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Gildermershina wrote:sharinganerror wrote:Aj wrote:Human's are so arrogant to think 'there must be a reason' to all life. Plus, life has the point of advancement of the race, basically, = not really any point at all. So in my opinion you should live life however the hell you want to and make as many people happy as you can and then your furfilling all that can be asked of you. No point devoting your life to worshiping a god and not enjoying the time you have here. You should live day's one at a time and make everyone one amazing, and you should do good things out of will rather than because of fear of being harmed by something.
Oh, and yes science is :P One question... how did life start, and how did what caused life to start, start? and what made the thing start making the thing that started making life start? What makes a euglena cease to photosynthesize after a few days without light, what makes it become heterotrophic AND autotrophic? simple question, stupid answers. The question isn't so much how did it happen, but why did it happen, and the answer is it happened because it happened. Why did the Earth just happen to be in the right place at the right time? Because it happened. Because of the size of the Universe, it was simply bound to happen somewhere. Difficult questions don't always have simple answers. sharinganerror wrote:Also on another note, creationism leads to huge leaps in academic progress for basic education here in the states. I'm currently acing honors biology with creationism in mind other than evolution, if I finish it in 9th grade(which I plan on considering I can go and take Phys Science now that I skipped it), I would already have enough credits to get me into college biology. I have yet to know of a curriculum in the american education system based on evolution that can get me into two years of college biology just from completing the book itself. Creationistic biology isn't as preachy as you think, it tells you basically everything a journal of medicine would, without you reading that "blah blah blah eventually evolved into yada yada" and still retaining all scientific fact. Hang on a minute. Are you saying that Creationism is good because it's easy to learn? All creationism is is a blanket statement "A god, probably this God, probably created everything, somehow, probably the way it says in the Bible." What's to learn? True Creationism discounts the entire theory of species, as well as DNA, carbon dating, radiation dating, and anatomy in general - after all, unless the Creator was making a joke by including the vestigial appendix in order to cause life-threatening infections. Could you explain how Creationism is even biology? Seems like it's biology in the same way that Notepad is a word processor. Creationism doesn't promote the idea that whatever IS has evolved, it promotes whatever IS always has been. That idea leads us to plain look through a microscope and think,"WOW, I wonder what THAT evolved from!?" in creationism we just see it as it is and observe it,document it, and move on until further research is needed. For crying out loud, I never it creationism was good because it's easier to learn, it's actually significantly harder when there's no made-up backstory like evolution. I'm just saying that creationistic curriculum is more advanced than evolutionary curriculum for many reasons, just not because it promotes creationism. 1. The public education system AND private education system use curriculum in high school that practically 7 years behind my current knowledge, 2. Most teachers use evolution as an excuse for something the book doesn't explain when asked a question on a test. Creationistic curriculum doesn't bother using itself as an excuse because the general idea is already there. 3. We don't bother trying to explain evolution or how life specifically began, we continue on with more important lessons that actually are worth a shit in today's world of people who don't give any. 3. There are too many theories within the idea of evolution itself that schools spend too much time indoctrinating their students to know when they could simply explain the general idea and actually educate these retards. overall