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Offline erich hess  
#561 Posted : 18 February 2019 23:43:32(UTC)
erich hess
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Dallas kisses the top of dustyn's head and rubs it slightly. "I can imagine it does hurt. Lets keep that secret weapon in tip top shape,eh? " Dallas tells dustyn warmly." Remind me to give you an entire shipment of fancy lads when we get back to diamond city. We owe you our lives." Dallas says thankfully. He really didn't tjink dustyn had it in him. He may be cut out for the wasteland after all. Dallas doesn't even look over the edge at dustyn's victim. He's actually terrified of heights. " he may have had a heart attack on the way down. You know these god damned raiders don't have the best of diet." Dallas says sensibly. He disliked raiders even more than synths. Synths couldn't help how they acted. They were machines,right?

Dallas grimaces at Riley's statement and groans. " you deserve to lose an arm for that one." He says with a smirk. But he shakes his head at the prospect of them being Any more."Nah. I tjink they would have come running when they heard the shots." Dallas says thoughtfully. But he still readies his gun. Occasionally he picks up small objects and throws them ao that anyone listening for them may be thrown off their direction.

As they ease down the stairs,Dallas keeps looking around. They weren't going to be caught off guard again. " it has to lead somewhere....set fire to it and and hope it weakens it? Has to be at at least Molotov around here somewhere." Dallas suggests.

Nina coughs at the dust they stir up in the old corridor. It's abandoned state in a world of abandoned buildings was a welcome sight. That hopefully meant they just had some dogs to deal with. Large,near cow sized dogs. But still not the brightest of creatures. Her eyes keep focused on the sound of claws on the door. " we gotta keep on,sayyid. We can't-" Nina starts as the shaking door opens a crack. She points her Bishop's barrel through the crack and fires a few times. " stay here. We need to find an office or something we can fortify better." She continues,now it being her turn to pull him.

"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#562 Posted : 19 February 2019 00:49:57(UTC)
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"Last time I had Fancy Lad snack cakes it did weird things to my tummy. I'm just thankful there are stronger smells in the Commonwealth to cover things up." Dustyn holds his tummy as he recalls the bad memory of the ancient cakes. "I'll stick to cuddles and loads of tarberry jam, if that's OK?" Dustyn smiles, about to tiptoe and kiss Dallas but pulls away and winces in pain as his head continues to pound. "Ohh...you know what? If it's not a headboard, it's not worth it," he says, rubbing his scalp.

Riley looks on in horror at the remark, not sure how to join in on the conversation. Dustyn isn't a sexual being to him. He's just...Dustyn. The thought of Dallas giving it to him good is something he never wants to cross his mind. "Anyway...." he begins, crouching down beside a raider corpse and sticking his hands in her pockets. "We should loot these guys. They could have useful stuff," Riley says as he pulls out cob of corn from the raider's back pocket. "People carry the weirdest shit in this world."

"What if one of them grab me?" Dustyn says, indecisively moving back and forth next to one of the corpses.

"They're dead, Dustyn. The dead can't harm you. It's the living you've got to worry about," Riley says in an unintentionally poetic manner before pulling out a pulse mine from a dead guy's satchel. Examining it, the piece seems to be in fair condition but a little bumped and dented. He's no expert though. "What do you think, Paladin? Will this suffice?" Riley holds the mine out to Dallas for inspection.

As they run down what is left of the corridor, they realise that it's a dead end. A wall stops them in their tracks and the only route is a set of stairs to the left which is covered in rubble...and a baby stroller for some reason. Commomwealth decor at its finest. The offices they have passed have zero doors on them so there goes protective barricading. Sayyid lets go of Nina's hand. They have a good lead on the dogs and they appear to still be fighting the doors further down. He bends over, holding his stomach trying to catch his breath and fight sever hunger pangs. This chase is burning all the energy he has left. "Well this is just marvelous. Couldn't save my little brother...couldn't save you...couldn't save myself..." Sayyid punches the wall that has ended their path before sliding down it and sitting on the floor. He sighs and checks his pistol. "How many bullets you got left?"

The dogs start to howl in the distance, hungry and impatient. They want their meals. Sayyid closes his eyes and shudders. "That has got to be the worst sound in the world."




Offline erich hess  
#563 Posted : 19 February 2019 04:00:37(UTC)
erich hess
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Dallas looks hurt. Everyone likes fancy lads, or so he thought. Though the super strong preservatives could do a number on tender tummies. And Dallas was always more for eating junk than Dusty. "Tarberry it is,then. If you can stomach it,i hear some ghouls have a farm of them we could visit. If you don't mind zombies. Lord knows what they use for fertilizer.." Dallas says hopefully. Making plans for later made it feel like getting out of here was a reality they would find. Even Dallas turns a bit red at dustyn's headboard comment. But,he still laughs and shakes his head. " it wasn't so funny when the neighbors heard the clanging and thought synths were breaking down their wall!"

"Good idea. Maybe we'll find some fancy pads." Dallas grins . he was in the mood for some now. Those greasy little cakes hit the spot after almost being killed. Dallas roots around in some pockets,leaving no stone unturned. So he managed to find 50 caps in a very sweaty bag tucked into some underpants. "Ew. Not even for 200." He says, nudging it away with his fingertip. He did find some more useful things like some more bullets,some chems and a coffee mug. " careful with that corncob. People use those to wipe with." Dallas grins,holding up his mug.

"I Don't think theyll be grabbing much of anything,dust." Dallas adds solemnly. The raider he was searching looked a lot like kellin from the old world..but the nose was all wrong.
Dallas looks up when Riley speaks to him. He brushes off the blood from his hands before gently takijg the mine. He turns the thing over a few times and nods. " beggars can't be choosers. It may have enough force to blow the door. " Dallas softly wedges the mine against the door. He hated mines. The fact the were designed to go off by surprise didn't sit well with him. " You want the honor of shooting it? " he asks riley while trying to quickly move away,tugging dustyn along.

The hope Nina has dwindles with every gaping doorway they pass. They had backed themselves into a corner,a long corner,but a corner all the same. The idea of waiting the dogs out isnt going to manifest. She leans against the wall and watches saayid's heaving back. She was in far better shape and used to running and threats to her life. She breathed heavily,but harldy panting. Nina glares when sayyid starts feeling sorry for himself. "Shit fucking happens,love. You pull your ass together or i will feed to you the damned things. We can't afford to play what if right now. " Nina hisses softly at sayyid . if they resolved themselves to their fate,they were done for. "I've got 6 shots and.." Nina says,loading a new cylinder into her pistol. She then goes over to the rubble and breaks off a good 5 foot long piece of jagged rebar. "And this." She says as pleased as she can. It's better than nothing and could keep the dogs at a distance. " how about you? If you're holding onto a rocket launcher...well,no time like the present,love." She says looking from sayyid the far door. " oh it gets worse. I've seen psycho'd up wastelander successfully attempt to fuck one. Now that's a sound."
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#564 Posted : 19 February 2019 05:07:41(UTC)
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Dustyn takes off spiked shoulder armor from one of the dead raiders and places it loosely upon himself while looking in the screen of an old broken terminal to see what he can of his reflection. "Ooh this looks fabulous," he says with a sideways turn to the right. The raider gear suits him in a cute dress up sort of way. The way they live is far from Dustyn's morals but some of the attire is flattering if it's not covered in dirt and blood. His heart is still going like a crazy train and he's still thinking about his friends but Dustyn is able to stay somewhat calm as he has Dallas and Riley with him. The fact that there is a potential exit a few feet away also helps soothe the nerves. He giggles at Dallas' synth comment and then ponders for a moment. Relating synths to a sex joke got him wondering. "Can eh...can synths...you know...?" Dustyn makes a jerking off motion near his crotch. "I mean the human looking ones. If they can feel and cry and stuff...can they...make babies?"

"Ugh, imagine it was oil that spurted out instead?" Riley grimaces, leaning back and placing his butt on top of on old control panel as he rests up. He subtly drops the corn on the floor after Dallas' wiping remark. "Thanks for ruining corn for me, mate." He then tilts his head to the side, examining the distance between himself and the mine. Riley's not an expert in explosives but he's seen what these can do to people. "Sure thing...good luck and cover your ears," he warns as he reloads his gun and takes aim. Shooting the mine causes it to erupt and a cloud of smoke and tiny bits of wooden debris flies at them. It didn't blow the doors off entirely but enough to make a decent sized hole in it. As luck would have it, a cold breeze sweeps in through the gap. There's the outside world on the other side.

Dustyn claps excitedly and hugs Dallas tightly. There's still a long road ahead but they're finally free from this hellhole. If this were a video game, people would be rage quitting this level. It's been far too strenuous. "We did it!!". The teamwork between the trio has been insane. While Dallas and Riley took out the opposition and were the brawn in the mission, Dustyn was the brains by overriding Blake's terminal system and outwitting the raiders.

Sayyid opens up his gun and much to his dismay realises he only has two shots left. Of course they had to run for their lives before they could snatch Deneil's bag of supplies because that's how life works. Unfair. "Two shots. Better make them count." Sayyid sighs and looks down at his feet but his gaze is drawn a few inches along the floor. His eyes widen and he springs to action. "LIGHT!" he bellows, jumping back onto his feet. He points at the floor and highlights the stream of light coming out from one of the offices without a door. "There must be a window! We're on the ground floor. We can get out!" he says sounding happier than ever. Standing in the door frame of an abandoned office, he looks across to see a window with slated shutters. One of the slates is broken, allowing a stream of light to flow inside. It's a rather delicate color, being very early hours and on the cusp of sunrise. "We've made it!".

BANG. "AAAAHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!". As soon as Sayyid steps into the office, a sharp click is heard before a deafening shot. The next second, Sayyid is on the floor in the office while his boot with his foot still in it still remains in the door frame. He had set off a shotgun trap and it has blown his foot completely off due to how close he was to the range of the gun. "AAHH!! AAHH! AHHH!! AAHHHHH! FUUUUUCK! FUCK! NINA! NINA!!!" he screams out in the most bloodcurdling manner. He has just had a limb surprisingly severed after all. The stub at the end of his legs spurts and oozes uncontrollably as he wriggles around on the floor. Sayyid looks down and catches a glimpse of his missing foot. "HOLY SHIIIIIITTT!!!! AAAAAAAHH!!!!!!!"




Offline erich hess  
#565 Posted : 19 February 2019 06:22:00(UTC)
erich hess
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Dallas cant help but laugh at dustyn im the armor. It somehow manages to make him look smaller,but more threatening. Much like the form erica hess has taken to these days. "Fab indeed. Next stop,nuka world for you." Dallas chuckles. He'd never been,but the pit of raiders that was nuka world was legendary. Dallas doesn't hesitate in answering dustyn's synth question. Being brotherhood,he'd seen the reports on synths...and ghouls. Sure enough,members had tried fucking anything vaguely humanoid. "While technically having the equipment,they cannot reproduce. But im sure many couples out there enjoy trying." Dallas says clinically. Briefly he thought of mariko and all the questions he had for her. How did it feel being a machine capable of thought?

" what do you think keeps the Brotherhood armor so clean? Synth love juices." Dallas says with a smirk and stepping away from the cob. Both the Cobb and synth juice were disgusting thoughts. If anything,there was no shortage of stomach churning discussions to be had. Dallas clamps his hands 0ver dustyn's ears whem Riley takes aim. Dustyn probably couldn't handle the sound as well as Dallas. What was a bit more hearing loss for Dallas anyway? The power armor was loud as hell inside. Espscially the poorer maintained ones.as the debris rains down 9n them,Dallas can't help but quip, " you're only supposed to blow the bloody doors off!" His best Michael caine isn't that good. Like,at all. But someone needed to say it.

"Lets not go running out just yet,dust. That blast may have got some attention." Dallas says carefully,but very excitedly. He couldn't wait to feel that humid wasteland air on his face. He nods to Riley and raises his gun in case they run into action.

Nina furrows her brow at their supply state.8 bullets between the pair of them. One sharpened piece of metal. It wasn't looking good. " i guess,try to hit them in the mouth. I think they are softer there." Nina suggests. She was still confident they could do this. " if i could go back in time and punch sarah maclaughan for those save a dog commercials,i fucking would,love . i blame her for these things." Nina sneers. She lights up (ha ha) at the discovery of light.
"Oh thank fuck." She sighs. "Beers are on me,love. Maybe even literally." She adds with a wink. After all this stress,she could certainly use some fun.

Nina is slightly behind sayyid when the trap goes off. The sound makes her go deaf for a brief moment. She sees the foot that isn't attached to sayyid anymore and she throws her rebar down. "God dammit. Who puts these things everywhere?!" She screams. She kneels down and looks at the stump of sayyid's leg. "Ok ok ok. We still got this. We got this." She murmurs,racking her brain on what to do. " right. Sorry about this...." She says,grabbing the foot and lobbing it down the hall towards the dogs. That should keep them occupied if they manage to get In the door. Nina ignores sayyid's screams and uses the rebar to pry the shutters open more. The metal screeches in protest as the rebar pulls it away from the frame. " "ill shove you out the window first. Then we'll cauterize that leg and you'll be right as rain." Nina says calmly before squatting dowm and lifting sayyid. "You're fucking lucky,love. I was kidding about feeding you to the dogs." She giggles as she grunts to lift sayyid onto her back. She was not going to be responsible for two khans deaths today.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#566 Posted : 19 February 2019 07:33:12(UTC)
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Riley leads the way, crouching down to fit through the hole in the door. He never thought he'd be so happy to feel that wasteland glow on his face. The "fresh" air suddenly makes him feel alive and free after spending the best part of a day in a towering concrete death trap filled with enemies around every corner. He remains crouched in the hole, surveying the area from left to right to make sure it's safe enough to totally step out into the open. "OK..it seems like the cost is clear from what I can see. Follow me. Keep low and quiet."

Dustyn tilts his head as he waits patiently behind the crouched Riley. He tries his best to hold in his giggles. "Ri...Dallas and I can totally see your butt crack from here." Dustyn chortles and covers his mouth, not wanting to outright laugh. Dusty has a very loud and infectious giggle and it would certain draw nearby attention. He turns to Dallas and clears his throat. "I mean...not that I was looking at his bum or anything..."

"Oh well aren't you guys lucky?" Riley retorts before shuffling out into the open. Dustyn follows with Dallas in tow. They appear to be in a parking lot area which is surrounded by trees. A murky and damp smells is in the air. This place must be close to the water. Riley stands up straight and places his hands behind his head, just stretching and letting the breeze hit his body. "We're out..."

"Yeah...but are we the only ones?" Dustyn asks, looking up at the towering factory they were once held captive in.

"Shhhh," Riley suddenly commands, putting his fingers to his lips. In the silence of the parking lot, the muffled screams of Sayyid can be heard in the distance. They are also on ground level after all. "Is that one of our lot?"

Sayyid can't help but scream out in pain no matter how loud and uncomfortable he's making things. His foot was just blown off and bone and raw flesh are exposed at the bottom of his leg. "I CAN'T!! I CA-...I CAN'T...I'M...I'M GONNA P-PASS...I'M GONNA PASS OUT!!" Sayyid yells, frantically panting as his face grows more ghostly white by the second. As he is someone who is South Asian, the paleness on his skin really stands out in comparison to what it should look like. A shattering of wood can be heard from down the corridor. The dogs have gotten through. Sayyid falls limply onto Nina's back. He's not a heavy man but he is rather tall and awkward to carry. Snarling and tearing is heard just a few metres away as they gnaw on Sayyid's severed foot but that's not enough for these beasts. Just before Nina and Sayyid are about to maneuver out of the window, they come charging in. One sinks its teeth into Sayyid's leg and throws him across the office like a ragdoll while the other one growls and jumps up on Nina.

Sayyid only has two bullets and is heavily wounded. He tries his best, elbowing and battering the dog in the face with his arms. "NO! NO! FUCK OFF!! NINA!!!!" he calls out like she isn't facing one of these big fuckers herself. Sayyid goes to whack the hound in the face again but unlucky timing sees his arm meet the teeth of the dog. It clamps its jaws down on Sayyid's arm and starts to shake its head from side to side, trying to tear away at Sayy. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" he screams out in the way you'd expect someone to sound as they're being eaten by a mutant hound.




Offline erich hess  
#567 Posted : 20 February 2019 00:07:35(UTC)
erich hess
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Dallas crawls through the hole in the door,half expecting to see two hungry deathclaws waiting for the trip. It had been a day from hell and that would just be icing on the cake. Dallas nods at Riley's Riley's command and keeps close to dusty. "If I ever see a factory again,itll be too soon." Dallas sighs once they are out and can see the building from the outside.

Being at the very back of the group,Dallas smirks and taps dustyn on the shoulder. "You're a bit cheeky yourself there,player." He jokes,under different circumstances he'd have picked up a pebble and tossed it down the exposed crack. He appreciated dusty not out and out cackling at Riley. Holding in that laughter was probably harder than killing the raider for dust.

"You may want some extra rad away for that exposed butt." Dallas jokes to Riley before laying back on the pavement of the parking lot,exhausted. The morning sun felt fabulous on his face. He was done with the Brotherhood,done with adventuring. After this,it was diamond city with dustyn. " Let's get a look at your arm,Riley. " Dallas says,pulling himself back up to a sitting position.

"We're the first,dust. At least on this side of the the building." Dallas says to dustyn,wanting him to have some sort of hope. While riely and Dallas were probably the best trained of the group,the grit of raiders and mercenaries couldn't be underestimated. Nina and Erica got the jump in him,after all. "Let's hope not." Dallas says in regards to the screams. The quiet of the wasteland only made the screams seem louder and indistinguishable when it came to who,male or female,or even how far away.

"You'll be fine. It's just a foot. We'll get you a bloody wheel or something." Nina says,grunting under his weight. "Deneil was missing an entire arm. You got this! " Nina yells over her shoulder at sayyid. She feels sayyid go limp and at first thinks he is dead from blood loss due to his paleness. So she briefly considers leaving his body behind,but the window was so close... " fuck it,your dead ass is coming with me." She sneers and slowly trudges towards the window. The shattering of wood sounds like another bomb went off and Nina knows instantly what it means. The clicking of the hounds' claws on the floor get louder and louder. For being lumpy looking things,they are FAST. It seems like instantly the weight of sayyid is pulled off her shoulders. The inertia pulls her backwards and she lands with a thud on the floor. The force knocks the wind out of her and she gasps air. The hound attacks her,overshoots his lunge and ends up ontop of Nina in a 69 you don't want to be a part of. She thrashes her feet so the dog can't take hold,but the dog catches the tip of her shoe and starts shaking. As a last resort,Nina plunges her knife into the dogs soft belly with all her might. At the same time the dog yanks it's head upwards in hopes of pulling Nina from under itself. Doing so,it assists in disemboweling itself and flings Nina outwards. She lands right near the window.

Nina stands groggy,soaked wifh the blood of the dog,she looks like the winner of the jeffery dahmer memorial wet t shirt contest. She looks at the dead hound and the live one attempting to eat sayyid alive. She looks at her knife And her pistol....there was no way she could do this. She makes eye contact with sayyid and mouths, " I'm so sorry." And climbs out the window.

* flipped and coin and Nina lived.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#568 Posted : 20 February 2019 01:34:53(UTC)
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Sayyid manages to subdue the dog for a moment, grabbing the broken leg of a chair and sticking it into it's flesh. As the hound snarls and tries to shake out the sharp metal, Sayyid drags himself across the floor. "NINA!!! PLEEASEEE..." Sayyid yells out followed by a pathetic whimper as he extends out his blood soaked arm. He is drenched in the stuff and it's smeared over his face. Even if Nina killed the dog, this guy is going to bleed out in less than five minutes. Sayyid. He's panicking and in denial. He sees Nina at the window, he knows in the back of his mind that he's about to die and he's being ditched but he doesn't want to acknowledge that. Sayyid doesn't want to die. He wants false hope. He wants Nina to come to the rescue and get him all stitched up. Unlike Deneil, Sayyid hasn't accepted his fate. He's scared of dying.

"DON'T GO!! DON'T...PLEASE! PL-PLEA-" Sayyid stops to cough blood up over the floor. It's crazy how things can change. Not 10 minutes ago, he was alive and well with Nina, formulating plans and looking to the future. Not 30 minutes ago both he and his brother were still alive in their little group down the shaft. Now...he's bleeding out and experiencing his final moments. He doesn't deserve to go out so brutally. There are many other people far more deserving. "I DON'T WANT TO DIE!!" he yells out before breaking down in tears, still offering his bloody hand out to now avail. Suddenly the hound springs back into action and pounces while Nina makes her escape. Its jaws clamp down on the back of Sayyid's head and the most HORRID crunch fills the area. Like biting into an apple only amplified by 100. Sayyid's lets out half a scream before it's immediately cut short as his body lays limp in the hound's jaws.

Riley is about to let Dallas look at his bullet wound before he springs into action and raises his gun. He aims it down the side of the building as he sees a bloody figure in the distance. He has no idea if it's a raider, ghoul or any strange wasteland combination. Rather than call out in fear of drawing attention to the group, Riley keeps his aim on the target and examines it. They don't seem to be aiming back and stumbling of their feet like a ghoul. As they come into focus, Riley lowers his weapon in disbelief and relief. "Nina?!" he says in a surprised and concerned tone. She is drenched in blood and clearly got the short end of the stick when it came to navigating her way out. Aside from the bullet in Riley's bicep, the trio of guys got it lightly in comparison.

ooc: Your next reply will be the last for this segment and then I'll switch the groups around :)




thanks 1 user thanked BrownSugar for this useful post.
erich hess on 20/02/2019(UTC)
Offline erich hess  
#569 Posted : 20 February 2019 03:05:50(UTC)
erich hess
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It was probably the worst fate of all. Even Scott made it out better than this. Being eaten alive is a fate that should be reserved for the worst of the worst. Nina ignores sayyid's pleas. She had to. His cries became just a swirl of background noise as Nina dropped out onto the hard pavement. She lay face down,gasping the fresh air in huge gulps as if she had nearly drowned. Her gasps inhaled particles of dirt and soon she was coughing and pulling herself to her hands and knees. It felt like an eternity,but im reality it was less than a second. Sayyid's pleas became real once more and she heard her name. She took out her pistol for the second khan brother today. It was the only thing she could really do for him. Climbing up to the window frame,she cuts her fingers on centuries old broken glass. She prepares to take her shot as soon as the hound makes its kill. Nina,defeated,drops her gun and slides back to the ground. That sound. That sound was the worst in the wasteland.

Nina is dazed and sits with her hands on her knees briefly. The dogs are loudly eating sayyid behind her. More than likely,they're Also eating the hound She dispatched. She swears it's purposefully to taunt her. While the hole she crawled out of is small,she can't stay put for long. The dogs probably could get through if they weren't eating. She spots a group in the distance and stands up. At first,she assumes its some of Blake's guards. She hoped it was,She had some frustrations to work out,and some hungry dogs to feed. But she hears her name ,so she wipes the blood from her eyes. " oh,thank fuck!" She says sotly and heads for them. There are some people missing....did Erica meet her fate ? " you guys made it!" She says bittersweetly.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
Offline BrownSugar  
#570 Posted : 20 February 2019 05:18:22(UTC)
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Billy, Erica, Reuben and Oscar are still trapped on a level of the building. After falling through the floor, they found themselves in disused office space not dissimilar from the setting where Sayyid met his maker. Unfortunately for them, they are still several floors up. Prying open the windows and jumping out would be suicide. Billy leads the way as usual, taking control of the situation. Upon leaving the office, they are met with a dead raider in the corridor and one who is fatally wounded. Billy just walks past him, not even bothering to give a mercy kill. "He'll get what's coming to him. Come on. Let's not waste ammo," he says coldly as he leads the way down the corridor.

Oscar follows on, holding his wounded shoulder and trying his best to usher Reuben out of the way. He knows Reuben is the type who'd try to help the raider in spite of what they stand for. He's way too soft and fluffy for this world. "What's the plan?" Oscar says with a wince, rubbing his shoulder. He's refraining from using a stimpak unless it's a dire emergency. Who knows how many they'll need?

"We keep moving. We kill whoever is in our way and hopefully pick up some of our friends along the way. Be wise with your aim and your ammo. This could take a long time. This is a rescue mission now." Billy reloads his pistol. With a rifle and submachine gun also strapped to his back as well as a combat knife in his back pocket, he's more than prepared. "We stick together, we use our heads. We have to find our friends. I have to find my brothers," he says blissfully unaware of their fate.

Oscar has to bite his tongue. He and Billy never see eye to eye and the last thing he wants is for Billy to go off especially in these dire circumstances. As much as he loves his friends, he just wants to get out. If these four have survived and are moving about and making plans, there's a great chance the others did too. They could be walking around in circles for ages trying to find one another. "Right-o..." he says quietly and as unenthusiastic as possible.

Reuben shakes dust from his fluffy hair and reaches into his pocket. He takes out a packet of gum drops and offers one to Erica. "You want?"

Joshua and Erich remain trapped under rubble with that huge shard of glass still looming about 25 feet above them, just waiting to come down at any moment and end them. It's a rather cruel thing to endure, waiting on a painful death. Knowing that you're going to die is one thing but waiting on a huge sheet of glass to come down and slice you in half is another. Having spent the best part of an hour staring up at it hasn't made it any easier. The thoughts of "this could be my last moment alive" and "that could slip at any second" constantly run through Joshua's mind no matter how hard he tries to ignore it.

"I...I hope Karoliena was worth this..." Joshua jokes with his laugh sounding more like a cough. His voice is so dry from inhaling all the dust down here. If the glass and rubble doesn't kill him, choking on tiny particles will. He sniffles and wipes his nose, smearing some blood into the white dust that covers his face, forming a horrid paste. "You think the others are OK? I hope they are...and I hope Dustyn shoots Blake right in the dick. I'd gladly do it but I think Dustyn warrants it more." Joshua seriously hates Blake and would love to stick it to him. He handles himself really well back when they were held captive. If it wasn't for Joshua being a slick loudmouth, they wouldn't have discovered that Scott was a traitor nor would he had riled up and distracted Blake enough to let his guard down near the cage. Joshua coughs harshly and places a hand on his chest, wincing afterwards. "God! It feels like there are razors in my throat. Do...do you wanna call out for help again?" he asks, staring up at the serrated glass. Joshua knows that screaming out could bring unwanted attention. A raider could come in and shoot them dead or a mutant could have its way with them. It's far more polite to discuss with Erich how they wish to meet their maker.




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#571 Posted : 20 February 2019 08:32:31(UTC)
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Erica was a bit worse for wear after the fall. The dust stirred up had caked to the blood on her and made her look somewhat like cracked porcelain doll. Her injured arm did regain some use. But she wouldn't be doing pull ups any time soon. She had her auto pistol and a long serrated knife that some crafty raider saw fit to weld spiked knuckles on to. She clenched this in her good arm. Unlike the rest,she resolved herself to the fact her friends elsewhere were dead. She gave the dead raider a once over and found some bullets. But live raider? There was no way she was just leaving him be. "No. Fuck that. They all must pay." Erica says softly to Billy. She then proceeds to cut both the ears off the screaming raider and stuffs them in his mouth. She then clamps his nose shut with her fingers and holds his mouth shut,suffocating him.

Satisfied,Erica catches back up to the group and trots alongside them once more. She wants to share in the optimism they would find any one. But sticking with the group would offer her the best chance for vengeance. For all she knew,the raider she just killed was the one who killed Mariko. By process of elimination,she'd find the right one. "Yes. " she agrees simply with Billy. The light was streaming in through the shuttered windows now and Erica squints. "Maybe they headed for the light?" She muses. After the war cutting,Erica is ready for some chewing. " why thank You,Rueben. You're chief moral officer." She grins.

Being killed next to Joshua grimmie...the universe had a funny way about it. But at least it was someone semi decent. It could be a lot worse. Could be a lot better too. Erich was sure there was some eating establishment they'd all rather be in . erich starts laughing,causing more pain with each rise pf his chest. The irony that he used to own a guillotine was pretty funny right about now.

Erich thinks on joshuas question briefly before answering. " no. I was hoping for some sweet vault girl sex,but nooooo. " Erich chuckles painfully before answering seriously. " I'd like to have known for sure she was safe. See it with my own eyes,you know? She was always the one taking care of me." He says sentimentally. Erich nods,rather positive that his friends were ok. They had to be. " that's too good for Blake, but I'd take it. Anything to see that weird bastard get his. Personally, I wanted cannibalism. " he tries to shrug but can't due to being pinned. Erich merely shakes his head at calling for help. " what's the point,man? Nobody can lift this off of us. Nah, this is our first and last bonding moment."
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#572 Posted : 20 February 2019 09:48:05(UTC)
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Reuben smiles and takes another gum drop for himself, seeming surprisingly chipper considering his surroundings. The truth is, Reuben is so far removed from his reality both literally and mentally. He's always had a sunny disposition and a very soft and mild demeanor, staying away from conflict and chaos. He isn't hardened to it like the others and when it gets serious, other people usually handle it for him. "I try to make us all happy," he says with a pearly white grin while signing his words as he speaks. It's hard to believe that this soft and gentle guy is the same one who went down on Erica and fucked her senseless back in Covenant. "I have more if you need any, OK?" he smiles, patting his pocket. Despite being weaker than her as a fighter, Reuben feels the need to protect and look out for Erica. He likes her a lot.

Billy leads the group down a flight of stairs to be greeted by a dead mutant hound laying at the bottom. "Hate those ugly fuckers," he says, giving it a kick as he makes way past it. This level seems similar to the one above but it's clearly still occupied. Two mutant voices can be heard nearby. Where exactly they're coming from remains a mystery. Billy crouches low, readies his gun and signals for the others to do the same. He looks at Erica and then at Reuben as if gesturing for her to inform Reuben what to do. He's hard of hearing and tends to have his head in the clouds most of the time.

"I've thought of many ways in which I may die. Can't say I ever thought that being stuck under rubble next to Erich Hess with a very large pane of glass severing us ever crossed my mind though." Joshua has had his fair share of close calls both in his own time and post-apocalypse. He thought he'd be popped off like JFK or die in an intense dual with an arch nemesis. Hanging around waiting for death in a dilapidated room seems anticlimactic for him. "I really hope Blake's dead. Even if it wasn't a spectacular death like he deserves, I hope he's gone. I don't want him to have outlived us. Imagine that? That'd be...well...it'd be homophobic, quite frankly." Joshua laughs, poking fun at himself. He's always been self aware and knows what people expect of him. Again his laughing turns into a coarse coughing. He coughs up some blood into his hand and quickly places it back down out of his sight, not wanting to look at it. Bringing up blood is not a good sign. He's really starting to succumb to the dust inhalation and the pressure of the concrete against his waist. He nods when Erich decides not to call out for help.

Things fall silent for a few moments before Joshua turns his head as best he can, looking at Erich. His are watering and for once, the mighty and ballsy Joshua Grimmie looks like the frightened kid he tries to hide and protect. "Erich...I can't...I can't feel anything," he confesses in a soft voice. "I'm so cold...are...are you cold?". He's clearly scared and is aware that he'll be slipping away soon, taking notice of how cold and numb he is. Joshua isn't sure if he's looking for comfort, reassurance, false hope or whatever. He's just saying what's on his mind while he still has the ability to speak. He can feel his energy draining by the minute and that collapsed concrete pillar crushing his pelvis isn't getting any lighter.




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#573 Posted : 21 February 2019 01:10:44(UTC)
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"Lord knows we could all use a bit of happiness,rue rue." Erica says sourly. She was slightly bitter inside that someone like Rueben was still alive but her sister wasn't. She didn't wish him harm,of course. It was just one of those things. " I think one is more than enough. This stuff hurts my teeth,its so sweet! " she grins and blows a bubble before sucking it back in to silently pop in her mouth. She walks next to Rueben slightly by choice. with Nina gone he was kind of her responsibility. Also,her short legs slowed her down compared to everyone else.

"Ew. Me too.they probably were probably pugs before the war."Erica says,giving the dead dog a wide berth. She hated the things. By far the ugliest creatures out there..aside from centaurs. But she hadn't seen any of those since leaving Vegas. There were tales of them in D.C.,however. Erica stores her knife and readies her pistol at the sound of mutants. While she preferred the up close anf personal approach,she didn't have that much of a death wish. She gives Billy a playful wink and a nod before grabbing Reuben's shirt and pulling him down as she crouches too. "Big green fellows ahead. Keep a look out." She says in his ear and gesturing with her gun.

Erich chuckles at the statement of Joshua. " i can say the same thing...well,kinda. Situation was the same,but the company was different. Would you believe i had it pictured happening with Lexi Taylor of all people?" Erich states seriously. Erich had many visions of his own death,but since 2077 had passed,anything could kill him now. The Lexi bit happened in a dream back in covenant. "That fucker probably is alive and well. The good die young,right? " erich says,gesturing to them. "Fucking pat Robertson is probably still alive out there somewhere." He says bitterly. The idea Blake wasnt being killed by his hand bummed Erich out. Sure,other people also had claim to want him dead. But erich was selfish and wanted that pleasure. He'd wanted it for a long time. "Yo...you think if I start quoting donald Trump i could kiss you off enough for you to engage grimmie rage and you could lift this shit off of us?" Erich jokes weakly at Joshua. If Joshua was going to make jokes at his own expense,erich would join too. It was important to never take yourself too seriously. Erich doesn't like the looks of Josh's condition one but.

Erich lets his eyes roam in the moment of silence. Occasionally he could hear gunfire,the scurrying of rats....mutants roaring. He doesn't answer Joshua at first. The answer was rather horrifying. "No,joshua..i am actually relatively unharmed. I think im under a desk or something.i can bang my knees against something metal and hollow. I'm merely stuck." He says softly. If the glass doesn't kill them both,Erich has the nightmare of thirsting to death in the dark ahead of him. He reaches his hand for joshua's. Picturing his remaining days possibly being spent with Joshua's corpse,Erich starts screaming," HEY! COME HELP US, YOU RAT BASTARDS!! WE'RE OVER HEEEEEERRRRRFRFEEEEEE." He'd rather be shot by a raider than endure being alone in the dark for a week or so.

"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#574 Posted : 22 February 2019 04:39:03(UTC)
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Reuben nods and places his finger over his lips to make it clear that he understood the instruction. He doesn't even dare to whisper as he has trouble controlling the volume of his voice at times and doesn't want to cause any attention. He has his gun at the ready as if he'd even use it. If push came to shove, he'd fire it to save himself or one of the group but when the others are handling it and tearing into an enemy with bullets, he tends to just hang back. He's also with Erica and Billy, two of the most savage and fastest fighters in the wasteland.

"Head shots and critical shots are important, guys. Conserve the ammunition," Billy commands as sternly as you can sound while whispering. He wants everyone out of here alive and with a fighting chance. Wasted ammo and easily avoided wounds are not on the agenda. "Use your heads. If it's a suicider cunt, fall back. Retreat upstairs and keep running. If you think you have a shot from a great distance, take it. We can't risk one of them going off in such close quarters again." Billy pops his head around the corner to see if the mutants have come into view yet. Nothing. The low mumbles of their voices continue though.

"Here's hoping its just some spear yielding foot soldiers. I don't want to come face to face with a Primus or an Overlord in a little hallway," Oscar says quietly. He moves down a step to inch closer to Billy but in doing so, accidentally kicks a piece of old piping and ultimately blows their cover. "Shit..."

"WHAT? WHO'S THERE?!" booms one of the mutants voices.

"Thanks for that, Oz" Billy scolds, turning the corner and aiming his submachine gun. As soon as he's on his feet, two mutants emerge from the downward stairwell. Like Oscar had hoped for, they aren't heavily armed but they're still mutants and fairly difficult to take down without accuracy. Billy opens fire while retreating backwards, not wanting to be within striking distance.

The second mutant knocks Reuben flying with his board, causing him to land a good few feet away in the corridor. He coughs and holds his winded chest.

"I hope Blake falls on a huge spike...then gets torched...then eaten by hounds...then shit out into a toxic pond." Joshua has always been one to push for justice to be served and if Blake didn't deserve that after all of his doings, Joshua would gladly be wrong and rebel. The fact that he's pinned down here totally helpless while a murderer, rapist, torturer and all-round evil man is still on the loose is really grinding his gears. He erupts in a fit of rage and starts slapping on the concrete slab that's on top of him, taking up all the energy he has. "UUHHH THIS IS SO FUCKING UNFAIR!! I SURVIVED FUCKING NUKA WORLD BUT I CAN'T GET OUT OF THIS??!" Joshua grinds his teeth and pushes down on the broken pillar to now avail. He lets out a whimper and gives up. Oh and yeah, Joshua made it through Nuka World and it's Gauntlet. He's that much of a badass.

When Erich says that he's relatively unharmed, Joshua just nods and accepts that he's in worse shape than Erich. No point in dwelling on it and feeling sorry for himself, as scared as he is. He doesn't wish to spend his last moments as a cowering little cupcake. That's not Joshua Grimmie's style. He takes hold of Erich's hand and gives it a squeeze, letting him know that he's going to remain as strong as he can and that they're in this together. "I want a lobster roll..." he says out of the blue, totally unrelated to everything. "Don't you just want to wake up and everything was back to how we knew? I really want
a good fucking lobster roll and a pitcher of peach tea. Mirelurk cakes and dirty water don't go down the same." He wants his last memories to be fond ones. "HEEEEEEELP!!!! HELP US!!" he calls out with Erich, still giving his hand a squeeze. Never in his life has he wanted big muscular men to come to his aid more than now. Let's hope Riley and Dallas are still kicking about.




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#575 Posted : 22 February 2019 08:39:43(UTC)
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If Erica could do it,she'd use mental powers to whisk Rueben away and back to diamond city. She'd try her hardest to keep him in one piece...but reality nagged at her mind. But who knew? Dustyn managed to save all their asses,so the future could be surprising.

Erica tightened the grip on her pistol and nodded along with Billy. They were more than familiar with the ins and outs of mutants dispatch. Their companions however... "And try to not get into a physical fight with them. You won't win." She adds . someone like Billy may have better luck,but the mutants could pull Erica or Rueben's arms off like a fly's wings. The idea more suiciders could be around terrified Erica. Granted,it would be instant vaporization,but still not her chosen way to go. Worse yet,what if it broke the floor and they fell to their deaths?! Falling certainly scared her. The sound of the pipe sounds as loud as a mini nuke going off. "Oh fuck you." Erica says to no one in particular. Still whispering,even though the mutants were surely on to them now.

The board that strikes Rueben whiffs right over her head. Thank goodness for being short! It was so close that strands of her hair were caught in the grain of the wood as it passed over. From the corner of her eye,she sees Rueben go flying. "Rueben!" She cries out before aiming her gun upwards and firing a brief burst at the mutant towering over her. The bullets catch it under the chin and take off most of it's face.

"Tell us how you really feel." Erich says to josh flatly before laughing. "I'd just be happy if he was down her with us and we could watch him perish. I'm not asking to survive,i just want to watch him die. God damnit. Why can't we have fallen into the room with a magical genie?! Is that honestly too much to ask?" Erich says,pounding his fists into the concrete over him. Erich had no clue what nuka world was,but it sounded impressive from the sounds of Joshua's tone. Erich attempts to help again by shoving the concrete,but it doesn't have the courtesy to budge.

It was comforting to know he still had someone in this dark little hole. He did feel a twinge of guilt knowing Joshua was seriously injured and he wasn't. But Josh was granted a bit of mercy in that respect. He may not be here all that long. Nor see erich when he really cracks. Erich wasn't one to handle stress very well. Joshuas hand was slightly cold compared to his own. It made Erich swallow hard. "Lobster roll? I swore you were vegan." Erich responds to the rather off the wall statement of Joshua. " i guess it was the bacon thing that put that thought in my head... Honestly, I still kinda viewed this world as fun..in its way. At least until now. But yeah...i could go with air conditioning. Just sit in front of a vent,clean as a whistle and just let the cold air blow,man." Erich reminisces. "Gaargughrh! " erich screams. Words didn't fit the desperation thay was rapidly growing in him. His worst fear in life was dying alone...and here it was,staring him in the face
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#576 Posted : 26 February 2019 20:11:25(UTC)
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Oscar puts a bullet in the back of the super mutant's head, finishing off Erica's job after shooting it in the face. Reuben rolls across the floor to avoid being crushed by the falling giant. "Thank you!" he says to Erica and Oscar, looking panicked as he scrambles to his feet. Reuben pats himself down, making sure everything is intact before searching the mutant's corpse for anything of value. He holds up a desk fan, looking rather bemused. "Why...why he has..this?" he asks, holding it up to the light to see if it's specially adapted into anything special. Nope. It's just a desk fan.

At the end of the corridor, Billy continues to fire at the mutant that's targeting him. He realises that he's only going to waste his ammo on this beast so holds his fire and begins to formulate a plan. As he descends the stairs backwards with the mutant towering over him, Billy quickly gets down low and shoots the mutant's ankle. As his opponent flails and fumbles, Billy takes the opportunity to get behind it and jump onto it's back with great stealth. It's not the first time he's climbed a mutant. He takes his gun, presses it against the back of the mutant's head and pulls the trigger to make his kill. Billy wipes his forehead and returns to the group shouting from the far end of the corridor, "Yeah, thanks for helping me out, Oscar. If you were going to bring the attention to us, you might have at least helped." He has a personal vendetta against Oscar and singles him out.

"Yeah...whatever..." Oscar says with a defeated sigh. He knows that he helped Reuben out but that doesn't matter to Billy. Oscar's never good enough in Billy's eyes and he knows it's best not to challenge him.

Reuben stands against the wall, smiling to himself as he twirls the blades of the broken desk fan with his fingers. He's keeping himself amused and trying to find some light among all the chaos. Reuben looks up and smiles at Erica, holding up his fan. "I like."

Billy shakes his head and runs a hand through his hair. This is going to be a long night. "OK, there are stairs back there. We're going to head down. Follow me and stay alert." Billy heads off down the corridor.

"That's me being nice about Blake." Joshua replies equally as flat. He has no compassion for that go whatsoever. "Falling into a nuclear reactor is too good for him, I tell ya. Promise me something?" Joshua turns his head again to face Erich, making sure to catch him in the eye as he's deadly serious about this wish. "If you get out of here and I don't...make sure that guy is dead. Doesn't matter if it's not today. Doesn't matter if it's 10 years from now and you come across him living a new life as a merchant on Far Harbor...make sure he pays." Joshua knows Erich wouldn't let the guy get away with it anyway but he just wants to reinforce it. Blake has to die.

"Vegan?" Joshua says with a little laugh before shaking his head. He stares back up at the looming glass panel, acquainting himself with it more as he continues to talk to Erich. "I tried going vegan for like 2 weeks but I caved in and had mozzarella sticks. I fucking loved mozzarella sticks. They were good. You take deep fried cheese for granted and then...that's it. Gone. Not the future I was fighting for." Joshua chuckles but it does get him wondering whether or not his life was wasted and pointless. All the fighting, the charity, the advocating and everything in between all for it to be wiped out and the only real worries being radiation storms, impending mutant attacks and Marcy Long. "You think...you think it's a curse knowing what the world was once like? The people here are miserable as fuck and are striving for better days but this is all they've ever known. Us? Well we've seen those better days and know just how far we've fallen. Piper thinks I'm so lucky to have liv-" Joshua stops in tracks and sighs, closing his eyes. "Shit, Piper..." he says quietly. He confirmed earlier that the pair have a little thing going on. It was never official or exclusive but that was mainly down to pride and ego. Neither one of them wanted to admit just how wrapped up they were. Now it seems too late.




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erich hess on 27/02/2019(UTC)
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#577 Posted : 27 February 2019 00:59:36(UTC)
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When the mutants head pops,the results spray all over Erica. She blinks a few times and tells Oscar," thanks. You really saved my bacon." Extremely flatly as the gore drips off her chin. Shortly after,she starts spitting and sputtering. " fuck fuck fuck. They taste like rotten fish and cat piss!" She dances around frantically trying to wipe her face. Usually she liked a smattering of gore on her,it let enemies know who they were dealing with. But this...this tasted awful and mutants didn't care what you looked like.

Erica,still feeling miffed about the mess,but feeling better with each enemy they fell, felt a one liner was the best response to Rueben. " well. You see ,Rueben......he was my biggest fan. " she says,pausing for laughter and effect. "Huh? Huh?" She says expectantly. "Biggest fan!" If she died today,she would die happy knowing she made that joke.

Erica punches the air a few times,rapidly coagulating bits of mutant falling from her fists. " aww cmon ,Billy. We need to kill every last thing that isn't us in here. Any of these fuckers may have killed our friends. Exterminate! Exterminate!" She says to billy in defense of Oscar's potentially deadly mistake. This was her element. Revenge. Giving herself over to that,she could ignore that Nina was probably dead."Look,Rueben is having a great time." She pretends to be cooled off in the slowly spinning fan blades. She picks up an ex mutants assault rifle and follows Billy,pressing herself against the wall.

"He'd probably just enjoy the reactor thing. God damned atom weirdo." Erich says to Joshua with a shake of his Head. He didn't understand the weird radiation cult thing,but he assumed it was sexual. Erich nods when he meets joshuas gaze. " if you don't make it,i probably won't either. I'll get to starve in the dark...but..and this is a big butt. But you have my word as a southern gentleman that my life's work will be finding Blake. " he states very seriously before attempting to move the beam again. " maybe we can both get out.if your bottom half is too....bad..we can attach you to me and you can be my parasitic twin?" Erich laughs loudly,the desperation of their situation was setting in and it was terrifying Erich.

Erich raises an eyebrow when Joshua says he only did two weeks as a vegan. It wasn't what he was expecting at all." 2 weeks? That is it? You think you know a guy,right?" He laughs and enjoys the moment. Way back when,maybe he should have gotten to know Joshua more. He seemed like an all right cat. "Cheese is God damned dandy." Erich says longingly. " that fact,along with hating vegetables is why i couldn't go vegan.but I appreciate the idea behind it." He says,wondering if maybe being vegan may have helped him out of this situation. Erich thinks about joshua's question only briefly. He was the freshest here,so the answer came quickly." It's torture knowing what the world was like. Yeah,it was fucked up in parts,but this? This is libertarian paradise is awful." Erich says sadly. In the old days,they could have phoned someone and help would instantly be on the way. "Piper,huh? You got a girl out there? " erich asks happily at first,then fading when the reality hits him again. He hadn't had THAT conversation with Erica and Nina,and why they were no longer welcome in diamond city.
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#578 Posted : 27 February 2019 02:23:53(UTC)
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Reuben giggles along with Erica, not actually quite catching what she said but he doesn't wish to be rude or ask her to repeat it. Telling a joke again just sucks the funny right out of it. He likes to keep the group's morale up and has always had a rather sunny disposition. It's even more beneficial now, bringing a more human quality to the group. Everyone nowadays is pretty long in the face as well as being stone cold killers. Reuben's the type of sweet soul that people like Riley, Dallas and Billy fight for. "You're funny!" he lies with a big convincing smile. The whole joke went over his head but Erica doesn't need to know that.

"Oh please stop, Erica. I might have to check myself for a hernia...from laughing so much," Billy says as dryly and flatly as possible. He's not saying it to be a dick, more so to mock Erica's bad joke but Billy has a naturally very abrasive way about him. 80% of the time he appears to be in a standoffish state whether it's the truth or not.

As they head down the stairs, Oscar sighs and mutters behind Erica. "Centuries later and it's still the same with him," he says with a nod towards Billy who is charging away ahead downstairs. Hundreds of years onward and these two still have a rivalry. The private schoolboy versus the street urchin. There's probably a book or a play about this somewhere. "How you holding up?" he asks, still keeping his voice as low as possible. Oscar's still feeling guilty for kicking the pipe earlier.

"Great...blocked off!" Billy says with a grunt, kicking some of the rubble. Access to the floor he wanted to explore has been cut off with all sorts of debris. The only way to go is downwards. Heading downstairs is pivotal for their escape but Billy wants to explore all the floors in the hope of finding people. "Who knows who we're walking away from..." he says with a hint of sadness in his voice that he's clearly trying to mask. The fact that Dustyn and his brothers are still out there (to his knowledge) is preying on his mind.

"Thank you. If we both die here then we'll haunt Blake until he's literally driven over the edge. I'm pretty sure I'll be just as persistent in the afterlife." Joshua isn't really sure what there is after death but he hopes it's kind to him. Staring death in the face is raising a lot of questions right now. Another thing he is thinking about is friendship. He didn't have many friends in the old world and he cannot remember the last conversation he had with Dae. It all seemed so pointless and cruel. Erich was always someone he admired but again, Joshua's need to be constantly "on" prohibited another possible friendship. His passion and zealousness grated on people and they never really wanted to get to know him. Joshua hopes that he can at least form one more friendship before this is all over. "It would be an honor to be your parasitic twin, Mr Hess."

"Veganism is a great concept and it was lifestyle I would've liked to live out but...vegetables fucking suck. The ones that grow here aren't any better." Joshua screws up his face at the thought of the irradiated carrots that grow here. As if regular carrots weren't bad enough. "Riley used to be vegan but I don't think that diet translates well into this hell of a world. Pretty sure that guy now puts a brahmin between two buns and calls it breakfast." Just talking away like this almost makes Joshua feel somewhat normal again. Even talking about Piper, as sad as it makes him, eases the worry of him being trapped under a huge concrete pillar with a glass guillotine lingering above. "Yeah...I got a girl...well...I..it's not...it's not official but we had a good thing going," Joshua says with a small smile while looking up at the carnage above. Laying here makes him realise what he's wasted with her by holding back and puts into perspective what he really wants - love. "Don't know why she was interested in me of all people. Guess she has a thing for vault dwellers with an ass that won't quit!" Joshua laughs softly.




Offline erich hess  
#579 Posted : 27 February 2019 04:23:23(UTC)
erich hess
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"I have to laugh to keep from crying" Erica responds to Rueben with a giggle. She didn't notice that he didnt really hear her joke from before nor would he probably catch how much truth was in her statement. She had no mental power to consider handicaps. Her focus was on every corner,every over turned desk,every bit of trash on the ground. Danger could be anywhere. Politeness be damned,she had to focus.

"Um..turn your head and cough? That helps hernias,right?" Erica tells Billy with a wry smirk. She honestly would have been more offended if he did laugh hard at her terrible joke. She would assume he was being sarcastic.

" at least you have each other though,right? He could be a cheap bastard like Scott. I'm literally one of the worst people in the wastes and even I wouldn't screw over people from the old days. So it could be worse,Oscar." Erica says cheerfully. It certainly could be worse. Billy could have just turned and shot Oscar. Erica hefts the rifle and shrugs to Oscar. "As long As we're occupied,i don't notice the arm. But id like a Monday appointment,please." She grins at him. There was no way she'd pick sayyid over Oscar. Oscar was seemingly a real doctor. Dentists were slightly below vets....were there still vets out there? Did people care about mole rats and ugly dogs?

Erica gives the rubble a kick of her own. She had a good idea that her tiny foot wasn't going to cause the debris to go flying, but it didn't hurt to try
. "dammit." Erica says in dismay. She echoed billy's sentiment,but not for the same reasons. She didn't want a single raider to escape without going through them first. Erica folds her arms and leans against the rubble. "If they're out there,they've got a brotherhood of steel knight and Nina with them. They'll find their way out...and to a lesser extent,Joshua." She says as optimistically as she can...and yeah,erich got lumped in with dustyn and deneil.

"We'll poltergeist the fuck out of him." Erich smiles sadly at Joshua. He briefly looks around for something to throw at the glass. It'd be better than having to wait for the end. They could be here for days. He is quiet after Josh speaks. The fact he didnt seem to be joking was rather touching. " we'd fight the good fight together. " erich chokes out. He was fairly close to crying. He was actually a fairly sensitive soul when sober. "You know..i always liked you,Josh. You don't seem to have lost that idealism that sometimes turns to cynicism. That's something to be proud of." Erich says,figuring if they were going to go,he may as well get everything off his chest.

Erich contemplates wasteland vegetables and wrinkles his face in thought. " with all the radiation,you would think the vegetables would be self microwaving . I've always wondered how Riley kept the body while being vegan..im thinking steroids." Erich says,finally saying what's been on his mind for years. "Vegan may be the way to go here. Chewy animal tumors don't sound appetizing." He continues.he smiles as Josh speaks. Relationship talk is a bit of normalcy in comparison to everything around them. " that sounds really nice." Erich says,going over what his possible future would be,if he had one. He would be the odd man out of his group. Erica had Nina,Cassie had Karoliena.. "Hey,those vault suits are sexy. It's like is that a smuggled apple,or your dong?" Erich chuckles at the idea. He sighs and gives joshuas hand another squeeze. " if i make it out and you don't,ill tell her what happened here." Erich says seriously before feeling the weight of the situation . " if we both die,and after we haunt Blake, you'll have to show her to me...and introduce me to any dead single relatives she has."
"I'm not saying its even a good thing to own a chimpanzee. But that's freedom, folks." Alex Jones.
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#580 Posted : 28 February 2019 05:19:44(UTC)
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"Yeah...I suppose," Oscar mumbles in agreement with Erica. Billy could've easily turned into a power hungry bastard like Blake. He certainly has all the tendencies but it appears that when push comes to shove, Billy doesn't really want to be the bad guy. "Scott. Yeah, that fucking hurt." Oscar says with a shake of his head. Scott was his best friend back in the day. It was brotherly. Whenever things went awry among the Weekend boys, Scott would always have his back. More often than not it'd be him and Scott versus Billy and Dustyn while Riley played referee. "I'll definitely check out your arm properly when we get out of here. I think I'm going to have my work cut out for me after this. God knows what scrapes everyone has gotten themselves into."

Reuben examines the rubble, pressing different parts of it in the hope of finding a weak spot that'll make it give way. He's not much of a fighter but still wishes to remain useful to the group. Finding a way into the shut off level would've given him some Brownie points but alas, it would not budge. He sighs and looks down at his feet before grinning as he finds a shiny cap on the floor. "Oh, look! I found cap. I wonder who dropped this?" he says, holding it up to the light for a better view. Reuben twirls the cap in one hand with the old desk fan in the other. He has his hands full and isn't prepared for combat. He wasn't the best guard in Diamond City. Reuben offers the cap out to Erica. "For you?"

Billy continues to lead the group downstairs and grimaces as they hit another floor. "I think I know who the cap belongs to, Reuben." In front of them lays a dead raider with her arms severed. Her corpse is in between them and the door that leads to the new floor. Billy steps over the pools of blood as if his boots aren't dirty already. There's just something real horrid about stepping into blood, especially when the corpse is right there. Billy looks through the little glass window in the door and his heart drops. "SHIT!" he yells out in panic, ultimately drawing attention to himself. He couldn't help it. The fear that ran through him took over. "Back! Back! Back!" he commands the group, clearly terrified.

A group of four armed raiders run towards them but that's not what's making Billy weak in the knees. They are accompanied by an Assaultron which is charging towards them at a rapid pace. Raiders don't have the capacity to build their own and judging by how rusted and battered this one is, it's clearly secondhand or stolen. Regardless, they are deadly with their beam, bladed arm and sheer strength. With four raiders also in tow, this is going to be a deadly battle. Billy opens fire on the raiders. "Guys, keep moving back. Don't get within that thing's range!"

"Thank you. You're not so bad yourself," Joshua says while giving a soft smile. He can't muster much more than that. There's a concrete pillar crushing him from the pelvis down so he's not really in the mood for grinning ear to ear. It's nice for him to hear these words from Erich. Even though it's too late to form a real friendship, he can rest easy knowing that there's no bad blood. Joshua loves people and only ever does his best for them. It's just that he's unconsciously abrasive and it's impacted his relationships. "You know I could easily be sooooo cynical right now and start cussing at the world," Joshua jokes. "This all does seem like one big cosmic "fuck you" though. I can think of other people who deserve to be down here more."

"I barely eat anything here, man. The radiation, the sanitation, the taste...I'd leave a 1 star review on Yelp if I could. Us oldies are also not as adapt as the people born and raised in this mess. They can eat rotten food and go about their day. I won't tell you what happened with my guts when I ate some old Cram." Joshua screws up his face in disgust at the memory. Death seems like a better option than enduring that ordeal again. "The vault suits really are something. You should see Dustyn in one." Joshua pauses for a moment and then clears his throat. "I mean...not that I was looking or anything...I..and I...I don't mean YOU should see him in one because you and him...you're...you know...you have a bond...he has Dal-I'm gonna shut up now." Joshua drops the Dustyn conversation, not wanting his last words to be an awkward remark about an Irishman's bulge. "Oh so you'll hang out with me in the afterlife? That's cool. I hope they have some cool bars there."

After a few moments of silence, Joshua clears his throat again and looks up at the glass. He doesn't wish to give Erich eye contact as he might break. "Erich?". Joshua pauses again to compose himself and swallow the lump in his throat. "Are you still holding my hand?". A tear falls from Joshua's eyes and he grinds his teeth, trying to keep it bottled up. His hand is frozen and he can no longer feel Erich.




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