Originally Posted by: RoseJapanFan 
OOC: Very nice to see Ashley back :) Lovely lyrics and a nice theme behind this.
Isabel: Ashley, totally remember you from Star Factory! I totally wanted you to win but it seems you're doing just fine without a big contract, so proud! Love this song, definitely one of my favorite tracks and its very easy on the ears like your voice :)
OOC: Yeah that she should release one more thing before the year ends :P and thank you so much :)
Ashley: Well the competition was very stiff and I was still learning how to perform in front of people so it wasn't really a surprise but thank you sooo much Isabel you have no idea how much I appreciate hearing that from you and I'm really glad that you like it thank you again so much :)
Originally Posted by: genocidal king 
Ooc: I remember this chick from Star Factory. Nice to see her making a comeback. She was always cool. Nice work on all of this :)
ooc: Yeah it is about time she made a comeback I actually almost forgot about her tbh but I'm glad I'm able to bring her back and thank you :)
Originally Posted by: BrownSugar 
Michelle: What a wonderful song by a wonderful young artist! It's great to see you back, Christina. Always knew you were a great talent ever since the Star Factory days. I wish you all the success in the world in your career, sweetie xx
OOC: Nice to see Ashley back :) Great work on all of this :)
Ashley: Hey Michelle I how have you been really miss you lol thank you so much for all of these really sweet words I really appreciate it so much you don't even know lol thank you again :)
ooc: Thank you buddy :)
Originally Posted by: Walton 
Serenity: You are an extremely talented and beautiful female. I'm glad you're back with a new single. I remember your last and I remember you on Starfactory. You're a true talent. Keep your head in the game. :)
OOC: Wonderful lyrics JJ. Beautiful job here. :)
Ashley: Thanks a bunch Serenity that is so sweet of you to say thank you for even listening to this track I'm going to try really hard to get more music out in 2014 hopefully it'll all work out :)
ooc: Thank you so much Safari :)
Originally Posted by: AmyJayneXoX 
Amy-Jayne: oh I love this song, I remember you from StarFactory you were amazing
OOC - repeating everyone else great lyrics here
Ashley: Thank you I'm really happy that you like the song and liked me on Star Factory :)
ooc: Thank you :)