New York Sentinel InterviewQ: Jack Your music is very Americana but with a darker edge to it-
A: When you say Americana that sounds like I'm rootin for liberty and all that junk. I ain't. America is an old blind dog that keeps fighting when it should be worried about itself. I am not proud to be an American. When she stops sticking her crooked nose in other people affairs then we will talk."
Q: Strong words but...anyways what are some of your influences?
A: I enjoy Springsteen, Dylan and most blues artist. I really like the 4th street band and a certain female artist...
Q: No chance on saying what female artist?
A: no.
Q: your album debuted slowly but it has begun to pick up speed. Any worries that-
A: I said before, when my album came out, that doing the stuff I do is hard and sometimes nerve raking but I don't care. I'm doing what I'm doing till I get bored."
Q: Thanks to Junction Records?
A: Oh yes. Junction has housed, bathed, cleansed and shaved me.
Q: What does the future look like for Jack Frost?
A: Dark and Grim. Probably be called an anti-american scum. I'm singing for the working man. the farmer. the hobo. I am not singing for you.
Edited by user 15 June 2010 17:17:17(UTC)
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