Sonny Bardot, born Søren Kjelland, has lived quite a life and has his fingers in a plethora of pies. The blue-haired 26-year-old has amassed a not-too-shabby following of 8.5k on Twitter and, while far from a household name, has persistently garnered interest in many fields over the last few years. If at first you don't succeed, dust yourself off and try again. And try, Sonny has. Norwegian-born Sonny moved to London with his parents at the age of 8, not being able to speak a word of English. The chaotic move set the tone for the rest of his life. Bardot would then go on to model as a child for clothing and homeware stores such as Matalan, land a few small-time acting gigs in his teens, get expelled from his performing arts academy and become an adult entertainer and webcam model, which he still does to this day. All of this is before adding his battles with chronic asthma, severe dyslexia, ADHD diagnosis, being near-blind in his left eye and a struggle with a heroin addiction. He's resilient and, speaking to the man, his life has certainly built character instead of dampening his spirits.
Claiming to be a "highly creative soul" who just wants to "make things" and "entertain people", Sonny has finally turned his attention to music. After years of sitting on the fence and being unable to find a way into the field, Bardot met his now best friend and roommate, Marcus Slate, an upcoming independent DJ and producer AKA EaziiBoi and the trajectory of his life changed once again. The pair met at a party in January 2019 and have been physically piecing together a music partnership ever since - pooling their incomes together to purchase everything they need. In fact, had it not been for a very zealous email from EaziiBoi, I wouldn't have known of Sonny let alone have the pleasure of interviewing him. I got the Smurf-haired oddball on the phone to chat about his bizarre life, debut single "Sonny Falls Into the Void" (yes, it's really called that) and his forthcoming independent EP, "New Game".
Hello! Am I talking to Sonny Bardot, possible great-grandchild of Brigitte?Ha! I wish. She was fucking hot. Wait, that sounds a little incestuous. Awkward. Let's start again! Hello. Yes, this is is Sonny. No, there is no relation but she IS the reason for my surname. Always thought it sounded great and my mother loved her 60's and 70's styling.
So I can assume that this fantastic, ready-made pop star sounding name wasn't assigned to you at birth?Sadly not. I was born Søren Kjelland but was always called Sonny by friends and family. When I moved to the UK, it was easier to just go by Sonny as the British tongue is rather lazy and I knew people would just butcher my real name anyway. Legally changed it to "Sonny Bardot". Needed something a little more sparky and punchy because I was pursuing a career in the entertainment business and again, nobody would attempt to pronounce Kjelland. Also had a very strained relationship with my father and we've fallen out of contact completely in the last five years so I'm glad I ditched his surname. Fuck him.
Before getting you on the phone, I've been searching through your social media profiles. You appear to be a very open book, talking candidly about your life. From sex work to health conditions to personal relationships. Do you mind if we delve a little further into some topics before we touch on the music? I, and I know our readers, would love to get to know "Sonny" a little better.Absolutely! I don't have anything to hide or shy away from. I tend to overshare quite a lot of the time so you may regret opening that can of worms. Just stop me if I'm getting a little too deep or making you want to blow your brains out.
Noted. OK, I won't beat around the bush, pardon the pun. I know a lot of people will be drawn to this article once they read that you are an adult entertainer. Do you want to elaborate on that and just clear up what it is you do in that field? No need for gory specifics, pal.Haha! People can easily Google the gory specifics anyway. I encourage it. Basically, I love sex and have a real positive attitude surrounding it. I love people of all shapes, sizes, shades, genders, you name it. I've attended sex parties, befriended a lot of sex workers, dabbled in a LOT of stuff. Don't think there's anything better than someone loving their body and exploring it in all kinds of ways. It's why I strip off and pleasure myself on a webcam sex site. Yeah, it's a source of income but I also get to share my body and bond with people over sex. It's more than just whacking off for me. There are so many regulars that I chat too. We honestly just talk, laugh, interact and give ourselves a treat at the same time. Because of my cam shows, I've also been asked to do some porn scenes. A mixture of both gay and straight. Would say I've only filmed four or five though. It's fun to do every now and then.
I love your honesty and passion for it. I fully respect and embrace that. However, we know there will be people who won't be so accepting. Do you fear your pornographic past will hinder your future musical endeavours?Well it's not my past. I still do it and will continue to do so until I see fit. I love it! But yeah, I've already had shit thrown my way whenever I tweet about music or talk about it in my streams. People are always going to judge though. Doesn't matter to me. All I've ever wanted to do is entertain people and unleash my inner performer. I'm not looking to be the next big superstar. I know I'm doing this on a small budget with a so-called "unorthodox" background and in a world of judgment, instant opinions and insults sent directly to my device. I'm not looking for validation or superstardom. I'm just making music for me and the fucking sexy people who enjoy it. That's not to say I never will make it big. There's always an exception to the rule. That could be me. Either way, I'm still happy and proud of my material regardless of what it may or may not do. I even have a song on my EP called "Cyber Sweat" which is all about webcam sex. I'm marrying my loves together.
Of course, music and adult entertainment aren't the only fields you've played around in. Am I correct in saying you initially started out as a model?Yeah! That was a fucking hellish experience, let me tell you! I never really wanted to go into modelling. I just sort of fell into. My aunt, who also lived in England, had a friend who was a co-owner of some agency. My mum knew that I wanted to be a performer from a very young age and she viewed this as a foot in the door so I was shoved into it. Found it so boring and filled with ghastly people. All that drama for a badly airbrushed photo of 11-year-old me in a raincoat for Primark...or Matalan...whatever. I did a bunch. I just didn't have the attention span. The undiagnosed ADHD didn't help either. Was all very boring.
So naturally you jump right into acting from there?You make it sound so fucking easy, haha! That was my next step. Always enjoyed drama at school and really wanted to pursue it further. Fucking adored getting into a character, losing myself, making people laugh, cry and just engage, really. I love the spark of performing. Hate the business side of it though. A lot of being insulted at a young age, losing out to someone with more money and status, being put down and stabbed in the back by fellow budding actors. Totally didn't leave me with a complex.
Before you gave up that frightfully hellish experience, did you land any good roles? Anything we'd know you from?Is that sarcasm I detect, sir?! Ha! The only role with a name I got was in an episode on the last series of "The Bill". It was a British police drama for those that don't know. I was about 15 at the time. I was a troubled youth named Tommy. Was in two scenes and had about six or seven lines of dialogue in total. That was pretty much my peak. I did a whole other bunch of stuff in my early teens but it was mainly unnamed or non-speaking parts. Even a lot of extra work. I was a screaming school pupil in an episode of "The Sarah Jane Adventures". Was only on the screen for like 2 seconds but it's nice to know I'm canon in the "Doctor Who" universe.
You dub yourself as a "failed actor" in you Twitter bio. Is that just a joke or have you totally stopped pursuing that avenue? What was the final nail in the coffin for you?I'm done with that. Would LOVE to go back in time and do school productions again but legitimate acting? No. I'm too burnt by it. In my late teens, when I was struggling to find roles, I was only finally diagnosed with my ADHD and by that time I had already burnt a lot of bridges. I was hormonal, growing frustrated, fell in with a bad crowd and was mad at the world for all the cards I had been dealt in terms of my health. I was self destructing. I was kicked out of the drama academy I fought so hard to get into because of my behaviour and poor attendance. I'd lose my temper with casting directors. I would self medicate. I was 18 years old and shooting up heroin behind an old library building and couldn't function without it or some booze in my system. I fell off the rails real bad. I'm no longer addicted and would like to say that I've been pretty much free of it all since 2017 but there have been some isolated incidents in between.
You touched on having several health issues and how they got you down. From what I've read on your socials, you seem to embrace them all now. What was the turning point for you?Getting sober. My mum, aunt and uncle intervened and got me the help I needed. Even after years of treating them like shit and being a horrid person to be around, they still kept persisting. When I was finally weaned off of all that junk, I had a moment of clarity. I could either feel sorry for myself because of everything that was "against" me and what I missed out on, running the risk of falling into that dark mindset again...or I could buck up, own that shit and do something. I have ADHD, severe dyslexia, the most chronic asthma and I'm near-blind in my left eye after a fight I got into when I was 13. It adds character. I also realised and embraced the fact that, due to the way my mind words, I was more attuned to the creative and physical side of things in school. I was never academic. I was written off as a bad student. Looking back, it was never the case. I was just extra fucking special!
And with a sparkling new outlook on life, you're heading down yet another new path with music. What made you want to pursue a career in music after all this time and a successful job as a webcam model?I've always wanted to do music too. I love it. The art, the process, the layers, the stories, the creative playing field. I've always made up short stories and poems, which at their core were essentially songs minus a crafted melody. I'm also a huge concert goer. Well, I was before this asshole virus stopped our fun. Music has always been a love of mine but I didn't know how to pursue it. My school wouldn't let me study music and drama at the same time, so I had to drop it. I severed ties on a very bitter note with contacts I made at the academy. I was an addict and then a recovering one pretty much during the entire time shows like StarFactory and The X Factor were running. I just couldn't get my foot in the door until now.
Until God sent you the greatest gift in the form of EaziiBoi!Indeed! We met at a party in London at the beginning of last year and hit it off right away. We now share a flat together and he's my best friend. He was DJing and making his own beats all on a shoestring budget. Music is a real passion of his and I could see that. He was working all kinds of jobs and hours just to fund what he loved doing. We eventually clubbed together and have formed this wonderful little dynamic duo. We're great friends, have a passion for creating and he's also the child of immigrant parents with them coming from Jamaica. We haven't had point for point similar lives but enough common ground and alike experience to really relate.
And after years of trying to find your footing, you've only finally gone and made an EP! Go on and tell us a bit about that.Yeah, it's so odd to say this but I have an EP coming out soon. It's titled "New Game". It's rooted in synth-pop, kinda electronica, slightly alternative leaning. Basically, being a webcam model and a twenty-six year old in 2020, my whole life is online. I'm fascinated by that concept. How technology has integrated into our lives and how dependant we are on it. I'm not a big conspiracy theorist. It's just something that really intrigues me. We really are all plugged in. Imagine all devices just went down? It'd be anarchy. Most of the songs on there have a recurring theme of technology, social media, cyber sex, machinery, online personas, what it means to be a real flesh and blood human navigating quite a cold digital world.
You also have your very first single dropping today. How do you feel about that?Won't lie, I've been having the real bad farts all day. Jeez! Stomach is doing cartwheels, man! I know it's not going to drop and suddenly muster up 1 Billion streams and have the likes of Isabel or Vanity knock at my door. It IS going to be a big moment for me though. Even if it gets 10 streams in 24 hours, the fact that I will officially have a song out there in the world is enough. Never thought it'd be possible and now I'm actually gearing up for the link to go live!
The single is wonderfully titled "Sonny Falls Into the Void". I already loved it upon hearing the title. The exclusive listen was the icing on the cake. Can you tell our readers more about the song?Haha thanks! Yeah, this was the first song that I ever fully completed. It was originally titled "Headfirst" but I changed it to that very odd, long winded title to make it sound like some sort of old computer game or meme reference to tie it into the EP's theme. Being the oldest song, it was created before my final concept but I couldn't part with such a special record so it kept its place on "New Game". Basically, the song is about falling head over heels in love with someone who says they don't want to be in a committed relationship. You continue having all the fun and developing feelings while pretending you're OK with not being exclusive. Been through it. That shit hurt. Cool song though.
You certainly do seem to have an honest and frank way about you and your work. Have many artists influenced that?I take inspiration from a bunch of amazing artists. I love people who go against the grain and do their own thing, pushing boundaries and experimenting with sounds. I love Chicago Nobody's whole quirky, DIY approach. Vanity is just...well, Vanity! Atomic War Bride are deliciously bizarre. Stephanie Fierce had some really left field records in her discography. Nova was great too. I love things that are rooted in pop but with a special twist. Also, from a writer's standpoint, I admire really brutally honest lyricists like Joshua Grimmie, Brandon Caulfield, Ryan Ross Hernandez and I think Den is going to come out with a really telling record too.
What can we expect from Sonny going into 2021?Not a fucking clue, my friend! We shall see what happens. I have my single coming out today and the EP really soon. Living in the moment. Whatever happens, happens. The dream would be to pursue it further with a bigger budget, full on album and live shows but that's a dream, like I said. Who knows? The world has been throwing us all major curveballs lately.
Well I look forward to whatever may be in store for you! And with that, I shall bid you farewell, Mr Bardot. Best of luck with the music!Thank you for listening to all my shit.
Sonny's debut single "Sonny Falls Into the Void" premieres later today.