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As the crowd of celebrities and hangers on takes their seats,the hour of the awards strikes. if the fca's are anything,its prompt. the house speakers crackle to life with the sounds of the forgotten bobby bare classic, "dropkick me jesus". the throng of talking and laughing slowly dies at the rather bizarre choice in music. the spotlight flickers on and searches the empty stage. at first its rather slow in it's panning, but as the seconds of dead air pass expensively by this becomes more and more frantic. finally,from the left side of the stage erich hess bursts through the curtain and stumbles across the stage towards the podium. the momentum he carries suggests he was roughly shoved by someone. he pauses as he gathers his bearings. he teeters a bit with the skill of an elderly drunk. he leans further than the point at which he can use the podium to prop himself up,he grasps at empty air in a panic before falling dramatically forward. gasps are heard from the more weak constituted of the crowed. to the relief of some and the disappointment of many more, erich rolls forward and hops to his feet.  much like this.  half crazed and fully drunk,erich takes the microphone and addresses the crowd. "wow, thanks. i never really thought i'd win an award for much of anything,much less sexiest male two years running. how about that? and here conrad in the third grade said i wouldnt amount to shit. well who's laughing now,conrad?! who among us is lusted after nightly by people the world over? anyways. thanks. i grew this mustache out in honor of the man who made me the man i am today. one mr randy wriggl-" erich pauses and looks at the podium and around the stage. he obviously mouths the word fuck and then clears his throat before speaking into the mic. " right,so i've just been informed that i am helping HOST the show and did not actually receive an award yet. i'll be damned if i am making that speech twice,so if i do win...meh,just play the tape." erich teeters a bit,using the podium to hold himself up. he is single handedly bringing back the tradition of being drunk on tv ala dean martin. "it's award season and i just know you approval lusting bastards are itching to get some awards handed to you. you are in luck too,because that is just what i and cassie summers intend to do to you tonight." he speaks in to the mic with a self satisfied nod. wife of cassie summers,and previous host of the fac's, karoliena summers emerges from the right side of the stage. she scampers across the stage to loud applause. karoliena grins and waves to the crowd before speaking into the mic, "that's cassie valentine,kitten."karoliena doesnt even pause as she crosses the stage. she does the talking and walking in one fluid motion. as quickly as she appeared,she is gone. "oh." erich says in surprise. he pats his body where pockets would be until settling on the breast pocket of his suit. he shrugs and removes a comically thick stack of papers. erich tosses them on the floor and kicks them towards the front of the stage. " i had about 30 pages of material written for banter with cassie summer.s fuck it,we'll do it live!" he shouts and waits for applause. there is none. just one lone man that yells, "nobody will get that joke,it's 2021,you hack!" "WHAT'S UP, LONDOOOOONNNN?!?!" bellows a disembodied English accent. The figure of rising radio and podcast star Konstantin, better known as K.Lloyd, then emerges from the back of the stage. The lighting switches to a lovely, calming blue upon his arrival. Not only does it compliment his bold eye colour well but the serene hues suggest a much more relaxed, refined vibe in contrast to Erich's comedic and brash style. Despite being the straight man to Erich's comedian, K still exudes a positive and electric energy. He has been presenting and stood behind a microphone for a number of years now. He has a very natural, charismatic flare. K makes his way over to Erich and waits for the cheers to subside, smiling out and looking at the crowd before raising his microphone once again. "My name is Konstantin but to make things easier, everyone just calls me "K". It's hard to tell if someone is wanting my attention or they're just being short with me. In the spirit of keeping things easier, I'll be the interpreter for all my fellow Londoners in the audience tonight. We have a lot of Americans around us this evening so there may be a lot of confusion over accents and the concept of irony." K then inches forward to the audience, as if letting the people in attendance in on a secret. "Now, I WILL try my best to explain Erich's jokes to you. Don't worry if you don't get them. Most of your bloodstreams aren't 90% proof."  erich lights up at the mention of this man's shortened name. "k,huh?" erich says while eyeing the man up and down warily. "so you got that special k? know what i'm saying?" he asks while giving a wink and a nod. erich takes his mic off its holder and walks around a little. he hated the button mic things,he preferred looking like a failed 1990's stand up comedian. "i dont think some things translate,k my boy. what do you call grits around here?" erich asks very interested. he had found no grits or cornbread around the town. the lack of corn based sustenance concerned him. "I'm sorry, Erich but I think you'll find that, this little bit between us aside, this is a corn-free zone!". K turns his attention back to the audience and shuffles a few paces away from Erich so that he's out of swinging distance. He doesn't know his co-host all too well but with the smell of alcohol in the air and mention of drugs, it's safe to assume that a brawl over the lack of grits could very well be on the cards. "It is an absolute pleasure to be here tonight. Not only is co-hosting the most prestigious awards in music an absolute honour but to be doing it on my home soil just blows my mind and I would like to thank the FCA and all of you out there in the crowd for making me feel so welcome!" The audience ferociously cheer as K takes in the moment, looking out into the vast sea of faces and feeling very accomplished, almost overwhelmed. "There are so many talented, spectacular and iconic artists in the room tonight. All deserving of their nominations and all deserving of a win. I just want everyone to know that, regardless of the outcome tonight, you're all absolutely huge in Kazakhstan!" Despite having a very strong southern English accent, Konstantin is half Kazakhstani and spent some time back there working as a DJ. "Especially Mercedes. She's basically our country's Empress." The camera then pans to Mercedes, who is sat in the audience, nodding along whilst saying; "No, it's true, it's true!" to her party. "We have a wonderful, star-studded, talent-oozing show ahead for you. Before we kick things off, I'd like to introduce a lady who embodies the spirit, the glam, the artistry and the prestige of the FCA. That's right, it's not just a sausage fest with Erich and I this year. Let me introduce Ms. Cassie Valentine to the stage!" As Cassie’s voice is heard over the sound system, it causes a wid barrage of cheers from the crowd in the distance. The camera’s instantly dim to completely dark for a few moments, causing even more anticipation from the crowd. It’s been quite a while since Cassie has been on stage, and the first time she was hosting ever. This was a big moment for her. The cheers continue to roar from the SSE Area in London, and as the roars grow louder from the darkness of the arena, we hear a quick synth from a track we all know and love from Cassie (“Choke”) which causes blue strobe lights to circulate around the arena. With each strobe light comes with a synth as the light shoot out with precision, the growing anticipation continues and the arena starts to light up even more with a soft dim of blue. The crowd cheers do not stop, they continue as the quick synth’s are heard every few seconds. Aided with this blue strobe lights that are circulating around the arena, the arena slowly rises up which causes even more cheers from the audience. With the culmination of these lights, it shows off the massive Fan Choice Award stage once again, exuding the massive production of the 8th installment of this show. The stage finally lights up and we see a massive wedding cake prop on the stage, Cassie’s clearly drawing an ode to her most successful era, Matrimony, which was largely based on marriage. But still, there's no Cassie. The synths continue and smoke begins to fill the stage, drawing even more anticipation from the crowd as the cameras pan all around the arena to see fans up on their feet cheering for the third main show host. Seconds pass as the strobe lights and synths are seen and heard from the SSE Arena, with the smoke surrounding the the large wedding cake prop that sits high on the massive Fan Choice Awards stage backup dancers are also placed around different areas of the cake prop, wearing white wedding attires. They also have bouquets of flowers in their hands, further exasperating the "Matrimony" theme. Seconds pass, and Cassie jumps out from the wedding cake! Cassie is finally seen. The crowd meets Cassie with a large roar as she flies out from the bottom of the cake prop and stands at the top of it looking confident. She looks silently the crowd as the synths stop when she appears. The crowd takes in the moment as Cassie's is met with so much love as she stands up on the prop without any sound playing, just audience cheers. Cassie's wearing all white, a white and corset and puffy bottoms, with a veil covering her face. One more moment passes and Cassie's heard once more before the sounds of Cassie's hit record "Choke" bursts onto the sound system. "FCA's.....GET ON YOUR FEET!"
 With no second to waste, the catchy bouncy beats of Cassie’s hit record are heard over sound system. Cassie Valentine starts bouncing left and right. The stage is totally hers. Her backup dancers, who are all women of color are stationed all around the wedding cake bouncing back and forth as well, as they are all in unison. At this point, the crowd is on their feet as Cassie bounces back and forth like a matrimonial boss. Seconds pass and the sounds of Choke continue to be heard as the stage continues to fill with even more smoke. Cassie waits for this to end before she lifts the veil from her face, showing off her face for the first time! This causes for yet another pop cheer as Cassie smiles out to the crowd! “Let’s go!” Cassie says, bouncing even harder from left to right with her dancers, matching the bouncy production of Choke, her dancers all turn around and start shaking their derrière while as the track roars over the sound system, with stage lights brightening up the arena. Cassie takes the veil from her head and tosses it into the crowd, with fans jumping to catch it. It's all a big moment. After the veil is lifted and thrown Cassie joins in with the fun, turning around throwing it back for the crowd, causing fans in the crowd to go wild for this exciting entrance. After a few moments, Cassie turns back around and throws her hands up, before walking to the stairs that take you down from the cake stage prop. She reaches the steps and continue bouncing as she her one hand on the banister and the other hand holding her mic, it takes Cassie a few moments to get down from this huge cake and as Cassie walks down, her back up dancers do the same, following her in a line until she reaches the the bottom of the steps and onto the main stage.  Cassie walks to center stage and down the long stage that makes way closer to the fans. Cassie is bopping her head, as she greets fans, touching their fans until she reaches her spots. Cassie dancers surround her as as they all start dancing in what seems like a celebratory opening. The chorus of Choke finally seems to come upon the PA system. Cassie yells out. "How ya'll feeling tonight?!" Cassie says before the bouncy chorus roars of the PA system. At this point, Cassie is center stage and when the chorus is heard, Cassie turns around and breaks into another number, shaking her booty into the camera as the cameras pan inward and outward, catching every moment. Her dancers break into a dance number as Cassie shakes her derrière, with fans in the crowd jumping up and down and dancing, and throwing their hands for Cassie. They cheer for her loudly as she shakes her behind to the chorus. Smoke is filled all throughout the stage adding to it all. After Cassie breaks into that ass shaking chorus, she turns around, waving to the fans once more and walking around touching their hands. As they the chorus comes to an end, Cassie voice is heard as she sings the final chorus of the track, showing off the beautiful and wide ranged vocal of this opening segment. When she finishes off, the throwing her hands in the air, the crowd goes wild for Cassie and you can see the happiness exuding from her face, as she smiles showing all dimples and pearly whites. The cameras pan around, showing fans in the crowd dancing and celebs in attending showing nothing but love. Cassie's backup dancers find their spots and pose as the song comes to a halting finish. Cassie picks up the microphone and speaks into the microphone. "WELCOME TO THE 8th ANNUAL FAN CHOICE AWARDS!!!!" Cassie's says with excitement in her voice. The crowd does not stop cheering, Cassie waits a few minutes blowing kisses into the crowd before continuing. "I'm Cassie Valentine, and it's an absolute honor to be one third of the hosting crew for the biggest award show in the world!" Cassie says looking around in awe at all the fans, and the massive production values of the stage. "The only award show where, YOU, the fans at home and in the audience tonight have all the power in the world to vote your favorite artist to win in these prestigious categories." Cassie says before continuing. "We have an amazing night planned, and I couldn't be happier on a night to celebrate not only the fans, but the wonderful celebrities who are in attendance and at home, I see yall!" Cassie says laughing. The camera pan around to the celebrity area, catching glimpses of some of the most highly recognized celebrities in the world who are in attendance. "Wow, I must say, it has certainly been a year. It seems like, at any point, anything can pop off. But we, the people, come here together tonight to celebrate music, celebrate the fans, and I must say, we're hear to celebrate life and to celebrate JUSTICE being served" Cassie says, holding her hands up in a fist, clearly making reference to the news just this week having to do with the verdict. Cassie says this with grit and it rings throughout the arena. This resonates with audience members as they pop in cheer. "On this night, I want ya'll to have fun, I want ya'll to drink, and I want ya'll to dance. For every performer that hits this stage, I want ya'll to show them nothing but love. This.... is night of love and I already feel it! Cassie says holding her heart, she has charisma and stage presence like no other and it's wonderful to see once again. "Don't hold back and you know why? It's been an amazing year for music. We've gotten countless amounts of material that have come out over the past 8 months and it all culminates right here... at the Fan Choice Awards!" Cassie then stops, causing for anyone who's sitting to get up out of their feet. "Get up on your feet, get up on your feet" Cassie says to those in the audience, "We don't want to keep you waiting any longer". Cassie says as her two co hosts join her. "We're ready to REALLY get this show started with our very first performer!!! This artist here has truly stood the test of time, you may know her for her honesty, creativity and beautiful voice, not to mention the amazing year she's head with her comeback. Please give it up for our first performer of the night.....RADIO VINE!!!!!!!" MAIN SHOW8:30 - FAN CHOICE AWARDS VIII INTRO 8:45 RADIO VINE 8:50 BEST/BAND GROUP 8:55 CATCH UP INTERVIEW @ THE FCA's 9:00 PAIGE WESLEY 9:05 BEST SINGLE 9:10 BEST ALBUM 9:15 THE JOLLIES 9:20 SEXIEST MALE 9:25 SEXIEST FEMALE 9:30 ANAÍSZ 9:35 CATCH UP INTERVIEW @ THE FCAs 9:40 SILVER SPOONS 9:45 BEST SONGWRITER 9:50 BEST PRODUCER 9:55 SECRET PERFORMER 10:00 BEST RECORD LABEL 10:05 BEST FEMALE ARTIST 10:10 BEST MALE ARTIST 10:15 PAYTON & YOUNG HOOD 10:20 BEST NEW ARTIST - 10:25 CATCH UP INTERVIEW @ THE FCA's 10:30 NAOMI 10:35 FAVORITE MUSIC VIDEO 10:40 FAVORITE POP ACT 10:45 FAVORITE POP SINGLE 10:50 SLIM MONEY 10:55 FAVORITE COUPLE 11:00 FAVORITE ACTOR/ACTRESS 11:10 STEPHANIE ORTIZ 11:15 FAVORITE TV/MOVIE 11:20 FAVORITE K-POP ACT 11:25 LAYLA & JOSHUA 11:30 CATCH UP INTERVIEW @ THE FCAS 11:35 FAVORITE LATIN ACT 11:40 FAVORITE COLLABORATION 11:45 TISHA JACKSON 11:50 FAVORITE ROCK/INDIE ACT 12:00 FAVORITE ROCK/INDIE SINGLE 12:05 DANIEL 12:10 FAVORITE URBAN ACT 12:15 FAVORITE URBAN SINGLE 12:20 SECRET PERFORMER 12:25 FAN FAVORITE AWARD 12:30 [b]RYAN ROSS HERNANDEZ |