stephaniewazhere wrote:Mt. Epic wrote:There would be no religion if people never died. So, in a world without religion, nobody would die.
Dude go back into your history book. Have you heard of Gods?
Now let me explain, i've been reading a lot about this, and i have my conclusion. God only exists from the curiosity of all origins. And the main thing that keeps a belief in god real, is out of fear of no afterlife, and most religious ppl believe in one. Pretty much every religion (i don't count atheism in this next statement) are primarily centered around the god and his blessings and how this life is some sort of test or worship that will be taken onto the next life. Christians have heaven/hell, Jews have heaven, Muslims have something similar to wut christians have, Hindus live their entire lives based on good or bad karma, which they believe ultimately determines their fate after death also, similar to muslims and christians, although muslim's goal is mainly to be kind to nature rather than karma, and christianity is pretty much all of those. Ancient Egptians believed that once u die, ur spirit would go to the Fields of Aaru, and work on the fields for ur protection, and ultimately reach ur reward for an afterlife. Ancient Greeks/Romans believed in similar concepts that the majority of these religions believed in, that is you would be judged upon ur life's goods and bads to gain entrance either to a heavenbound or a hellbound afterlife.
My thoughts from all of this is that, the only reason that religions still prevail is because ppl are scared of their deaths. The only reason why religions have all of these other parts within them is merely support the "you go to heaven when you die" part. and hell was created to make heaven feel like a struggle, so it won't look so easy, thus making it more realistic.
That's why i support my thought of why if we never were to die, there wouldn't be any religion. The only question left to be answered would be how were we created, and that would no longer be a religion, rather a mystery everyone would work together towards finding out, rather than arguing over unproven hypothesises to the points of conflicts and oppression
Edited by user 15 years ago
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