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Kara Romero, Bada$$ Morales, Maliah Aguilar and Cara Zayn head over towards the free bar having just enjoyed the screening of the show. The group grab their drinks and check out the venue before finding a table for them to sit, they seem in high spirits following the show as they drink and chat with each other. They make a couple of comments to each other about some of the guys and girls that have caught their eye, playfully joking with each other as the drinks begin flowing. Kara and Morales seem to be in the party mood already, with Maliah being a more measured and less impulsive person she seems to be the quiet one of the group. Cara Zayn on the other hand has the most experience at these industry parties, she knows not to peak too soon. She casually drinks and observes early on, she spots Mariko and Erica at the other side of the room and smiles to herself. It was always likely that she’d bump into people that once played a large role in her life, she expected that at this point having been around for some years now. Previously this would have turned her a little anxious, but she felt at ease in this moment.
Ashford York grabs himself a beer from the bar and begins mingling with various people, mostly quick hello’s and catch up’s. He stops and chats with Madison and Alexis Brooke for a quick conversation as the two girls find themselves sat at the bar with their drinks, just taking in the different costumes and vibes, Madison looks at Ashford and does a pose so that he can take the entire outfit in, “Hey, man. What do you think?” she asks him as she greets her friend, “Honestly, mad props to anyone that even attempts to pull off the Princess Leia gold bikini costume.” He says to Madison with a kind smile, before playfully turning to Alexis and joking, “But come on Alex, no points for originality on the Harley Quinn costume. Had you have gone with the jester garb, you’d have certainly won my respect. But this, come on. You’re better than this version.” she playfully gasps and punches him in the arm, “Ash, you better not fuckin’ test me tonight. I may not have the mallet but I’ve got the fucking baseball bat.” she says as she playfully swings the bat before putting her arm around him and bringing him in for a hug, “It’s so fucking good to see you, buddy. It’s been too long.”
The three members of Orion walk into the venue, Boa and Circuit find them a table to sit at while Bellows heads to the free bar to grab the drinks. He returns to the table and places the drinks down, observing the room and searching for familiar faces before sitting down next to his two cousins, “Man, it’s fucking burning up in here.” he says as he takes a mouthful of his drink and continues observing the different costumes, Boa and Circuit seem less starry eyed and interested in things. They keep flipping between conversations and their phone screens while Bellows continues to observe and search for familiar faces, he was certainly the most charismatic and sociable of the trio. The other two preferred to play it a bit more cooler.