**Transcript of Head South Music Label's 1st Birthday Commercial**[Scene 1: A messy, slightly drunk clown wobbles into view, surrounded by kids at a birthday party. He bellows a raucous rendition of “Happy Birthday, Head South!” then swigs from a beer bottle.]

Clown:"Well, well, well... 1-year-old. Little baby has grown up, right?"
Kids: "Yeaahhh!"
Clown: "Who would’ve imagined that this small label would’ve gone where it is right now?"
Kid: "Not me!"
Clown: "You’re right, Stacy. Me neither!"
[Cut to : The clown aggressively smashing a birthday piñata with a baseball bat, candy spilling everywhere. He wipes his brow and turns to the camera..]

Clown: "Hey, you recognized me, right?" [Silence. Crickets, maybe?]"It’s Tony!"[Another awkward silence.]
Clown: "The guys at Head South had this great idea to dress me like a clown to tell you this... Get ready for something special!"
[Scene cuts to Tony the Clown sitting with the kids, stacking empty beer cans.]

Clown:"You guys are all invited to Head South’s 1st Birthday Party! For their first anniversary, Head South will organize cool events..."
Little Girl: "Coconut Shy?"
Clown: "Oh, brilliant idea! And maybe we’ll have a tea party with stuffed animals right after. This is Head South, not your Granny’s Garden Party! Get real, kid."

Clown:"First, a Q&A session with co-founders Mark Thompson and Cerys Nyland, as well as Scouting Boss Quentin McEwen, and several artists."
Kid: "That is sooo laaame."
Another Kid: "That sucks."
Clown: "Of course it’s lame! What do you expect, Cirque du Soleil? We’ve got the budget of a lemonade stand! Now, zip it and pay attention, you tiny critics..."
[Scene cuts to the clown attempting to juggle empty beer cans and failing spectacularly.]

Clown: "That’s not all, babies! More surprises will comein Brighton: A photo exhibition called "Live!"at Head South Café, as well as a Fan Art Exhibition where everyone can send their drawings... like you, halflings!"
[A little boy shows a terrible drawing of Cerys Nyland.]

Clown: "Great job, Mikey!" [Fake smile.]
[Scene cuts to the clown playing with a smoke grenade to entertain the kids.]

Clown:"Another event called 'Cover This!' where people like you and me will have the chance to cover the song of your choice... And guess what, special guests will be in the jury and will buzz for you... or not!"
Little Girl: "Is it dangerous?"
[The clown watches red smoke billowing from his hand, trying to stay calm.]
Clown: "What does your heart answer to that question, Corinne?" [Threatening]
[Scene cuts to the clown riding a pony, yelling, "My turn now! My turn!"]

Clown: "A lot more is to come: Don’t miss Hana Rahman’s DJ set on Brighton Beach, mini-gigs by Cerys Nyland, Mother of Tigers, and a lovely one by Eireann Flannery for disabled kids. And Voodoo Dolls, back in a car park for a live performance, the CD and posters flea market on Sundays... and and... do I still have time?"
Off-Screen Voice: "Noooo!!!!!"
Clown: "Okay, see you in August, babies! And once again... Happy Birthday to you, Head South!!!!"

**[A kid tugs at the clown’s sleeve.]**
**Kid:** "Can I watch Paw Patrol?"
**Clown:** "Get out of my way!"

Edited by user 8 months ago
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