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[PART 2/2]So he says that he's a bit of a one man band and wants to write you a song Scoring out the name of the other victims, doesn't the melody sound like the last one? I'm walking you home, trying my best to console while he's out having his fun You deserve the best of everything, it pains me to see you come so undone Still, everyone runs when he starts to bang the drumDuring the second verse, it shows two teams of boys entering the gymnasium. Kevin's team is in yellow while Colt's team are in white. While the teams enter and throw sinister looks towards one another, shots of Lincoln/Kevin singing alone in the locker room intersect. Cutting back to the gym, Marie can be seen entering at the top of the stairs, quietly standing in the doorway to watch the game without being spotted by the boys' teacher. She smiles down from the seating area and Kevin smiles back only to find out that Colt was behind him and he wasn't the one she was looking at. Colt pushes past Kevin, making sure their shoulders connect before giving him a dirty look.
The music then fades and it shows the teams lined up. Their teacher, Mr Burke, [Dominic Brown] blows a whistle to catch their attention before giving them a small lecture. "Same rules apply to dodgeball like any other game. You must understand, appreciate and abide by the rules of the game. Respect the integrity and judgment of game officials, aka me! Respect your opponent and congratulate them in a courteous manner following each match whether in victory or defeat. Be responsible for your actions and maintain self-control. Do not taunt or bait opponents and refrain from using foul or abusive language. Oh and for the love of God, fat kids, stop purposely getting hit by the ball so you can stand out. You need this class more than anyone." He throws the ball up in the air, only for Colt to catch it first. The song begins again as the game is in play.Playing it loud and playing it proud, doing his all to pull in the crowd Just hope he knows it's a long, hard fall down when wearing such a heavy crown Just when it seems like it's about to burst into the anthem like chorus, Kevin is smacked right in the face with the ball, courtesy of Colt, who is standing less than two feet away from him, making the head shot in close range and definitely on purpose.
It then cuts to Mr Burke standing outside of the gym with the ball in his hands while the teams can be seen heading back to the lockers in the background. "Colt is a real special kid. Lots of potential. I mean, the kid has more swag than me. How many people can say that? Some of y'all may be judging my skills as a teacher after that little altercation between Kevin and Colt. Now, Colt was totally in the wrong for hitting him with that amount of force from such a small distance but are Kevin's parents the ones buying me these dope shoes and helping me pay my rent? No. I don't think so." Mr Burke shakes his head and throws the ball towards the camera.
Kevin is seen walking down the hallways in his original outfit, looking rather sweaty and red faced after the smack. A female voice can be heard off camera. "Jeez, Kevin, that looks like a nasty slap." Kevin turns to see Rhia [Aikya Balan] emerge from the shadows in front of the dingy janitor's closet. Kevin holds onto his face while he explains what happens to the mysterious girl. "Colt got me in dodgeball. Wait...Rhia? You still go to this school? I thought you graduated ages ago? I haven't seen you around for a while." He raises an eyebrow and tilts his head to the side, trying to make sense of it all. Someone with such a striking appearance is hard to miss in the hallways. "I like to lurk in the shadows," retorts Rhia in a deadpan voice and not giving Kevin much else to work with. "Oh...Oh, OK..." Kevin nods and looks from side to side, hoping something else will distract him and end this conversation. Rhia steps further into the light and holds onto one of Kevin's hands. "If Colt's bothering you, I could help out. I can supply you with some protection. I'll give you a discount since you let me cheat off all of your English tests." Kevin takes a step back and looks rather confused "Wait, when did I...?" Putting a finger to his lips, Rhia shushes Kevin and looks around to make sure the coast is clear. "Shhh! Enough talking. Time for some action." Reaching into her overcoat, she pulls out a brand new frying pan. It's base shines in the light as she showcases it at different angles. "A few swings of this, he won't be bothering you any more." Kevin's eyes widen. "Whoa. Thanks but no thanks. I'll go for a different method, Rhia. I don't need a criminal record!" He chuckles nervously and raises his hands, hoping that she doesn't use it on him for refusing her services Rhia shrugs and hides the frying pan in her overcoat again. "You know where to find me if you change your mind," she says, before seemingly disappearing into the shadows again.
An extended instrumentation of the song plays, a section which isn't included in the official audio. It is being used to break up all of the dialogue within the mini movie. While it plays, the camera pans all throughout the school, showing most of the students outside. It appears to be a different day as it's lunch time yet again and when we see Kevin walking down the corridors, he is wearing a new outfit, identical to the one on the single's cover. He is walking through the school while the teachers are in the staff room and students are enjoying their lunch break. He walks past a classroom and doubles back when he hears voices. Kevin peers through the side of the door only to find Colt and Hayley [Chaelin] sitting along in the room.
"Hayley, can I ask you something?" Colt smirks and traces his fingertips over the top of the table. A doe eyed Hayley perks up and shows off her pearly white teeth, a bit too excited; "Of course I will!" "You...you don't even know what I'm going to ask you though." Colt's eyes shift around, hoping he hasn't made a mistake as Hayley appears to be a tad...over enthusiastic. "Oh, well, sure...go ahead," she says with a nod, waiting, hanging on Colt's every last word. The school's bad boy plays it shy and acts as if this is all new to him. He shifts around in his seat and clears his throat before saying what he has to say."I've noticed you in class for quite some time now and I was wondering if...maybe...you'd come to the charity ball with me on Friday. As my date?" Hayley jumps up out of her seat. "YES! Really?! Oh this is...this is...this is the best thing that's ever happened to me. Ever." Hayley cuddles Colt and his eyes widen, realising that she is very much unhinged. Meanwhile, Marie joins Kevin at the door. He tries to move her away but curiosity gets the better of her. "Kevin, what's going on in there?" She eventually pushes past her friend and sees Colt and Hayley kiss in the Chemistry classroom. Moving away from the kiss, Colt smirks and looks at the love-drunk Hayley who can barely stand on her own two feet now. "Great. I'll pick you up whenever I feel like it." When Colt turns, he sees a hurt Marie standing in the doorway with Kevin behind her looking disgusted.
After school, Marie is sat behind the wheel of her stationary car while Kevin is in the passenger seat and Benjamin is in the back. "How could he?! I must be so stupid! It's all my fault." Marie slams her horn and runs a hand through her hair. "You're not stupid and it's definitely not your fault. Guys like Colt, they don't deserve someone as great as you. He's just too dumb to realise what...what treasure he had. It's his loss. He doesn't even deserve your tears, Marie." Kevin unbuckles his seatbelt and puts an arm around her to comfort her while Benji offers a tissue. Marie takes the tissue and waves it around. "Oh, stop." Even though she might not want to hear compliments, she sure as hell deserves them alongside some reassurance so Kevin isn't going to stop there. While Marie dries her eyes, Kevin continues to comfort her. "No, I'm being serious. You deserve someone who treats you with respect. Someone who appreciates you and goes above and beyond when it comes to showing you how much you mean to him. By the way, that motorcycle isn't even his. It's his dad's. Sweaty 45-year-old, midlife crisis man butt sits on that seat too. Somehow it seems a lot less cool." Everyone in the car laughs and Marie wipes away the last of her tears. She turns to him and tussles his thick hair, causing it to stand up on end. "Kev, you always know how to make me smile. I can't wait to find someone like you!" Kevin balls up his fist and bites down on his knuckles, just wanting to highlight the fact that he is everything she's looking for. No matter how blind Marie is, right now still isn't the best time to make a move.I know I'm nothing like the bad boy, who does it so well But under that mysterious daydream, he'll unleash living hell I could take you to places that you've never been I could show you so many things that you haven't seen The shoulder to cry on, old faithful, yet I'm nothing but a flicker When it comes to him, nothing else can fit inside the picture We could be golden, some kind of bliss, forever my number one But he slicks his hair back, bangs the drum and it's his way you runAs the chorus plays again it switches to Kevin's bedroom. Marie and Benjamin are also there. All three of them are dressed in laboratory coats, complete with goggles and rubber gloves. Marie sits on the bed surrounded by textbooks and notepads, scribbling away. Kevin stands over a desk, looking at what appears to be the blueprint of the high school. He is studying it intensely and occasionally focuses on some of the other maps and plans he has pinned on his wall. Meanwhile, Benji is messing around with a chemistry set. The empty box is next to it, clearly saying "Hasbro" which makes it all seem a little less serious and returns to the comedic approach of the video. Benji motions the other two over. As Kevin and Marie surround Benjamin, he places a stirring rod into a beaker of green gunge and pulls it up, stretching the goo out. After it gets the nod of approval from the others, Kevin turns and looks at his wall. In the centre of the plans there is a picture of Colt, making it clear that this is all an attempt to take him down. That gunge is for him.
The instrumental of the song plays again as it returns to the school the next night, which so happens to be the charity ball. The gymnasium has been turned into a lovely ballroom. This isn't a regular school party. They really have gone all out to decorate the place. All of the males look sharp in their tuxedos while the girls look beautiful and elegant in their long, flowing ballgowns. Kevin stands behind a table in a tuxedo, serving punch to the guests while keeping an eye on Colt and Hayley who are on the far side of the room, conversing. As Colt likes to think of himself as a bit of a performer, he has his guitar at the ready. Hayley makes an attempt to touch it but Colt quickly snatches the instrument from her.
Kevin pours a cup of punch for a couple and then raises his phone to his mouth once they've moved away. It is also an iPhone 6 Plus only in black. "You ready?" he asks in a quiet voice as if operating a sting. It cuts back to Benji, who has the same phone only in white. "Oh, I was born ready, baby!!" He and Marie appear to be behind the stage, holding on to a variety of ropes. The small students appear to be struggling to keep a hold of the huge ropes as whatever is tie to the end of them must be extremely heavy. Suddenly lots of clapping fills the hall and Colt is seen walking up to the stage with his guitar at the ready. "Looks like he's ready to perform. Stay alert." Kevin hisses into the phone and watches Colt's every move. The song begins again but only briefly. Colt looks out of the stage and waves at his adoring audience. He catches Kevin's eye and glares at him, only for the death stares to be returned alongside a smirk from Kevin.He bangs the drum and I watch them all run He bangs the drum and I watch them all runColt sits on the stool and brings the microphone closer to him "Hey everyone!" The audience cheer and a few wolf whistles can be heard. Kevin roles his eyes and Colt blushes. "This is a song, I wrote for a very special little lady. This one goes out to you, Rhia." We then see Rhia's eyes widen as she points to herself, clearly not expecting the dedication. She emerges from the shadows at the back of the room while Hayley's jaw hits the floor. She grabs her purse and storms out of the hall. Colt smirks and points towards Rhia. "Ain't nobody quite like you." A spotlight shines on both Colt and Rhia as the song enters the bridge.You say that you're strong enough to make it through whatever But when he breaks your heart, who always helps piece it back together? You're not stupid, just hooked on his medicine, claiming to make things better "Someone like me" is standing right here and there's a few things bad boy could learn There's no room for a part time lover, don't ever become his same old safe bet Kisses and cash make for good smoke and mirrors but you've got to start off with respectAfter the first strum of his guitar, we see Lincoln smile and then it cuts to Benji and Marie let go of the ropes simultaneously. They violently travel upwards and the whipping noises they make from behind the curtains, cause Colt to look up. Cans of green slime pour out from the ceiling and cover the teenage heart breaker from head to toe. This time, Kevin is the one who has to hold back his laughter but there's no point. By now, the entire room is in hysterics, even the members of staff. Colt violently throws his guitar down, causing it to smash and enters a temper tantrum like a little toddler. Mr Halliday and Mr Burke escort the livid teen from the stage and ot of the hall. Even from outside, Colt can still be heard screaming his lungs out. "I am suing! I am so suing! Get your sweaty hands off me! Do you know who my parents are!? They could buy this school! They could buy everything and everyone in it! There's going to be a lot of paperwork! I promise that!.......I want my mommy!"I know I'm nothing like the bad boy, who does it so well But under that mysterious daydream, he'll unleash living hell I could take you to places that you've never been I could show you so many things that you haven't seen The shoulder to cry on, old faithful, yet I'm nothing but a flicker When it comes to him, nothing else can fit inside the picture We could be golden, some kind of bliss, forever my number one But he slicks his hair back, bangs the drum and it's his way you runThe lights come up and Kevin slowly makes his way to the stage. He picks the microphone up from the ground and taps on it to make sure that it's still working. The chorus of Bang The Drum suddenly erupts and lifts everyone's spirits again after quite a dramatic scene. Kevin/Lincoln rocks out on stage while everyone on the floor dances to the song, partially covered in the gunge and doing the wackiest dance moves which contrast greatly against their rather "proper", elegant attire. Benji and Marie are seen dancing behind the stage while Kevin leads the party out front.When I bang the drum, you should watch him run When I bang the drum, I'll show just how it's done When I bang the drum, you should watch him run When I bang the drum, I'll show just how it's doneDuring the outro of the song, Kevin jumps off of the stage and into the audience. He crowd surfs while they throw him up in the air on occasion. Even the teachers and the rather strange Rhia can be seen joining in on the fun and passing Kevin around as he is adored by the crowd. Once the outro reaches its end, Kevin is thrown up once more and the camera zooms into his eye before it abruptly cuts to black. The credits role. Lincoln Keaton as Kevin Aaron Styles as Colt Anaísz as Marie Dustyn Blue as Benjamin Scott Rose-Hilton as Mr Halliday Chaelin as Hayley Aikya Balan as Rhia Dominic Brown as Mr Burke Cosma Mendoza as Herself Billy Khan as Himself Eilidh Greene as Herself Andrea Mason as HerselfAfter the credits role, Kevin is seen leaving the school with an arm around Marie. He gives her a kiss on the lips, suggesting that the two finally got together. Kevin and Marie walk out of frame. It then cuts to inside the school, showing the messy and deserted gymnasium were the dance was held. The two older bullies who appeared at the start of the video can be seen again. They are heading towards the exit of the gym before turning back after hearing a noise behind them. It is Benjamin, who has knocked over a cup when trying to leave. He holds onto the straps of his bag and looks nervous. The smaller, muscular bully pipes up: "Hey, small fry!" He laughs and nudges his friend, as if egging him on to hurl an insult as well. "Looking for Dr Evil, Mini-Me?" The plump, red faced bully doubles over at his own joke and has to lean against his friend for support. Benjamin just nods and looks down at his feet before taking off his school bag. He opens it up while the pair cackle away and pulls at a frying pan. By this time, the bullies have looked up and are now wide eyed, totally terrified. Benjamin yells. "Aaaaahhhhhh!!!!!" The bullies make a run for it as Benjamin pursues, frying pan in hand.Hey!The screen fades to black for the final time and the words "2016 Permanent Reminder Records" appears before the video comes to an end. |