world of you and although people think I'm incapable of caring for others, I truly care about you. I have a lot of trust issues. I have a lot of behavioural issues. When I'm with you, I feel relaxed and I'm never judged. Very rarely do people actually "get" me and understand my points of view. They might nod along and pretend but I know that we are really in sync with one another. You're amazing.
Weekend - I love you boys more than I can say. In this black heart of mine, you've managed to wedge yourself in :P Not going to get soppy over you because I know you'll make fun of me when you read it back. You know how much you mean to me. You f***ing annoy me but I can't imagine life without you.
Our fans, you are the s***! If it came down to a battle between you lot and all the other fan bases out there, I know who I'd put my money on ;)
Enjoy the album, I'm off for a p***

I never in a million years thought I would release an album but now here we are at album number two! This time last year we were all stressed up to the eyeballs, racking our brains, trying to figure out what to do with this record. It was either too dance, too pop, too rock...we thought it would never be completed but now I'm here, finally writing up these thanks. What a relief!
Our beautiful fans, without your support our dream would have never become reality. Sure, Weekend may have still formed but without all of the blood sweat and tears you guys put into launching us across the globe and all of the continual support, we would be nothing. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. Can't wait to see you on the road next year! Love you all.
Dad, you have always pushed me to be the best that I can be. You were my one and only male role model and authority figure and I couldn't have asked for anyone better. Your work ethic, outlook on life, dedication and devotion to your family cannot me commended enough. I hope that I'm making you proud.
I would like to thank to thank all of the girls in my family. Apart from my father, I was pretty much raised in among a bunch of strong, passionate women who have taught me so many valuable lessons in life. I know how to treat a lady and I've been house trained since I was able to walk. Thanks for all the cleaning tips, Mum! My amazing Nan, my troublesome big sisters, my crazy aunt Frances and of course my wonderful mother, I love you all unconditionally.
I'd also like to thank two VERY special little ladies and one charming little man, my beautiful fiancee Eilidh and my wonderful kids Roo and Rocco. You are the reason I smile when I go to bed and when I wake up in the morning. I strive to be my absolute best so that I can always provide for you and hopefully set a great example. I've always known what I've wanted in life and now I have it - the perfect family. I love you but that's just a huge understatement.
And of course there's the boys, my best friends, my brothers. Riley, Billy, Dustyn and Scott, you guys are the perfect combination of brilliant and insane. Never a dull moment with you lot and I wouldn't want to share this incredible journey with anyone else. People try to create drama and attempt to wedge themselves in between us but we're much bigger than that. Yes, we have our ups and downs but at the end of the day we have nothing but love for one another. Can't wait to see what 2015 has in store for us. We've only just begun!

I've been told many times before that I tend to just word vomit and go on and on so I'll try my best to make this straight to point and I'm so sorry if I leave anyone out. It's a mistake and totally not intentional!
First and foremost I want to thank our fans who have been with us through absolutely everything and of course, the new ones too! Basically, if you are reading this right now then you are amazing and I thank you for your support. Whether you've downloaded one of our songs, streamed it online, bought an album, purchased every release, kitted out your entire house in Weekend merchandise, sang your heart out in the front row of one of our concerts, I cannot begin to describe how grateful I am. Not everyone gets to live out their dream and because of YOU, this is possible. We've worked hard on this album and we hope that you enjoy the final outcome. Happy listening :)
I'd like to take a moment to thank Angel Music Records, Mykaylah, Lyrica Ocha, Chaos Records and everyone else involved in the very early days of Weekend. With your help and creative minds, Weekend are here today. Lyrica didn't have to take time out of G2L to form us. Angel Music & Mykaylah could have easily turned away this rowdy bunch of teenage boys. Chaos Records didn't have to save us when our first label closed but they all believed in this band from day one. Thank you so much and I certainly owe you all a lot! Any favours, just hit me up haha!
Scott R.H - Thank you for signing us to Chaos and then believing in us enough to convince us to launch Pesky. I'm still in disbelief that a true music icon like yourself would even wish to associate with a pop band full of immature boys. I am so proud to say that I have learned from and worked for someone of your calibre. Not only that, I can proudly call you a friend. Genuine bro hug coming your way, ha!
Jennifer - For Scott's sake I think we should mention the Mama Jen days as little as possible! Won't go into detail as I can sense your husband cringing right now but you know how much of a part you played in our early days. Thanks for the never ending support and for keeping Mr Wellington fed and watered!
Dustyn - My little baby bro. You inspire me so much. The world only knows a quarter of your story and even that has them all in awe. You're a true talent with a kind heart and a wonderful approach to life. Keep doing what you do, buddy!
Scott - If I ever need cheering up I honestly just read out some of your tweets. You're so witty, smart and have me in stitches constantly. I think you have so much to offer and you never give yourself enough credit. You're awesome.
Oscar - Seeing you with your family makes me feel so proud. You're a great dad, wonderful fiance to Eilidh, amazing performer and you're at the forefront of this dysfunctional band. Is there anything you can't do!??
Billy - Like Scott, you don't give yourself enough credit. People will always talk but I know you're a great person and hello, have you heard that voice of yours!? Jealous. Just do you and like I always say, think positive! :)
Michelle & Orson - My beautiful wife and son. I have been through many rough patches. Some have been documented and spread all over the magazines and internet but a lot has went on that has remained behind closed doors. No matter how low I've been though, you two are always there to put a smile on my face. When I think things are tough I remind myself just how lucky I am to be living this life and to have such an incredible family. Michelle, you are the strongest person I know. You've got a heart a gold, so smart, excellent with Orson, terrific listener, the most beautiful girl in the world. The word perfect springs to mind. Orson, my little champion! I hope daddy is making you proud. You are my everything.
I would like to dedicated this album to my parents, Beverly and Thomas Hamilton, who are sadly no longer with us. God has a design and I sometimes don't understand it. There's not a day that goes by where I don't think about you both. It saddens me that I can't share this journey with you and that you never got the chance to meet your first grandchild but I will continue to be the best that I can be and do it all in your honour.
Thank you all and I hope you all enjoy the album XX