Hello, Kato. How are you today?"I'm wonderful, thanks for asking."
What did you have for breakfast?"Let's see....I had some waffles, bacon, sausages, eggs, and a muffin."
Why has the album taken so God damn long, Mr!?"Ha, well that's just how I am with music. I'm more of a 'whenever the inspiration hits you' type of guy so I had to wait for it all to come to me. Sometimes it takes hours, sometimes months, it's just part of my process."
If the album doesn't do well, will you ever consider Celebrity Big Brother?"If the album doesn't do well, I think I'll just go into male modeling, preferably underwear modeling."
Can you please put an end to the great war over the pronunciation of your name. Kay-to or Cat-o?"Really? People are struggling with that? Wow, I didn't know. Well, it's pronounced Kay-to. Cat-o just sounds weird."
How's the love life?"It's great, I'm loving it like McDonalds."
What do you think about couples collaborating on a track?"I always support it, if it's genuine. If it's clearly just a ruse to get the other famous or just to create some buzz around the relationship when I don't really support it. It's like the endless Beyonce and Jay-Z collaborations. I love them both but I mean really guys..? We get you love each other but a whole album together? (Laughs) But you know, share your love if you must! I probably wouldn't do it."
Describe "For The Record" in three words."Uhhhhh, fun.....personal.....narrative."
Why should we buy this upcoming album?"You should buy it because it's a great record to add to your probably already amazing musical collection. Plus, if you play it right after my previous album, IMPRINT, it will make a lot of sense or a lot more sense."
Night or day?"Night. Day is fun but Night is like a whole different level. I always have more fun at night."
What do you think happens when we die?"I'm religious, not hardcore but I am, so I believe in God and the whole nine."
Do you have any party tricks?"Party tricks? Well, I'm the beer pong champ if that counts. I can also play ping pong with my mouth, like I can put the paddle handle in my mouth ahd play the game as if playing with my hand. It's really cool."
Have you ever genuinely feared for your life when meeting some fans?"Honestly, no. I know they are intense but I know they wouldn't hurt me. I'm precious cargo (Laughs) but I've been more afraid of them getting hurt more than me. They are some very athletically gifted people, some of them. I mean have you seen a teenager climb a 10 ft. tall fence? It's crazy. I'm secretly waiting for them to scale the walls of my hotel one day and just appear out of nowhere."
You have a bunch of famous friends coming around for dinner. What Kato speciality do you cook them?"I'm a lazy cook so I usually do something simple like noodles or pizza. I never really had the time to learn to actually cook so they'd be getting my special Kato pizza."
Rum or Coke?"I'm not much of a drinker so Coke. But Rum is great too. Human wise, I prefer both ladies together."
Sweet or sour?"Sour, I love sour things. Except sour milk because that's just filthy."
What's the best gift you've received from a fan?"I had a fan send me a copy of their name change form to legally, no joke, change their middle name to Kato. And it was a lady too. I think that's the best gift I've ever gotten because you know that's sort of insane but in a good way."
What's the craziest gift?"That probably was the craziest. No, actually, I've had a lot of fans send me personal stuff like their teddy bears or some of their clothes. I had one fan send me their hair brush with some of their hair in it. (Laughs) I just never know what I'll get with my fans."
Would you rather cry every time you hear the word "cry" or fart every time you hear the word "fart"?"Fart, all the way. No question. I would drive everyone crazy."
What's your favourite swear word?"Probably just dropping a good F-bomb every once in while. Sometimes it just comes out and I don't even mean it but I do say it a lot these days. Stubbed my toe? Lost at Pictionary? Season finales? Yeah, that's my go-to word."
Do you recycle?"I think the last time I recycled was a month ago. I honestly forget but I should get back into it."
What's the best thing about now being seen as an adult in the industry rather than "a little kid"?"I won't lie, I'll say the women. Obviously the is pre-relationship, but women don't really take you seriously when you're seen as a little kid but when you grow up? It's a different story. I guess also being taken more seriously and being more respected."
Your fans seem to believe you are perfect in every way. Is there one thing they may not know about you that could possibly gross them out? You don't have a false eye or pick your nose and eat it, do you!?"I wish I did have a false eye, that'd be cool, but they are real. I mean, I'm thinking of growing a mustache now and some people have told me I look like a pedophile but I like it. The mustache I mean."
You have to create a new five-piece boy band consisting of some members of Weekend, The Stat Nerds & ELMNT. Which five do you choose and why?"Probably...Billy, Justin, Dustyn.....um, Ciaran, and probably Christopher. I think they would all fit together, maybe vocally wise. Personality wise, I feel like that might be a bit of a struggle but you know I think they could do it."
You've attended many award shows with many other famous guys. During toilet breaks have you ever had a "little look" to see what your competition is?"I usually just look at myself and make sure the aim is right. It's pretty important in bathrooms."
A lot of celebrities are becoming vegan and heavily promoting it. Will you follow the trend or do you still like a good bit of meat?"Maybe I'll try it but I love meat too much. I applaud anyone that's a vegan and I have no problem with it but it's not really my thing to do. I have my own food regimen that I stick with."
People say you've adopted a new "bad boy" image but you're still as sweet as ever. Who is the ultimate pop bad boy?"Everyone knows Billy Khan is, it's not a competition really. I think in order to have a "bad boy" image, you don't even try to be bad, you just are without thinking. I personally don't think I am but I guess I seem like it? I haven't started any fights or insulted anyone."
If you could wipe one song out of existence, which one would it be?""Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Astley. It's so good that it's annoying in a way and so I wish to no longer hear it anymore, ha."
What's the worst venue you've had to perform at?"My bedroom. It was really small when I was little. And no one ever came to see my shows."
I've always wondered if artists listen to their own music when they aren't working on it or rehearsing for a performance. Do you love a bit of Kato playing in the background while you do the housework?"I hardly listen to my own music but 'Guilty Pleasure' usually helps cleaning go by faster. If I'm cleaning like the bathroom, I usually play 'For The Night' because it's a depressing situation, my bathroom."
What's your stance on miming during performances?"I'm pretty okay with it. I mean as long as there's a good reason why it's happening. Maybe they are sick and their voices can't carry or something like that. I think everyone has mimed at least once."
Would you rather disappoint fans with a diabolical performance that goes down in history or disappoint them by just not showing up?"I honestly would rather just cancel and not show up. I think it would be better to just reschedule then to go put on a show I know will be terrible. That's not me, I'm somewhat of a perfectionist and I don't want to carry that around with me forever."
Have you ever been forced to release a single or record a song you secretly hate?"At first, I didn't really like IMPRINT after I fist finished recording it but after a few listens, I started to love it. I don't really release anything that I secretly hate. It just would never get released as a single or something to buy."
We know Victoria is also working on some new music like yourself. Have you heard any of it?"I have but I won't give any info on it because I don't want to spoil her music. But she's a very underrated and hardworking artist so I always know it will be good."
Kendall or Kylie?"Khloe. She's like amazing. (Laughs)"
You have quite the collection of great music videos. Which one was your favourite to film?"Probably 'For The Night' was my favorite. There was a lot of acting in it and I like acting. It was a fun video to shoot."
Now that Deneil has stopped being anti-social and is making a name for himself, will you two finally make a video for Body Rock?"You never know. I'm up for it if he's up for it. Maybe it can be included on a special edition dvd or something."
Who's the nicest celebrity you have encountered?"I've met a lot so that's hard. Eilidh is probably the nicest that I've met recently."
Who is the most famous person in your contacts?"Probably Nadia Berry. Which is cool because she's in my contacts so points for me."
What's the best piece of advice you've received since entering the industry?"A lot of my advice came from Kamikaze Kate and she basically just told me to always go with my first instinct and gut feeling and to not let people change my mind on something I'm very adamant on. Basically, don't change for anyone just because."
What makes the perfect sandwich?"My mom. I'm a mama's boy."
A fan can only afford to buy one of your new singles. Which one would you convince her to buy; Gentleman or The Game?"That's hard, just buy one and illegally download the other! (Laughs) I don't know, I really love 'Gentleman' because it's like my anthem and motto in life so probably that one."
There's been a backlash against recent "sexy" music videos and lyrics from SYNCO and Andrea yet people seem to drool over a shirtless, seductive Kato. Do you feel like this will change any time soon?"I don't think so. People are just looking for ways to put down women so men can always seems so superior but you know women really does make the world a better place. I don't know, I like to drool over sexy women though. I guess I can see some of the different view points. People want music to be less about sex and seductiveness and more about something but I think it's pretty harmless. Some people do it for shock, others are just doing it for fun. I personally see nothing wrong with it, if it's a genuinely good song or video."
Where is the line drawn between sexy and trashy?"I think once it becomes too try hard then it's trashy. I think people are often their sexiest when they don't try but if you're just trying to flash everyone, I don't think that's sexy."
Weekend have recently pulled down all of their material from Spotify. If you want to listen to them, buy their stuff they say. Will you be doing anything similar?"I respect them and I respect that choice but I have no problem having my music on Spotify. I believe music should be available for anyone who wants to listen, to listen. I'd feel bad for taking it down just so they can buy it. Yes I want people to buy my music, I want to get rewarded for my hard work but at the same time, I want people to be able to enjoy without having to worry if they can afford it, or think they aren't as big a fan if they didn't buy it.."
If you could steal someone else's entire discography for yourself whose would it be?"Either Michael Jackson's, Rihanna's, or Weekend's. I pretty much can't find a song of theirs that I don't really like or haven't loved."
How would you rate your vocal ability on a scale of one to ten?"Over 9000. But seriously um....I guess on a good day, 7? And on a bad day, 5?"
Aside from the singles we've heard already, what track on the album do you think will be the instant fan favourite?"I personally think 'For The Record' will be a fan favorite. It's urban and it has some great production which makes it seem like it can be a bit of a throwback but it's current."
Will we be receiving 50 different versions of the album, resulting in us all getting into debt just to get them?"There will be a standard and deluxe, and then the only thing that will be different from some countries is the cover but other than that, it'll be pretty affordable."
Finally, the big one (well could actually be the small one), shower or grower?"I think I'm still growing but I like showing so....a bit of both. And it's a big one!"