ooc: I remember reading this but I also remember writing up a reply
. God knows what happened to it. Sorry for the delayAfter Erich completes the dare, Oscar gets off of the bed and ventures further into the darkened bus. He emerges a minute later with new two t-shirts, packed and sealed. The "I was in Billy Khan's mouth and lived" shirts are genuinely a thing. Oscar places the shirts out on the bed in front of Erich. "OK, you have the choice of either white with black print or black with white print. "We used to have a better selection but we're running low."
"I has one in blue!" Dustyn calls out.
Scott turns his head and raises an eyebrow. "When were you in Billy's......?"
Billy places a finger to his lips and silently hushes Dustyn.
Billy laughs and looks at Erich, thinking about how far he could push him in a dare. Billy himself has no boundaries and would probably dare Erich to do anything but because there's a large group of people with him, he doesn't want to go over the score in their eyes and ultimately ruin the game. He has a habit of unintentionally upsetting or offending others and ruining things. Billy just wants to have fun and likes to feel included in things though. "Punch Dustyn in the face and call him fat."
Dustyn turns and looks at Erich with his saddened puppy dog blue eyes. "No..."
Billy laughs. "I'm joking! I'm joking!" Billy puts an arm around Dustyn to comfort him while giving Erich his true dare. "I gave you five options in your truth question earlier. You said you'd bathe with Dustyn, fuck me, watch Scott use the toilet, lick Oscar's armpit and kiss Riley. I dare you to make one of them become a reality."
Oscar sighs and shakes his head, knowing that there's a high chance he'll be picked. Scott might not need the toilet for ages yet, bathing with Dustyn will take a long time out of the game and there's probably no way he'd for the Riley and Billy options. "Shit..."