Who's Your Favorite?

"Brainstorm" by Artic Monkey's blares over the PA system as the massive FCA stage lights up the mighty 02 Arena in London, U.K. Powerful cheers are heard right from the start of showtime as fans exude their excitement and anticipation for what will be a great night. Right after the stage lights up, big pyrotechnics begin to ricochet throughout the arena introducing the show in high energy. The agile and swift "Brainstorm" flows perfectly with the opening of the show as cameras begin to pan around the arena showing a packed arena of fans and celebrities alike. On the stage, a colossal "FCA" stage prop rests on the center stage in red, white and blue paying homage to Britain. After the pyro's Erica walks onto the very shiny stage. in a rare showing of dressing nicely, she is wearing a simple white dress and her hair actually styled for once. she nearly skips across the stage,dashing any thoughts of her looking elegant right out of people's heads. an uproarious applause greets her as she takes the mic from its stand as the music cuts down very low. Erica bows deeply and then waves with both hands, mouthing the words "thank you."...or the mic isn't turned on. she scrunches her face up in frustration as she beats the mic against her free hand. then against her thigh. and finally against the podium. the audience finds this hilarious and fills the venue with echos of laughter. the laughter is cut short when the mic comes on and a squeal of feedback lashes out of the PA system.
"hellloooooo,is this thing on?" erica's blushed face grins. the mic bit was not part of the act,just erica not knowing how to operate typical machinery. "now that i've got your attention,
WELCOME TO THE 5TH ANNUAL FANS CHOICE AWARDS!!!" erica squeals and jumps up and down as the audience goes mad with applause.
"its hard to believe that not one year ago a nutty little imp who referred to herself in the third person,and everyone's favorite masturbatory aide took to this very stage. who didnt love carmen and suzie? it was a lovably weird choice of hosts. were they going to work together? or would they implode into the cat fight everyone hoped and dreamed for? well this year,the powers that be are doing it bigger! and Better! and...with ethnic diversity,i guess. i cant think of any other reason why I'm here. " Erica giggles along with the crowd. she starts to pace along the stage as she speaks.
"yes,tonight the fans have their say. they tell us which one of our creative stillbirths are worth listening to.... and which ones should go hang out with the zone." erica gives a big grin as a few people boo. erica continues walking back and forth slowly,warming up to the idea of being on stage without singing.
" oh boo yourself.i could have said...hell if i can remember any of their names. the young guys who have shirt aversions." She gives a dismissive wave of her hand and many young females boo her even harder.
"tonight the fandoms will go one on one in an all out battle royale. how do they do that? well im glad you asked. i brought a clip,i dont think it needs any set up." erica says,trying to hold in her excitement. the room goes dark and the big screen behind her plays:
The lights come back on and erica is now dressed like the presenter in the video. "what?! how the hell did this happen?.....oh yeah, this has been my costume for the past 12 halloweens." erica thoughtfully says with a finger on her chin. the joke is met with light laughter from the crowd.
"what? im making this up on the spot here. its not like i can pull cue cards out of my kitty. i guess i could ask aikya to write my lines on a scarf or something." this line gets a little bit better of a response from her crowd. she walks back to the middle of the stage and squints at the bright spotlight on her.
" izzybells will fight weekenders,rum and coke fiends will battle valentines,austies will duke it out with payton's...somethings. get back to me on that,payton. hit a sister up." Erica makes her hand into the gesture for a phone and looks into the crowd.
"oh,and mimi will singlehandendly take them all on. by this point there is what? like 30 girls in that group?" Erica places the mic back on its stand and leans on the podium. "
well enough of that good natured ribbing. you know i love all you guys. the artists really matter.sure,we say the fans matter. but tonight is all about us. so push that seat filler out of the way,grab your swag bag,kick back a free cheap bastards" she says in a playful sneer while leaning over the podium accusingly.
"help me welcome my co host. you know her. you love her. women want her and men want to be her. star of the stage, big and small screen,in high school she was voted most likely to be cuter than erica hess. oh you didnt know???? your ass better call somebody! .. its SERENITY SCOTT!!!!!" erica squeals and bounces on the podium
"ROOOOOOOOOOAR" As soon as Erica screams out Serenity Scott's name, a lion growl booms throughout the area. The FCA's theme music starts to blare throughout the venue again as flickering lights start to escalate throughout the massive O2 arena and the loud cheers are heard throughout the o2. As lights are fluttering throughout the arena, smoke starts to fill the stage and at center stage the large "FCA logo" that stands promptly on the stage corridor, slowly begins to open up.
The suspense is to die for and smoke starts coming out of the corridor with bright lights as fans continue to cheer. When the doors are fully opened, you can see an incredible mechanical lion making his way out of the doors. The gold lion with red eyes moves slowly out of the doors taking about 15 seconds to make it to his halfway mark. When he is halfway through, Serenity is finally seen standing tall on the robotic lions back as they come from the corridors. When she is seen, fans go wild for their co-host making her entrance. The diva is wearing an interesting yet bright "flame" attire
"FCAAAAAAAAAAS!" Serenity screams out as the cheers become louder. Serenity is holding on to a noose like string as she stands atop the animated lion for balance. When the Animated lion reaches the halfway mark to the podium, Serenity jumps down from the lion in the arms of a man standing inches away from the lion so she can reach the stage. She holds onto him and he spins her around. Soon as she reaches the stage, Serenity, shoots an eye over at Erica as she prances toward the podium, winking at Erica. She holds the mic up "WHAT AN INTRODUCTION, Erica! I'm totally blushing" She laughs blowing a kiss at her and joining her at the stage.
"WELCOME TO THE FCA's! It is an honor to be standing here in front of all of you with the ever so wonderful Erica Hess" Serenity motions her hands toward Erica playfully
"Taking you through the night as we celebrate pop culture and of course all of you beautiful beings...the fans!!" When that is said, a large pop of cheer is heard throughout the arena with some laughs
"We've got such a great night planned for all of you but before we do that, I've gotttt to introduce you to my friend Tito!" Serenity laughs pointing at the mechanical lion,
"Everyone....say hi to Tito!" after that is said, few in the crowd scream out hi and a large roar is hard once more scaring some in the crowd and creating a chain of laughter. She laughs looking back at the crowd.
"I've been waiting for this moment for a very long time so excuse me for acting like a complete psycho. But what's fun without a little bit of craziness so Erica and I are giving you permission to get crazy.... We want you to party and we want you to get shit faced alright?!" Serenity laughs "But not too, too shit faced. We're all going to pretend to be classy little chicklets tonight okaaaaay?" Serenity starts twirling her hair and walking around the stage "Just kidding, we all love a good time and Erica and I want you to have as much fun as you can tonight. FANS and CELEBS!" Serenity blows a kiss to the crowd before looking out at who is in the audience "I mean hell, I give it up to Damion Holmes. We've got some big stars in here tonight. We've got Weekend, who by the way will be hitting the stage TONIGHT!" When that is said, the crowd goes into a massive cheer
"We even got Dominic Brown here, who single handedly can thrust his hips better than any man in this world!" Serenity giggles scoping the arena some more
"Oh...I think I see Valentina Hart!" Serenity points at her and waves, the cameras shoot over to her and then back at Serenity, as she speaks into the mic
"Can you give us a wave darling? Not too high though...we don't want to offend anyone with that under arm hair!" Serenity smiles giggling, obviously getting at the big twitter war that happened weeks before pertaining to Valentina and underarm hair. Serenity winks, skipping back over to the podium
"I hope all of you know how to take jokes here tonight because we're just trying to have a good time, heheh and we will. She then looks back over at Erica
"Boy this place is star studded studded tonight......right Erica?" "it sure is, serenity." Erica says sweetly back to serenity,walking to stand next to her.
"though i think you just out star powered us all with that lion! the rest of us are just plush garfields stuck to station wagon windows." erica dramatically says,placing a hand to her forehead. she pauses for laughter, but most people dont get the dated reference. so she continues.
"yes,the stars are out tonight. oh,and the rest of the music industry is sitting out there in the seats. " erica jokes then laughs at her own words. "
and you and i,serenity...we have them at our mercy. look at them just salivating at the thought that one of us,or one of our helpers,will call their name. except for izzy. you know she will just sigh and be like "another award? dont be surprised if i leave this in the bathroom." Erica says,giving a good natured imitation of isabel.
erica puts her arm around serenity's waist and looks her in the eyes."
but...we dont just have awards,do we?" she says dramatically and mere inches from serenity's face.
"we also have....performers!" erica says
"performers" in her best high school drama teacher voice and dramatically releases her arm from serenity.
" in fact,dont we have one coming up next?" erica asks serenity,throughly enjoying herself.
Serenity laughs looking at Erica when she brings up the Lion.
"Don't worry, I'll make sure you get to ride Tito tonight, he told me that he finds you sexy...." Serenity nudges Erica on the shoulder playfully. And another
"ROAAAAAAAAAR" is heard from the back over the PA system causing laughter in the crowd. Serenity winks at Erica as its suppose to be an innuendo that the lion is into Erica. "
Told yaaaaaaaaa, Tito wants ya!" Serenity laughs running her hands through her hair, looking at Erica and nodding when Erica brings up Izzy.
"I know right, that girl is the epitome of perfect. But know who else is? Our pre-host Ezra Allen! " When Ezra name is spoken the crowd cheers and Serenity nods reassuringly
"I am totally straight but that girl is one that would make me jump ship! If you know what I mean" After Serenity mutters those words she covers her mouth as if she never said it before quickly changing the subject and laughing...
"But yeaaaahhhhhh uhhhhhh...give it up for her and Brandon for hosting an amazing pre show!!" Serenity is easily trying to change the subject and claps jumping up and down but the timing couldn't be any more perfect because right after that point Erica placed her arms around Serenity's waste. Serenity blushes a bit laughing
"We sure do! And he is about to set the night off with an unforgettable performance! He's become one of the biggest rappers to walk this earth and he's smooth as can be. GIVE IT UP FOR KIDD AMAZE!!!!!!!" Serenity yells out his name as she places her arm around Serenity and walks to the back as the lights dim for the FCA's first performer of the night.
FCA INTRO - 8:00PM (3:00 EST time)
SEGMENT - 8:25
SEGMENT - 8:55 CARMEN V - 9:05
EILIDH - 9:20
FAVORITE MUSIC VIDEO (presented by: MiMi) 9:35
BEST PRODUCER - (Presented by: SYNCO) - 9:45
BEST RECORD LABEL (presented by: Cassie Summers)- 9:50
BEST FEMALE ARTIST - (presented by: Dominic Brown) - 10:00
MIAMI - 10:10
BEST NEWCOMER - (presented by: Kourtney) - 10:20
FAVORITE ACTOR/ACTRESS (presented by: Amy Jayne) - 10:50
VANITY - 11:25
SEGMENT - 11:40
SEGMENT - 11:50