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" we're going to infiltrate the globalist deep state. I mean,we're really getting in there,folks." Gretchen spouts at me and grabs me around my naked waist. Im not going to tell you what we're doing...use your imagination. The important part is: Gretchen does a PERFECT impression of Alex Jones. She has the cadence,the husky,slightly gravelly and slightly drunk tone down. It's disturbing how perfect it is. Especially so when that voice is millimeters away from your most tender of places.
So of course, I'm shrieking with laughter and trying to wriggle from Gretchen's grip. About 79% of any sexual encounter we have is Just laughing.so this is just par for the course. " if you're doing the Alex Jones voice, I am NOT letting you pleasure me. I will close this shop down." I threaten and clamp my thighs around Gretchen's head.
With much struggling...and a very startling pinch on my ass, Gretchen pulls her head free. She pounces on top of me and grabs both my wrists in one of her hands. She lets out a laugh of her own before getting back into Alex Jones mode. "We patriots will never let these socialists shutter American businesses. Because we all know there that's what they want. They want us to be poor,broken,and disarmed. The globalists will lock up all production. But those brain force deficient degenerates may lock windows,doors,and skylights.but they won't keep real patriots from using the back door!" At this point, Gretchen is giggling like crazy and can barely catch her breath. While her imitation of alex Jones is spot on, she can't do it for very long. She makes herself laugh too much and it's fucking adorable.
I try to casually use all strength to lift my arms from her grasp....its not happening. Her leverage has me pinned. " ew. Never say back door in the Alex Jones voice again!" I order Gretchen sharply.
" you're attacking...." Gretchen tries to wheeze out in between holding in laughter. So she ends up sounding like Alex Jones being strangled. " phew!" She exhaled loudly before finishing In her normal voice," my free speech...fuck, now my throat hurts."
"Serves you right. '" i giggle and wriggle my wrists free when I feel Gretchen release the pressure slightly. I sit up and face Gretchen. "I should practice my Ben Shapiro voice and use it on you." I threaten,wagging my finger at her.
Gretchen instantly bites my finger and re plies," you already kinda do sound like that munchkin." She gives a wide grin.
Now it's my turn to pounce on top of Gretchen. I use the element of surprise and hop further up on her body, using my knees to pin Gretchen's elbows to the bed. " facts don't care about your feelings." I say down to her in my most nasally voice. I then grab her hair (gently. We are NOT Karoliena and Cassie) " now hurry and kiss this kitty before some whiner complains about sea levels rising."
I feel Gretchen shift around slightly and before i know it, a heel is hooked under each of my armpits. She flips me backwards...with a bit more force than i imagine she intended. Unless she is legit trying to kill me. I don't think she is. In any case, my shoulders land on the bed,but the rest of me keeps going. Probably due to this killer ass i have. So anyways, i bounced off the bed. I hear a quiet," oh shit..." From Gretchen before i hear the loud THUD when i hit the wooden floor. The sound echoes off the oak floor and the stone walls of the chamber.
" ooooooooooow" i wail like a wounded wildebeest. Im not really in pain,it's just the surprise of the situation. I don't know what you get up to,but I'm rarely naked and face down on the floor. ...well, on a Tuesday at least.
"Oh my god! Are you ok?! The damned springs in this bed are crazy. You got like 3 feet of air." Gretchen says to me. I turn around and look at her. She's on her stomach and has her chin propped in her hands,looking very entertained. Maybe she is trying to kill me.
I smirk at her and look back over my shoulder and back to her before replying. " no.i think I broke my ass. There seems to be a crack in it." I giggle up at Gretchen.
Now this is why i love Gretchen. The logical retort from her would be ill kiss it an make it better. or something cute and sexy like that. Nope. Gretchen tilts her head to the side and says," i have some super glue. It should fix that right up."
We giggle and she helps me back on the bed. I'll leave the details out but we had a VERY good night..even though she did make sure a bottle of super glue was in my line of sight when i woke up. It's the little things that make a relationship work.
Next evening.
My whistling echoes in the cavernous kitchen of our castle. I'm not sure what this room used to be. The original kitchen is still intact but we never use it. Im sorry,loading an oven with an entire tree or something doesn't seem practical.... Practical? The kitchen I'm in now is industrial sized and equipped. It feels a lot like the kitchen in the movie,' the shining'. Everything is aluminum or stainless steel. I guess if we ever hold a ball here, ill be ready,kitchenwise. It's a lot like the Duke, but it feels more out of place when one isn't obviously on a ship. I'm cooking as I always send the cooking staff home when I'm home. I hate the idea of having people cook for me. I keep the housekeeping staff though,there is just too much for 3 people to clean. Well...2 and a half. Taki isn't much help when cleaning. I also want to cook when I am home for taki. With my lifestyle I'll never be a typical "mom", but i like having some illusion of normalcy when i can. I want taki to look back and think that I at least tried. I dunno. It's hard to put into words. Unlike so many people in this business, i didn't have a terrible past. My parents weren't drug dealers and pimps. My father worked for Nissan and my mother was a semi famous painter around Osaka. My parents remained together and in love until their deaths. I was loved. Mariko was loved. Jiigen was loved. I want taki to know i love her. That i care enough to make food for her. It's silly,i know. I've probably lost so much punk rock cred. Fuck it, i live in a castle.do i have punk rock cred any more?! I'm making some chicken with rice. It has a lovely sauce that has some ginger,honey,chives,soy sauce, some hoisin sauce...it is delicious. I could be happy just drinking the sauce.
I see the little blonde head bouncing as she runs past me. Takara is coming to help. She's almost 7 and is fairly tall for her age. As she gets older, she looks less and less like natalya. I guess Sam's genes are kicking in. Her face is definitely less angular than natty's. But she has her eyes. Taki's are a very striking blue. I've had some mother give me a tongue lashing for putting colored contacts in my daughter's eyes. But no,they're naturally that way. Taki wears her hair in a bun..i have no idea why. But,that's what she wants. I have more important things to worry about regarding takara than her hair style choices.
With a little grunt, she pulls herself up on the steel table beside me. Taki seems very pleased with herself for making it all the way up without any help. She settles in and swings her legs back and forth . "mom?" She asks finally.
"Yes,taki?" I reply, giving the sauce a gentle stir. You splash hot water in yourself by enthusiastic stirring once, you learn to slow that shit down.
"If i throw peanuts at marjena, will she start sneezing?" Taki asks with a mischievous giggle. I assume she is meaning to say Marlena. Ever since hearing about her,takara is very excited to meet her. I think she sees a new ally in the takara/eris axis vs the Cole and gia alliance. Jody is too old for their games and mainly just ignores the smaller kids now. That being said, takara likes to play pranks.
" no,taki." I say seriously and turning to her. " Marlena could die. Like, literally die. It isn't anything to play around with." I say to her,trying to emphasize how serious this is without scaring her too much.
"Oh." Taki replies. Takara is quiet and looking at the ground for awhile. I know the little gears are turning in her head. How do People die from peanuts? " how?" Takara asks,her face scrunched in thought.
"I really can't say how,taki.but her throat will swell up and she won't be able to breathe. Like i said,it's nothing to play around with." I answer her as best as i can. I do hope my answer is enough. I feel a little bad that I can't say exactly how it all works,but it may be enough to satisfy her curiosity.
My answer seems to satisfy takara and she goes back to swinging her legs. " i hate peanut butter now." Takara announces on the same level of royal decree in which she banned Cole from her castle. It takara and marlena don't along,takara is going to be pissed. She's been putting a lot of thought into her potential new buddy. I guess it's to be expected when the only kids she has contact with are Karoliena and cassie's. Takara doesn't miss the structure of her school back in Japan, but i know she misses other kids. Even if she was sort of shunned there.
I Giggle in response to her decree. It's adorable and i know she can't keep to it. " Oh?" I reply with a raised eyebrow. " i guess I'll have to give all those Reese peanut butter cups away. I think cole really likes them. " I muse very loudly to takara. I add her mortal foe in there for added flavor.
She pretends like it doesn't bother her for a moment before she giggles and shakes her head. " maybe we can put those in a safe or the dungeon." She rationalizes. Takara likes her potential friend, but not enough to Let her Reese cups go to cole. I kinda don't blame her. Those things are tasty. I'd give serious thought too.
I smile over at takara and answer, "i think we could keep some Reese cups in my room." I suggest. " we'll keep Marlena out of there.
Takara instantly shakes her head. " no way! You'll eat them." Taki scoffs,giving me the most suspicious look I've seen.... Outside of a look from a cop. "I'll have mommy Gretchen put them on top off the fridge." Takara says with finality. If it's just one of us in the room,taki just says mom. If we're both there? It's mommy Gretchen or mommy hitomi. Yeah,only my sister and daughter use my real name. I narrow my eyes at taki and mentally say, listen here,you little shit.. Because we both know why She says to put her candy on top of the fridge.... I'm too short to reach it.
"Yeah... That's a good idea." I reply slowly to my daughter. I make sure she knows i know why She chose the fridge. Takara meets my eyes and gives me the widest, most self satisfied smile she can. Jokes on her, i know where we keep the ladders. I smile back at her. She's going to be such a handful when she gets older, but I just know her charisma is going to get her out of most trouble.
With another little grunt,taki hops off the table and onto the floor. Wiping her hands on her shirt for several seconds, i know what she is fixing to ask. Nothing cleans hands for food prep like wiping them on your shirt,right? I think Gordon Ramsay says the same thing. " I wanna help." She announces proudly.she eyes the vast expanse of aluminum,uncooked food,bottles,and utensils in wonder.
I look around and ask myself what I trust her with. "Umm...you want to put the soy sauce up?" I ask,nodding over to the squat,brown bottle.
"That's cleaning.i want to help cook." Taki says,making a face. She hates cleaning and it's like pulling teeth to get her to do it.....no idea where she gets that from. Or her stubbornness. Her hands roam over a everything in Her circle of reach. She finally grabs the ginger and holds it up like link from legend of Zelda. " Oooh What's this? I wanna use this." Takara says, very pleased with her find.
"Its ginger,taki. You love it." I answer, looking around for either a knife or a grater for her. She's young,but she helps me a lot. So takara is no stranger to using sharp things in the kitchen. It takes her forever to cut anything,but she is very careful.
She takes a few sniffs of the rather ugly root. Her eyes light up when she connects the smell to the taste of the ginger. " oooh,yummy!" She exclaims, tossing the entire thing in the pot. "There. Finished! It's going to be soooooooo good." Taki squeals. This sentence also has a little shimmy of the body that goes with it.i have no idea how to describe it to you. But it's cute,i assure you.
With a pair of tongs, I fish the ginger out of the pot. Taki looks highly offended as i place it on cutting board in front of her. " you gotta take the skin off first,taki chin. Then you have to cut it up very small." I explain to Her. I pick up a peeler and remove a few slices of skin from the ginger to demonstrate. "The skin is not good eats." I giggle and toss it into the bin.
Takara nods slowly and picks up the peeler too. She carefully, but very awkwardly peels the ginger....she didn't stop and peels most of the ginger off as well. My healthy ginger nub is quickly whittled down to the diameter of about two pencils. "There. " she beams, holding up a sliver of ginger. Before i can even speak,takara pops the entire thing in her mouth. It's a small amount of ginger,sure. But it's FAR too much to eat all at once.
"Taki!" I squeak,nearly shoving my fingers in her mouth like she's a dog who just ate chocolate. I stop Before actually doing so. She bit me once when she was a baby. Im not taking that chance again. Im fairly certain she has more teeth now. "That's waaaaay too much ginger,sweetie." I plead,wincing. Ugh. That has to taste awful.
Taki keeps munching and horks it all down. " what? It's good." She shrugs before picking up some more ginger to viciously peel.i can smell the ginger coming out of her. It could be worse,i hate when little kids smell like mayo. Anyone smelling of mayo is bad. But i dunno. It seems like it's more concentrated when on A child . i don't even allow that shit in the house,tour bus or anywhere.ill go full god damned diva.
I study her for a moment. You'd swear she had a mouthful of ice cream or something. She is one pleased looking little person as she gets started on more ginger...that will hopefully make it into my pan. " you little weirdo.i i love you so much." I grin happily. Babies are cute and all, but I much rather prefer taki now. She's like an actual person now.
"I love you too, mommy" takara sings back without taking her eyes of her ginger. She seems to have moderately scaled back her peeling,but she's still wasting a lot of it. Fuck it. It's not like ginger is in danger of going extinct. She's intensely concentrating on the cutting of the ginger. She is very slow,but that diced ginger has nearly uniformly sized pieces. When done,she scooches over the pan and uses her knife to slide the ginger off the cutting board and into the pan. It lands with a satisfying sizzle and the ginger smell intensifying. " mommy?" Takara suddenly says." I want to go on tour with you."
It's an odd request, but one i wondered when it would come. It must sound like a kids dream. Seeing new things and new people every day. It's like a long camping trip. " i don't know,taki. There is a lot of iffy stuff there." I start to protest. The road is nowhere for a child. You know how and what we do out there. Would you want a kid there?! " it's really just a lot of riding on a bus. It can be super boring." I tell her,trying to make it sound as dull as possible. Which in a way, it is. Why do you think substance abuse is such a pastime in music? There is literally fuck all else to do.
Takara shakes her head side to side. " nope. You said I couldn't go with you and aunt Nina because i am not old enough. Jody told me you and her moms are going ." takara says as firmly as a near 7 year old can sound. She...she does have a point. The crowds for the cass-ettes are far older and more mature. Trust me, few rowdy people are clamouring to see 60s girl groups perform. A lot of our fans were around for the groups we rip off...er,are inspired by.
"Taki.." I start again . it's hard to honestly look at what is in my head. I....i kind of like being away. Playing mom for a few weeks at a time helps me think I'm good at it. It keeps the possibility of failure at arms length. There is also the possibility someone sees her. I know it's a weird thing to worry about, but for the public at large? Nobody has seen takara in years. I don't want people knowing what my daughter looks like. It can be very dangerous for her identity to be known. I'm no huge celebrity...actually,maybe i am, but i worry about her being hurt because of who she is. Who i am.
At my hesitation,takara starts to cry. " i miss you when you're gone all the time,mommy. You're always gone. " she says in tears. Some times I forget how young takara is. Behind the maturity, she is still a very young child. Also,taki is coming off of seeing me all the time for the past 9 months or so.so yeah. This might be harder for her. Hearing her cry because me hurts . She doesn't sound bitter. But i hear it as bitter in my head. In several more years, it might actually be bitter coming from her. I really don't want that.
I can't dispute i am gone a lot. The harlots are nearly always on tour. Now those shows i really wouldn't want takara at. I don't even so much as have a glass of wine around her. I really want her to have her innocence as long as she can hold on to it. That's why she can't be on the road with me. It's nothing but human depravity. Most of which im involved in...right? Ugh. Maybe I'm not the hell raiser i think I am. Gretchen and i have been together for nearly 3 years. We are all mostly sober for the cass-ettes shows. I can certainly remain so..i look down at taki,who is still sniffling, but looking hopeful since i haven't immediately shot her down. " well...i guess you're about ready to see mommy work." I smile at her. I had better enjoy this all I can. There probably will be A day when takara is too cool to hang out with her mom. Rockstar or not,a mom is a mom.
Upon hearing yes,taki squeals and hops up into my arms. Remember how i said she was tall for her age? I nearly fall over with the force she hits me with. "Thank you! Thank you! I'll be super quiet and very good!" She promises loudly. This will be a lie. Taki is many things,But quiet is never one of them. Good,however? She is always good. Takara is shockingly well behaved. At least for the big things. She's still a kid,so she's going to run around like mad. "Im already packed. Mommy Gretchen helped." Takara tells me proudly. Gretchen helped her pack? I have the feeling a cute little conspiracy was afoot here. One way or another. Taki was coming on this trip. It's going to be different, but it's going to be exciting to perform knowing takara is watching. I'm going to have to be at the top of my game. Disappointing fans is bad. Disappointing takara? It won't be done.