Anniken looks up from her laptop at the wall clock above her door and breathes a heavy sigh. Yes, her laptop has the time and so does her phone, iPad and the Apple watch on her wrist. Wall clocks were a novelty nowadays thanks to technological advancements but Anniken loved a good wall clock regardless and since the one in her office was a thousand-dollar Nomon luxury piece, she was going to find any reason to stare at it. Anniken slowly closed her laptop and picked up the glass of red wine next to it, finishing off the last of it's contents as she swung her swivel chair 90 degrees away from her desk and placed the empty glass onto one of the display shelves behind her.
The moment she'd been dreading all month is here. This afternoon, she is scheduled to meet with some of the most difficult artists she's ever had the pleasure of working with. Many knew of her trying relationships with Rum & Coke, one of the members being her very own daughter, but few knew that they were just the tip of the pain in Anniken's ass. She held one-on-one meetings with the talents in her own office instead of the company's conference room so that the meeting could feel more personable and intimate. In her mind, artists took negative feedback better when they could see it's coming from someone willing to be vulnerable and genuine. There are some very important conversations to be had today and she knew she would have to work hard to keep the discussions in a progressive place. She looked down at her professional attire and smoothed out the creases in her spotless white pencil skirt. Next, she buttoned her suit jacket back up, hiding her busty breasts that couldn't help but make every shirt she wore look a little more provocative than desired. She believed in the power of cleavage during deal negotiations but sadly, her tatas would be of no help today. She did a quick breathing exercise to soothe her mind, letting out another deep sigh with every exhale.
LOTUSThe door to Anniken's office swung open and Lotus stood in the doorway. She had on a pale green crop top turtle neck, a nude mini skirt and brown knee-high furry boots. "Anniken." She greeted, almost as if to make sure Anniken knew her aggressive entrance was on purpose.
Anniken did not flinch at the abrupt arrival of her cattiest client. She had known Lotus for a decade now and knew well that Lotus had a strong, combative presence. It's one of the reasons why she signed the rapper. Anniken smiled. "Lotus."
"I'm here for our meeting." Lotus announces, swiftly walking in front of the large desk and sitting down.
Anniken folds her hands and places them on her desk. "Where should we start?"
Lotus sizes Anniken up before stating plainly, "My album. It's
been ready but it's still not out. Every time I bring it up with my label, they say it's up to you. SO, wassup? Why you don't want my album to come out?"
Anniken maintains eye contact. "I want your album to come out, Lotus, you know that."
Why you don't want my album to come out, Anniken?" Lotus repeats.
do want your album to come out." Anniken repeats.
Lotus sits back in her chair. "If you wanted my album to come out, you would've sent it out in September like we planned. Do you remember what you did instead?"
Anniken raises her eyebrow. "Do
you remember requesting a last-minute change to the tracklist? Which I honored and clearly communicated would result in a change of the album's schedule."
I remember being told it would only be pushed back a few weeks just to have my record completely shelved so you can make room for a stripper hoe to hoe her way up the charts in October and sit there for the rest of the calendar year. You don't remember that?"
Anniken sighs. "What you are referring to is a change of the album's schedule which I clearly communicated to you would happen if the changes you wanted were implemented. Your album is not shelved and never has been, Lotus, we just want to make sure it comes out at the right time."
Lotus folds her arms. "If that's the case then why do you still not have a date for me?"
"We would love to release your album in the next month or so but right now, some heavy hitters are already lined up for a January release."
"I know you not talking about white boy with a guitar? Iann scared to go up against white boy with a guitar, I got New York behind me. They gon play me everywhere! In the clubs, at the schools, during the get together, Sunday dinner after church, HELL, I got a few cuts from that record they could prolly play
in church! Mud Season is worldwide, ma'am, and you getting in the way of it reaching the WORLDD." Lotus says, bluntly.
Anniken couldn't help but frown at Lotus. "Ryan Ross Hernandez is a veteran in this industry. He's been selling records since you were in high school. Not to mention, he is a pop artist and in this market, Pop dominates. I believe in you as much as you believe in you, Lotus, but it simply wouldn't make sense to release your album anywhere near his. Not if I want to give you a proper chance to shine. Aikya Balan just topped the charts for FIVE consecutive weeks and if you just give me a chance and be a little patient, we could do the same for you."
Lotus lets out a deep breath, finally breaking eye contact and looking away. Anniken had officially won the staring contest, now was her chance to really get through to the artist in front of her. "
Listen, I know you've been working hard to put this album together and build your fanbase back up to where it's always been. When you were fighting hard to reclaim your reigning spot in Hip Hop, I was right next to you, fighting even harder. I am not here to work against you, all I ask is that you don't work against me. It's been a long time coming, I know you're frustrated at all the years that have escaped us but
please, we are right there at the finish line. Just be a little more patient for me. Don't fall into the trap of thinking the hype around your album will die down and no one will be interested. You are Lotus THEEE Flower Bomb. Everyone will flock to your release just as they always have. Trust me."
Lotus sized up Anniken one last time before standing up to leave. "You have until March before I turn this building upside down. That's all Ima say."
Anniken shrugs cockily, knowing she's won this battle. "That's all I need."
Her door swings close as Lotus exits and Anniken rubs her forehead as if she's trying to massage the migraine out of her skull. In truth, she had no idea when it would be best to push Lotus' album out but at least she had bought herself some time. Lotus didn't care much about numbers but Anniken did. It was good that Lotus had finally been able to obtain a number one single after the company had been trying so hard. Anniken had put a lot of money into making sure SHIVA was a massive hit but it was overshadowed by another artist who could be considered a legend in his respective genre. Anniken did not like to lose but there was nothing she could do to stop an established artist from a more respected genre from winning. All she knew is she did not want the same thing to happen to her artist's album. Aikya Balan's Halloween record had been such a bulletproof plan because it was released during the Holiday freeze and it's creative theme could only be rivaled by Michael Jackson himself with the power of his historical Thriller era. Thanks to Aikya's strange artistry, Dahlhouse had struck gold but she knew choosing Aikya's album over Lotus' would spark a rivalry within her company and Anniken absolutely hated those. The only thing keeping a lid on this jar of chaos was the fact that Aikya was a harmless R&B singer. Had it been another female rapper, Lotus would've eaten her alive.
Anniken reached under her desk and took a swig of one of the vodka bottles she had hidden in her office. She growled as her throat burned, putting the bottle back in it's place while she waited. This was only the first round of meetings, she still had more to go.