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Joined: 21/02/2009(UTC) Posts: 18,252  Thanks: 6248 times Was thanked: 7557 time(s) in 3439 post(s)
With the gimmicks flooding in the industry and the internet evolving into this “colorful graphic must need”, it is almost hard to make it these days if you have raw talent. Well, unless you got a nice cleavage and some heavy muscular tone of course ;) What most people want is to make it. But the mind can work wonders because everyone wants to make it seem like they only want to sell 10 albums. Why would you sign a mayor label contract, if all you want is to share your music with a few hundreds or thousands? This is the mistake Daniel made while making this album.
After releasing “Banana Boy” which became a typical international smash hit (The song’s artwork drew controversy and laughable comparisons to Miss Vanity). Let me just say this. There is garbage and from the garbage the smell of art comes out. Miss Vanity’s outfits are only the garbage product and smell is lost. No, that was not a compliment.
Anyhow, Daniel decided to disappear into the cave of a magical world and make some real music in contrast to “Banana Boy”. While a wise decision, it was a risky move by the musician who soon began to be called a one hit wonder. And you know once they start calling you that, there is almost no return. However, Daniel smartly pulled through. Well……musically of course! With Hot Eye Records backing him up, he was able to get that album released and it became a fair hit.
Anyone who has seen Daniel live, wouldn’t be shocked to find the singer whispering through a track like he’s some crazy loner with mental issues. Daniel is known for his soft vocal performances, in which he depends on his facial expressions to do most of the work. Not so smart, especially when you have a bunch of men who are hungry to rock. But anyone who was looking for a couple of more “Banana Boy” songs, is going to be very disappointed. In fact the album isn’t really pop friendly but still has the ability to be called a pop album. Daniel has basically taken a nuclear bomb and placed it in the middle of his fan base and the ones who made it alive at the end of the explosion, are the ones who are supporting him to this day.
Usually experimental albums aren’t very approachable, but Daniel manages to suck you right in with the opening track. This is the reason why it qualifies for a pop charting work effort. Throughout, Daniel is trying to make one statement. Accept him for who he is. Let him run free through any land (As he claims in "Aliens"). I would indeed say this whole album is one song divided into chucks, but once you reach "Eternal Eargams" everything goes 180. The eight minute instrumental like song is somewhat trippy and completely distinctive from all the other songs on the album. What this album sort of lacks is diversity. It seems that Daniel is not really fully experienced with experimental music yet. However, for a debut effort it is passable. So it is best to give this album 3 and a half stars out of five. – Linda Fea ★★★½ out 5 __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ OOC: Want your album to be reviewed like this? Send me a PM. The purpose of that review is to simply show you what the album reviews are going to look like. In most cases, I will not review my own artist’s albums.
In order for me to review your album, you must have some sort of synopsis or album overview done, so I can get an idea of what the album is really about. If not, I can’t do a review based on some song titles. All reviews done will be fair upon my opinions. Don’t be disappointed if you get 2 or even 1 star out of 5. Expect the unexpected. Linda Fea is probably one of the toughest characters on here and she tells it like it is. So if you want the most honest review, she’s the way to go. As you know from previous attempts things usually die out. If that’s to happen, I would look at it as some sort of break and pick things up when ready. After all, this is just for fun, so don’t take it too seriously and it’s not like Linda Fea is the only critic in the whole world.
Also, if things pick up, I will like to add an editor to the team, so that way when I want to roleplay stuff of mine it won’t get overwhelming. If there is not much to talk about because the album is bland or whatever, some reviews will focus more on how the career has affected the album ,as you can see on my Daniel “Anit-social” review.
Reviews will usually take up to one to two weeks to make since I do have a life (Sometimes sooner) ;) But the wait will be worth it because you will get a full review and hopefully something worth reading. There will be times where I will be a sneaky little bitch and do a review without you knowing. So either way keep on the look out! I hope you enjoy the reviews and hopefully this can be another addition to the rock star game forums.
PS. Feedback always appreciated.